Are Democrats going to elect Ellison, a woman beater?

Woman beater?
Who cares?

Not like he tried to rape a woman......That is Supreme Court material

Bill Cliton and the cigar incident ?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Why does that story about Bill Clinton make you not care about rape?
No rape occurred.

Why must you lie to fit YOUR narrative?

This is just a general thing I've noticed with Trump, Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, etc. Republicans seem to be claiming that since Bill Clinton was accused of rape, it's okay to rape women. This claim is made 100% of the time rape allegations surface about a republican. What's the deal with that?

You accuse a man of rape on hearsay, your a clown, if someone accuses you are you going to just give in and plead guilty, moron. Have never heard of a judge and jury,
Are Democrats going to elect Ellison, a woman beater?

You know that's a statewide election --- right?

This means it's up to Minnesota voters. Not "Democrats". Minnesota doesn't require a political party affiliation to vote. In fact --- no state does.

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Woman beater?
Who cares?

Not like he tried to rape a woman......That is Supreme Court material

Bill Cliton and the cigar incident ?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Why does that story about Bill Clinton make you not care about rape?

You are an idiot ,have you never heard of a judge and jury Were you there when this occurred ? if so speak up .Democrats are such worthless mindless pieces of shit.
Lol I can't believe you said that after bringing up Bill Clinton :lmao:

Dude, your an idiot.
The Ellison thing seems like a fight any couple could have.
It sounds like he's got a temper. A lot of abusers don't have to use physical violence to gain control of a relationship, or they only have to use it once or twice to make the threat real.
Of course, control freaks don't see it that way. So of course he's saying it's all hogwash. However, since he didn't technically assault/beat her, let this just be a flashing warning light to any woman considering dating the guy.
Hypocrisy is thy name.
Why? Roy Moore ring a bell? Hypocrisy on both sides. Party over principles these days.

Let the voters decide and let the senate ethics committee determine if there is cause for censorship etc.
The Ellison thing seems like a fight any couple could have.
It sounds like he's got a temper. A lot of abusers don't have to use physical violence to gain control of a relationship, or they only have to use it once or twice to make the threat real.
Of course, control freaks don't see it that way. So of course he's saying it's all hogwash. However, since he didn't technically assault/beat her, let this just be a flashing warning light to any woman considering dating the guy.

I guess you were there ,right ?
Woman beater?
Who cares?

Not like he tried to rape a woman......That is Supreme Court material

Bill Cliton and the cigar incident ?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Why does that story about Bill Clinton make you not care about rape?
No rape occurred.

Why must you lie to fit YOUR narrative?

This is just a general thing I've noticed with Trump, Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, etc. Republicans seem to be claiming that since Bill Clinton was accused of rape, it's okay to rape women. This claim is made 100% of the time rape allegations surface about a republican. What's the deal with that?

You accuse a man of rape on hearsay, your a clown, if someone accuses you are you going to just give in and plead guilty, moron. Have never heard of a judge and jury,
You try to keep documents about him secret and try to force him through as we find out he may be and likely is a rapist. You're trying to do away with the judge and jury.
The Ellison thing seems like a fight any couple could have.
It sounds like he's got a temper. A lot of abusers don't have to use physical violence to gain control of a relationship, or they only have to use it once or twice to make the threat real.
Of course, control freaks don't see it that way. So of course he's saying it's all hogwash. However, since he didn't technically assault/beat her, let this just be a flashing warning light to any woman considering dating the guy.
His race is tight. I don’t think voters are happy with what they are hearing about him.
Woman beater?
Who cares?

Not like he tried to rape a woman......That is Supreme Court material

Bill Cliton and the cigar incident ?:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Why does that story about Bill Clinton make you not care about rape?
No rape occurred.

Why must you lie to fit YOUR narrative?
This is just a general thing I've noticed with Trump, Kavanaugh, Roy Moore, etc. Republicans seem to be claiming that since Bill Clinton was accused of rape, it's okay to rape women. This claim is made 100% of the time rape allegations surface about a republican. What's the deal with that?
First of all no rape allegation has occured.
Secondly I dont talk about Bill Clinton. Why are YOU using him to deflect? Are you incapable of articulating an argument based on the topic?

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