Are Christians hypocrites?

I originally chimed in responding to AllieBaba. See post # 14. His comment (post # 3) being addressed to no one in particular but just being thrown out there. You then replied to my post, which was in reply to AllieBaba’s post. You are not AllieBaba. Therefore, it stands to reason that my comment apparently struck a note with you. We are both guilty. AllieBaba’s post seems to have struck a chord with me and my reply to AllieBaba seems to have struck a chord with you.
Point taken I should have just agreed with AllieBaba's post in my original reply.
The Bible defines sin so there is really no average Joe deciding what is sin. Jesus was fairly clear about all the additions that Pharissees added to the Word. He was also clear in stating that the Ten Commanments were still in effect and He added one, "Love one another".

As far as looking for a place for your children to learn the basics you may want to consider Awana's. I am not big on organized religion yet I am very grateful for the Bible study my children did in Sunday school and the fun that they had at Awana's. We had neighbors who went to the church of Nazerine when they were little they went there a few times but ultimately they choose the Community Church in the neighboring town where one of my aunts lived. The Community church had the Awana's program and the children loved it. As do also my grandchildren.

When they were teenagers and they still choose the church of their own choice and checked out just about every church in the little town we lived in. They ultimately always returned to the little Community Church.

Many Churches will help by providing pickup services for the children to get to Sunday school.

When my grandchildren were small since we lived in an area that I knew very few people I went to the Sunday school classes with them to see how they were treated there. Eventually after checking a few different churches in the new area we found a church place where the children enjoyed going and looked forward to going to Sunday school. That is the most important portion of choosing where your children will be taught. If the church people do not want you in the Sunday school classes with your children to make sure they are happy and being treated well then you probably do not want your children there with those church people.
They actually have an Awana about four blocks from my house so maybe I will check into it.
I also went to a nazarine church in high school and is one of the reason why I became turned off my organised religion along with a few other reasons. But I enjoyed vacation bible school as a child going every summer for many years along with attending sunday school for along time which taught me other things for daily life other then religion. Even though I don't believe completly in the christian religion I still think it helped me become who I am today and it is a good structured envirnment for a child to be apart of.
Isn't proposition 8 imposing a rigid position on sin on the rest of the population?

When Christians stop trying to legislate their specific take on morality for everyone else, i'll cut them a little slack in their personal behavior.

No. Proposition 8 is imposing a rigid position on same-sex "marriage" on the rest of the population. So what? All laws impose a rigid position on their topic on the rest of the population. It is a self-delusion to try to pretend that every person in the state of California who voted for Prop 8 did so on the basis of "sin", born of a desire to demonize all opponents as "meddlesome, hypocritical religious wackos".

When non-Christians stop trying to legislate THEIR specific take on morality for everyone else, maybe they'll have the right to demand that others be denied the right to participate in public life. But I don't think so.
No offense, but under current U.S. law, neither of these are hate crimes. They both fall into the category of free speech (1st amendment rights). And, I hope we never come to a pass where "thought crimes" are prosecuted.

Already there. Juries trying to discern whether a person killed someone because of their skin color rather than for the money in their pocket, and imposing harsher punishments if they did it for race? Why do we care? The victim is just as dead.
and I have more than enough examples of pushy meddlesome judgmental Christans annoying me to fill a book.

Please cite for us an example of a Christian trying to run your life for you. No, I do not want to hear outraged diatribes about, "This person DARED to express his opinion where I had to hear it and be aware of it! The nerve!" If there were a law mandating that no one ever had to hear opinions they didn't like, the entire country would be walking around with their lips sewn shut.

Yeshua was a good Jewish boy, who did a lot of things in the Hebrew way, which included telling parables.

Now, parables were stories that were told to get people to relate to what He was saying. But......just like a lot of people get lost in what someone is saying or singing about, because they tend to color their responses by their own experiences and preconceived notions, they get it wrong. Need an example? Look at what people said about Bob Dylan's music and what he was trying to say.

Same thing goes with Yeshua. One of them was when He said the Kingdom of God was within, as well as that the body is a Temple, He was trying to tell us about what our souls actually were. Buddha taught that as well when he came up with his concept of enlightenment. They were BOTH trying to tell us that our souls were a small piece of God, wrapped up in a meat suit.

Most people interpret that however in a way that says God is unapproachable, and cannot be understood. But let me ask you all a question.......your hand is a very vital part of you. It's unapproachable in the sense that you cannot understand what it is to be a hand, but yet it is very near to you, and helps you do whatever you need. Now, I don't understand all the ways that the muscles, tendons, bones and skin work together to get the job done, but I do understand that it does things that help. Kind of like God. And, interestingly enough, the more you understand about your hands, the more you can do things like juggle, type and write. Do you ever understand them completely? No. But, the more you understand them, the more you understand how to utilize them.

Same thing with the walking on water thing......Most people look at it as a miracle, yet never bother to look farther.

Yeshua taught a very important lesson there.......
You have made very good points here and true. The simplicity of walking by faith and worshipping in spirit is more than many can understand though. That living spirit, that portion inside of each called the living soul/breath given by God is so hard for so many to percieve.
I still want to know why just some regular joe christian gets to define what a sin is and what is not a sin?Not saying all do this but some do! Even if you live what you think is a pure life that still doesn't mean you get to judge another!

Regular Joe Christian does not get to define what a sin is. The Bible does that and is very specific in the definition.
Already there. Juries trying to discern whether a person killed someone because of their skin color rather than for the money in their pocket, and imposing harsher punishments if they did it for race? Why do we care? The victim is just as dead.

I don't personally agree with the concept of hate crimes, so you're preaching to the choir with me.
If christians did actually just live with their faith then fine, go at it, but they don't. They use computers which actually defies their religious ideal of living by faith. They use guns to kill those who disagree with them, again going against the ideal. There are many others but I am too lazy to write them. As I mentioned many times, the only christians I can stand are the Amish, they stick to themselves to live by their faith. Unless you are Amish you are not living by your faith, and if you were you wouldn't be online.
If christians did actually just live with their faith then fine, go at it, but they don't. They use computers which actually defies their religious ideal of living by faith. They use guns to kill those who disagree with them, again going against the ideal. There are many others but I am too lazy to write them. As I mentioned many times, the only christians I can stand are the Amish, they stick to themselves to live by their faith. Unless you are Amish you are not living by your faith, and if you were you wouldn't be online.
What is the prohibition on using computers? You must be making an interpretation because computers weren't around when the scriptures were written.
No offense, but under current U.S. law, neither of these are hate crimes. They both fall into the category of free speech (1st amendment rights). And, I hope we never come to a pass where "thought crimes" are prosecuted.

So you have no problems with a sign put up on state property that proclaims "Gays are Perverts"?
If christians did actually just live with their faith then fine, go at it, but they don't. They use computers which actually defies their religious ideal of living by faith. They use guns to kill those who disagree with them, again going against the ideal. There are many others but I am too lazy to write them. As I mentioned many times, the only christians I can stand are the Amish, they stick to themselves to live by their faith. Unless you are Amish you are not living by your faith, and if you were you wouldn't be online.

What a load of.......

You remind me of the man that told me that I'm not a Christian because I wear pants and it says in the Bible that women aren't to wear men's clothing. I just look at him and laughed and said, "You do realize, that when the Bible was written, men wore skirts, right?"

I've seen nothing in the Bible that says I can't use a computer, do you care to show me that passage????
What is the prohibition on using computers? You must be making an interpretation because computers weren't around when the scriptures were written.

But if you live by faith then scientific advances of any sort would breaking that ideal. Thus if you live by faith in your god alone then you cannot use anything science has granted us, including the books printed in a machine press, for it would all be an affront to the faith.

Also, back in the time that the christian collection of myths was written they would have hung you for sorcery if you had shown them a computer. Everyone who drives a car is considered a witch by the original times in which it was written.
Basically, without all us who live by science you wouldn't have anything. Living in the jungle with wooden spears and barely anything to wear, much less a book of myths to worship.
prop 8 is the result of democratic and constitutional republic process being played....what is good for the goose in this process is also good for the gander....both sides use our government process to try to get in to Law what they believe is good for society....sometimes it is worked out through legislation, sometimes it is worked through at the court level/constitutional level if it makes it there...etc. But they are all processes within our democratic Republic's greater freedoms to use the gvt process to Christians over Athiests or Gays or Jews or Blacks or Whites etc...


I doubt prop 8 was passed only by Christians. I'm certain some Christians didn't vote for it just as I'm certain some people of other faiths or lack there of did vote for it. I'm also pretty sure it will be overturned.

I'm positive that this is the red herring. You are using a law passed by the state of California as a reason to hate Christians.
Obviously when you make up your own words as to what Jesus or any believer said you miss it all. Your problem not mine.

See unlike you have in your signature I gave my heart to Jesus and He calls me on a regular basis. In bitterness and your own self willed misleading twist you have only yourself to fault if it is as you say that Jesus "never calls" you. You can "sleep" in the dust and clay (dirt) of the earth if'n you like but I do not care to sleep in the dirt.

Maybe she wasn't talking about "Jesus, as in the son of God", but "Jesus, pronounced Hey sus" :D
No offense, but under current U.S. law, neither of these are hate crimes. They both fall into the category of free speech (1st amendment rights). And, I hope we never come to a pass where "thought crimes" are prosecuted.

Not when posted in large letters on public property.
Not when posted in large letters on public property.

But my understanding is that these words were posted on PRIVATE property, on a privately purchased advertising space on a billboard. Do you believe that you have the right to regulate private advertising content simply because you find it offensive, when it doesn't violate any public decency laws?

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