Are all people in the Tea Party stupid are just the ones they put on TV

Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

The TEA Party is an acronym for the Taxed Enough Already Party.

Under the umbrella of this very loosely organized group are all kinds of different people with all kinds of different agendas although they are mostly against the intrusion of government into the lives of citizens.

As I understand this group of groups, there is no national organization that represents all of the supporters. There is no particular person that speaks for all of the groups that claim affinity with the ideas and there is no particular defined Party, in the sense of the Dems or the Reps, that organizes this group into controlled voting blocks.

That said, what "bidding" and "support" are you specifically referring to?
Well, I think that's conservative issue momentum, basically, not necessarily what a tea partier would support. Offshoring jobs is something conservatives don't care enough about, and they should. If the GOP would stick up for the working man just a LITTLE BIT MORE, we'd have some progress. Right now, they barely give it a nod. Lower taxes is great, but there needs to be much more focus on the everyday person who works for a living and his/her family.

In other words, I agree with The American Conservative magazine when it said, "there is nothing 'conservative' about a society where the CEO makes 29 times what a worker at the company makes."
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

The premise of your question assumes that there is something intrinsically wrong with corporations. They provide almost all the jobs In America and many are owned by billionaire ultra hard-core liberals like George Soros and Ted Turner, and their operations screw people all the time and pollute like mad. So what's your point?
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Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

The premise of your question assumes that there is something intrinsically wrong with corporations. They provide almost all the jobs In America and many are owned by billionaire ultra hard-core liberals like George Soros and Ted Turner, and their operations screw people all the time and pollute like mad. So what's your point?

Corporations provide many jobs of course, but that's because they have grown so powerful. The way that most corporations operate is to the detriment of a democratic society, as they manipulate politics and trample over the rights of citizens. Most corporations are not run by liberals and certainly do not function in a liberal manner.

So why do people in the Tea Party, who are angry about the Wall Street bailout, support members of Congress who allow corporations to exercise so much power? These people are fighting against the governments ability to control the power of the corporations that are doing so much damage to the middle class.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

The majority of those who swept into the House in the mid-term election of course.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

The majority of those who swept into the House in the mid-term election of course.

If the Tea Party is the reason for this then the 2 party system may become a 3 party system. Or.....
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

Some Tea Party supporters seem to have difficulty distinguishing between the interests of the mega-wealthy (pass the tax cuts for the rich or else) and those of the middle class, Annie. They seem to believe the economic downturn was not caused by Wall Street and the banks, but by heavy government regulation and taxation. That to reverse this downturn, we need only remove this impediment.

They seem to forget, the LACK of government regulation allowed BP to install a defective well in the Gulf, allowed Bernie Madoff to steal billions, allowed Big Ag to sell bad food, etc. They also seem not to notice how jobs are hemorraging out of this country, or that importing cheap Chinese goods may not be best for us all.

Some people seem to get an emotional high out of perceiving themselves as aligned with the mega-wealthy.....and will fight for their interests even at the cost of their own, to sate this craving.

JMO, of course.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

Some Tea Party supporters seem to have difficulty distinguishing between the interests of the mega-wealthy (pass the tax cuts for the rich or else) and those of the middle class, Annie. They seem to believe the economic downturn was not caused by Wall Street and the banks, but by heavy government regulation and taxation. That to reverse this downturn, we need only remove this impediment.

They seem to forget, the LACK of government regulation allowed BP to install a defective well in the Gulf, allowed Bernie Madoff to steal billions, allowed Big Ag to sell bad food, etc. They also seem not to notice how jobs are hemorraging out of this country, or that importing cheap Chinese goods may not be best for us all.

Some people seem to get an emotional high out of perceiving themselves as aligned with the mega-wealthy.....and will fight for their interests even at the cost of their own, to sate this craving.

JMO, of course.

Here's an outline of the Tea Party Agenda:

1) All forms of government must abide by the boundaries set forth in state and federal constitutions.

2) All pork and earmarks in the stimulus, omnibus bills, and bailouts must be reversed and repealed. The national budget must be balanced. Spending cuts, not increased taxation should be used to balance the budget.

3) Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness implies personal responsibility, not handouts, free-enterprise and capitalism, not government controlled economies. Some people choose to be irresponsible (and of course some fall on hard times due to circumstances), but it is not the responsibility of the general public, vis-a-vis government intervention, to guarantee or bailout irresponsibility and failure. Private individuals and organizations give out of compassion and generosity, not compulsion through taxation. laws, and pork barrel projects.

4) ALL elected and appointed officials are under the employment and serve at the will of We the People.

5) Excessive tax burdens kill prosperity.

6) Excessive national debt is generational theft, and stealing the future of our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

7) Neither major political party is "clean" on these issues. Both Democrats and Republicans have taxed excessively and neither have restrained the hand of government effectively. There are certainly individual representatives who have been faithful to their constituents and to the Constitution. However, too many are engaged in protecting their congressional positions and turf. The majority of government officials have insulated themselves from the people they serve, and hold themselves above the law. We are simply saying, "No, you aren't above the law".

8 ) The American public at large is ignorant of the purpose of government, the founding documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers. As a result, they allow politicians to sell them false hope and "rights" and "entitlements" that are not guaranteed by the Constitution. By educating the American people on the foundations of our history, we hope to bring sanity to the election and legislative processes.

9) As a group, we are appalled at the audaciousness and arrogance of our government in the last few years, particularly the proposals and bills passed in the last few months, despite massive public disapproval.

I don't see anything on the agenda about advancing the interests of rich people or large corporations.
Says you. The massive support you guys gave to pressure Obama into approving tax cuts for the richest Americans says otherwise.

As does the "support BP" campaigns y'all mounted.

You think no one is taking notes?
Says you. The massive support you guys gave to pressure Obama into approving tax cuts for the richest Americans says otherwise.

As does the "support BP" campaigns y'all mounted.

You think no one is taking notes?

The biggest concern of Tea Partiers is:

1) Out of control government spending. Although it's probably too late to avoid a financial crisis precipitated by enourmous government debt, Tea Partiers would like to try to avert it by insisting on the exercise of fiscal responsibilty. Primarily that entails massive spending cuts. If you want to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans too, that's fine with me.

2) The lack of responsiveness by government officials to the desires of the people. They want public officials to act within the boundaries of constutional authority, not by fiat. The arrogance of Reed, Pelosi, Obama infuriates Tea Partiers, because we don't believe that we need government to tell us what to do in order to keep our lives on track. Tea Partiers don't want government bureaucrats enacting rules that govern their every day affairs, we can fend for ourselves very nicely thank you very much. Government should perform the bare minimum of functions necessary for the common good and then get out of the way, because every time it tries to improve peoples lives by providing a service they should be doing for themselves, it screws things up at twice the cost.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

The majority of those who swept into the House in the mid-term election of course.
The majority were NOT tea partiers, I know that's hard for some to follow.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

Some Tea Party supporters seem to have difficulty distinguishing between the interests of the mega-wealthy (pass the tax cuts for the rich or else) and those of the middle class, Annie. They seem to believe the economic downturn was not caused by Wall Street and the banks, but by heavy government regulation and taxation. That to reverse this downturn, we need only remove this impediment.

They seem to forget, the LACK of government regulation allowed BP to install a defective well in the Gulf, allowed Bernie Madoff to steal billions, allowed Big Ag to sell bad food, etc. They also seem not to notice how jobs are hemorraging out of this country, or that importing cheap Chinese goods may not be best for us all.

Some people seem to get an emotional high out of perceiving themselves as aligned with the mega-wealthy.....and will fight for their interests even at the cost of their own, to sate this craving.

JMO, of course.

Again, you seem to avoid identifying just which officials you are referring to. All Republicans are not tea partiers in their thinking, nor voting obviously.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

Some Tea Party supporters seem to have difficulty distinguishing between the interests of the mega-wealthy (pass the tax cuts for the rich or else) and those of the middle class, Annie. They seem to believe the economic downturn was not caused by Wall Street and the banks, but by heavy government regulation and taxation. That to reverse this downturn, we need only remove this impediment.

They seem to forget, the LACK of government regulation allowed BP to install a defective well in the Gulf, allowed Bernie Madoff to steal billions, allowed Big Ag to sell bad food, etc. They also seem not to notice how jobs are hemorraging out of this country, or that importing cheap Chinese goods may not be best for us all.

Some people seem to get an emotional high out of perceiving themselves as aligned with the mega-wealthy.....and will fight for their interests even at the cost of their own, to sate this craving.

JMO, of course.

It's wise to respect entrepreneurs. We are dependent on them. Killing the golden goose helps no one.
We need balance. We need centrists.
Having the opposite ends of the spectrum take turns isn't working out real well and is polarizing the people.
When people are polarized their power is negated thereby ceding all real power to those who already have it.
Our rep system is a fine example.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

The premise of your question assumes that there is something intrinsically wrong with corporations. They provide almost all the jobs In America and many are owned by billionaire ultra hard-core liberals like George Soros and Ted Turner, and their operations screw people all the time and pollute like mad. So what's your point?

Corporations provide many jobs of course, but that's because they have grown so powerful. The way that most corporations operate is to the detriment of a democratic society, as they manipulate politics and trample over the rights of citizens. Most corporations are not run by liberals and certainly do not function in a liberal manner.

So why do people in the Tea Party, who are angry about the Wall Street bailout, support members of Congress who allow corporations to exercise so much power? These people are fighting against the governments ability to control the power of the corporations that are doing so much damage to the middle class.

Corporations are, by definition, owned by groups who are comprised of those who have invested in the corporation and own the "stock" of the corporation. The Board and the Chairmen of the board are elected by the stock holders. A corporation is, therefore, quite literally a democratic organization of people who are pooling their resources for a common effort and common good.

What does "a liberal manner" mean?

Without corporations, how do you porpose that a middle class first rose then maintained? Prior to the rise of corporations, there was no middle class.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

Some Tea Party supporters seem to have difficulty distinguishing between the interests of the mega-wealthy (pass the tax cuts for the rich or else) and those of the middle class, Annie. They seem to believe the economic downturn was not caused by Wall Street and the banks, but by heavy government regulation and taxation. That to reverse this downturn, we need only remove this impediment.

They seem to forget, the LACK of government regulation allowed BP to install a defective well in the Gulf, allowed Bernie Madoff to steal billions, allowed Big Ag to sell bad food, etc. They also seem not to notice how jobs are hemorraging out of this country, or that importing cheap Chinese goods may not be best for us all.
Some people seem to get an emotional high out of perceiving themselves as aligned with the mega-wealthy.....and will fight for their interests even at the cost of their own, to sate this craving.

JMO, of course.

I would submit that all of these were not the lack of regulation, but the lack of enforcement.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

The premise of your question assumes that there is something intrinsically wrong with corporations. They provide almost all the jobs In America and many are owned by billionaire ultra hard-core liberals like George Soros and Ted Turner, and their operations screw people all the time and pollute like mad. So what's your point?

Corporations provide many jobs of course, but that's because they have grown so powerful. The way that most corporations operate is to the detriment of a democratic society, as they manipulate politics and trample over the rights of citizens. Most corporations are not run by liberals and certainly do not function in a liberal manner.

So why do people in the Tea Party, who are angry about the Wall Street bailout, support members of Congress who allow corporations to exercise so much power? These people are fighting against the governments ability to control the power of the corporations that are doing so much damage to the middle class.

man, your post is so full of it it's amazing

1. Plenty of mega-corporations are run by liberals, cut the crap. That's stupid. Truly. CNN, Dreamworks, Oprah's mega-corp Harpo, billionaire George Soros, MCA/NBC/Universal, those alone are active propagandists and own most of the media, and also own sub-cops that pollute like mad.

2. 99% of corporations in America - at least that many - are small operations that hire less than 40 people - mom and pop stores, small farms, machine shops and the like. Many of those are just a few people, florists, stationary stores, etc. All need to form a corporation to protect themselves against liability. When you go after corporations, you're going after America itself. I know attacking corporations and misrepresenting them as mega, right-wing stereotypes is one of the last weapons of propaganda for the left, but it's still bullshit. We patriots don't like that. Go invade some other country.
Why do the Tea Party people support candidates that do the bidding of corporations and who support Wall Street?

The premise of your question assumes that there is something intrinsically wrong with corporations. They provide almost all the jobs In America and many are owned by billionaire ultra hard-core liberals like George Soros and Ted Turner, and their operations screw people all the time and pollute like mad. So what's your point?

Corporations provide many jobs of course, but that's because they have grown so powerful. The way that most corporations operate is to the detriment of a democratic society, as they manipulate politics and trample over the rights of citizens. Most corporations are not run by liberals and certainly do not function in a liberal manner.

So why do people in the Tea Party, who are angry about the Wall Street bailout, support members of Congress who allow corporations to exercise so much power? These people are fighting against the governments ability to control the power of the corporations that are doing so much damage to the middle class.

What would liberals replace corporations with?
Says you. The massive support you guys gave to pressure Obama into approving tax cuts for the richest Americans says otherwise.

As does the "support BP" campaigns y'all mounted.

You think no one is taking notes?

Why is the continuation of the tax cuts for all who recieved them percieved by you as tax cuts for only the rich?

Are you of the school of thought that deems it appropriate that some be given freedoms that are withheld from others? That some are to be punished for no other reason than to reward others? Why is it that some are gripped by the need to create equality of outcome in place of equality of opportunity?

Success does not constitute the grounds for repriasal any more than failure constitutes the grounds for victory.

Do you count among the "support BP crowd" the judges that ruled that the Obama policies were illegal? The same courts that currently hold the administration in contempt? At some point, the rule of law needs to be asserted in the conduct of government.

Equality before the law needs to be the lynch pin of the country. If it is not, we are inviting the same insurrection that is gripping the Middle East today.
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I'd like to know more which candidates you are referring to. So broad a bush, so light on specifics.

Madeline, you agreed so please, feel free to add to the specifics of what you were agreeing with.

The majority of those who swept into the House in the mid-term election of course.
The majority were NOT tea partiers, I know that's hard for some to follow.

However, the number that are TEA Party supporters outnumber the membership of the Congressional Black Caucus. This is not an unsubstantial group in either number or passion.

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