Are all of God's instructions for stoning sluts to be ignored?


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
South Pacific
Sluts (Women who lose their virginity before marriage) are to be stoned.
Women who practice witchcraft are to be stoned.
Adulterers are to be stoned if the testimony is adequate.
People who have sex with animals are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with other men are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with children are to be stoned.
People who worship any god but JHVH are to be stoned.

Defying God in one thing ends up in defying God in all things. Thus I propose that all people who defy God should be stoned. Do you agree?
I just stoned this one last night. 5 bong hit's and about 8 shots of Tequila.


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Let us know when you get past the book of Malachi, Barth

You might need some help when you start getting into the book of Mathew
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Mat 24:21 For that will be a time of greater horror than anything the world has ever seen or will ever see again.
Mat 24:22 In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, the entire human race will be destroyed. But it will be shortened for the sake of God's chosen ones.
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But he so loved :confused::confused::confused:the world he let a bunch of assholes nail his kid to a stick for you.:cuckoo:
Sluts (Women who lose their virginity before marriage) are to be stoned.
Women who practice witchcraft are to be stoned.
Adulterers are to be stoned if the testimony is adequate.
People who have sex with animals are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with other men are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with children are to be stoned.
People who worship any god but JHVH are to be stoned.

Defying God in one thing ends up in defying God in all things. Thus I propose that all people who defy God should be stoned. Do you agree?
"But I would not feel so all alone. Everybody must get stoned." Bob Dylan
Sluts (Women who lose their virginity before marriage) are to be stoned.
Women who practice witchcraft are to be stoned.
Adulterers are to be stoned if the testimony is adequate.
People who have sex with animals are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with other men are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with children are to be stoned.
People who worship any god but JHVH are to be stoned.

Defying God in one thing ends up in defying God in all things. Thus I propose that all people who defy God should be stoned. Do you agree?

Apparently, the only people who are following God's instructions are the muslims.

GO MUSLIMS!!! :woohoo:
Anyone who buys into that drivel should be stoned (or at least get stoned).

I'd bet my dark socks and my short-shorts that Newbarf is currently stoned.

Otherwise, how could someone who wasn't enibriated come up with the shit he comes up with?
Sluts (Women who lose their virginity before marriage) are to be stoned.
Women who practice witchcraft are to be stoned.
Adulterers are to be stoned if the testimony is adequate.
People who have sex with animals are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with other men are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with children are to be stoned.
People who worship any god but JHVH are to be stoned.

Defying God in one thing ends up in defying God in all things. Thus I propose that all people who defy God should be stoned. Do you agree?
I feel that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! Down in my heart! Down in my heart! I feel that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! Down in my heart to stay!
Anyone who buys into that drivel should be stoned (or at least get stoned).

I'd bet my dark socks and my short-shorts that Newbarf is currently stoned.

Otherwise, how could someone who wasn't enibriated come up with the shit he comes up with?
Noop. Neub aint stoned.GeeZuss hates weed " all things created by Gawd are good....eth"
His buddy stopped by last night, fed him a few more instructions on how to live as a slave, and turned the water to wine.
He had just cut the lawn and was really, really thirsty.:tongue:

I forgiveth thee....eth.
Thou ?

Timmy's 4x4
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,"

Thanks for the awesome Hawaiian krips pop.
Please send that Honduran chick over tonight. You did a great job on her.:eusa_angel:
I'm getting the hang of it ! I turned 100 liters of pure cane juice into Guaro !
I'm not worthy enough to do it with water yet, but it's a start !
PS. Please give the Nazi's a little help with that leak in the gulf.
Sluts (Women who lose their virginity before marriage) are to be stoned.
Women who practice witchcraft are to be stoned.
Adulterers are to be stoned if the testimony is adequate.
People who have sex with animals are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with other men are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with children are to be stoned.
People who worship any god but JHVH are to be stoned.

Defying God in one thing ends up in defying God in all things. Thus I propose that all people who defy God should be stoned. Do you agree?

You are quoting requirments/Biblical laws from the Old Testament which is the Jew Bible. The New Testamant teaches us to forgive not to kill.
Ask yourself one question: Would Jesus stone a man to his/her death?
Sluts (Women who lose their virginity before marriage) are to be stoned.
Women who practice witchcraft are to be stoned.
Adulterers are to be stoned if the testimony is adequate.
People who have sex with animals are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with other men are to be stoned.
Men who lay down with children are to be stoned.
People who worship any god but JHVH are to be stoned.

Defying God in one thing ends up in defying God in all things. Thus I propose that all people who defy God should be stoned. Do you agree?

Let he who is free from sin himself, cast the first stone.

John 8

1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"

11"No one, sir," she said.
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."

are you free from sin neubarth, or are you a hypocrite?

The second stage of the story (8:3-6) describes the challenge presented to Jesus by the Jewish leaders. Their treatment of the woman is callous and demeaning. If she had committed adultery the previous evening (which is perhaps more likely than around dawn, v. 2), then we can assume these opponents had been holding her during the night and waiting for Jesus to show up in order to use her to test him. Her fear would have been great. Putting her in the midst of the crowd would have added public humiliation. A certain attitude of male-chauvinism comes across in their statement that the law of Moses commands the stoning of such women (v. 5). More precisely the law speaks of the death of both the man and the woman involved (Lev 20:10; Deut 22:22-24).

These opponents have a commendable zeal for righteousness, but theirs is a shallow righteousness that shows no concern for the soul of this woman. They are also being rather deceitful.
There is no evidence that this law was carried out with any regularity, so they are raising a question in the name of loyalty to Moses, using a part of Moses' teaching that they themselves most likely have not kept. Furthermore, since the law says both the man and the woman who commit adultery are to be killed, we are left wondering why the man was not brought in as well. It may be that he had escaped, but the fact that only the woman is brought raises suspicions and does not speak well of their zeal for the law of Moses; for if they were really committed, they would have brought the man as well. Indeed, the law makes it clear that stoning could only take place after a careful trial, which included the chance for the condemned to confess his or her wrong (m. Sanhedrin 6:1-4). The hypocrisy of the opponents is evident.

John 7 Commentary - Jesus Forgives a Woman Taken in Adultery -

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