Are All Black Americans Racist?

You said all you needed to say "it won't change MY OPINION."

You are not interested in anything other than pushing your own warped ideals.

Good day sir...good day.

That's right a documentarty about the civil rights movement will not change the fact that most if not all blacks have been taught since birth that whites were bad.

I don't think that's true, Lone. I think there are organizations (like black liberation theology churches) that do teach racism but certainly not all blacks are taught that all whites are bad. Most blacks are just like most whites.... we're kind of over that whole 'race' thing. Most of us just want to live our lives the best way we can.

What I will say, for the record, is that I believe there is still a debt to be paid to blacks. :eek::eek: Damn, that's not very 'conservative' of me! :eek: I believe, fundamentally, that - in order to achieve the best possible future for the country - we need to find ways to fix the huge problems in the public school system - particularly those in inner cities (where the schools are, generally speaking, mainly black). We really need to help those kids - not because they're black - but because they are Americans and we are failing them. We need to show them a better way than crime and drugs and shit. We owe them that - regardless of the color of their skin.

A debt owed to blacks? For what?

The problem isn't with the school. The problem is with parents not giving a fuck about their kids. All five of my kids were honor roll students and all aquired scholarships and went to college. They did that because they had a parent that made damn sure they went to school everyday and taught them the values of a good education.

You can force kids to go to school but you can't force them to learn. And no amount of money will fix that problem. The problem you speak of is not societies problem to fix, that responsibility goes to the parent.
You're also clueless of the Black Panther Party too.

BTW, they despise "The New Black Panther Party"

Notice its a different name? You know, with the word "New" inserted into it.

There's a reason for that.

The founders of The Black Panthers want no part of 'em.

All 3 members nationwide.

Kinda like the NEW KKK or the NEW Aryan Nation?
The fact that many of you perceive "Black Liberation Theology" as racist indicates to me that you don't get it. You just. don't. get it.

It is racist! What the fuck are you talking about?

"James Cone believed that the New Testament revealed Jesus as one who identified with those suffering under oppression, the socially marginalized and the cultural outcasts. And since the socially constructed categories of race in America (i.e., whiteness and blackness) had come to culturally signify dominance (whiteness) and oppression (blackness), from a theological perspective, Cone argued that Jesus reveals himself as black in order to disrupt and dismantle white oppression."
Im not racist. I believe there is a place for everyone in this world - Negro's included. Problem is the place hasn't been dug for all of them yet.
I have to admit that i somewhat agree with the poster who stated that most Black Democrats are more likely to be Racists than Black Republicans are. So it might be possible to argue that not all Black Americans are racist but most are. This is where the discussion can and probably will turn ugly & contentious.
I have to admit that i somewhat agree with the poster who stated that most Black Democrats are more likely to be Racists than Black Republicans are. So it might be possible to argue that not all Black Americans are racist but most are. This is where the discussion can and probably will turn ugly & contentious.

Or could it be that most blacks tend to agree with democrats?:eek:

What a thought!
I grew up in the deep south in the late 50s up and until segregation. Believe me, during that era there were NO OPENLY black racists around here. Seeing what I saw changes you. We were raised right, to treat everyone with respect and as equals.
Racism is believing that your race is superior to another and can be acted upon with discrimination. If you could have seen some of the clowns we had when I grew up and their horrible treatment of blacks it would not make you think it was racism. It was terror.
One has to distinguish between whether one practices racism or one believes in racism. There is a distinct difference. Everyone has the right to think and speak as a racist but no one has the right to practice racism.
Actions, not thoughts and speech, make the racist. All others are merey clowns like the red necks we had to deal with in the late 50s and 60s.
The fact that many of you perceive "Black Liberation Theology" as racist indicates to me that you don't get it. You just. don't. get it.

I don't perceive it as racist, but I do perceive it as angry, based on what little exposure I've had. By this point in this thread, I'm asssuming that you are black? Am I correct? If so, please tell those of us who don't have the advantage of black perspective, just what is it that will mend the racial divide from your own perspective? We can't erase the history of slavery in America, and we can't make everyone the same. All we can do is provide an environment of equal rights, but we can't make someone feel equal when they don't perceive it themselves.
Note- I'm not being sarcastic, and I'm not trying to stir the pot of shit. I really want to know.
I never perceived your response as being sarcastic.

I'm black yes, I've actually posted my pic before, in response to some NeoCON poster talking smack. Anyway, I digress.

What's most frustrating is your use of words, you post as if its blacks that go around with a chip on their shoulder, moreover, a chip on their shoulder for no reason. Both of which are patently false. Even if blacks were to all walk around with a chip on their shoulder, there would be a reason for it...historically.

Anyway, the bolded is where you can start....History.

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. "
- Marcus Garvey

01. Teach the full American history in schools. Most don't have a clue of the true race relations and slavery who've been through the American education system. Usually only people who major in "American History" and "Black American History" specifically know the facts about American history as far as this issue is concerned. That's a travesty...Why is this the case? There seems to be an institutionalized reason for it.

02. Acknowledge the past. Whites tend to want to ignore it. The ones who were the perps never did back then, and many act as if it should have been "gotten over" by now. None ever acknowledged the travesties anywhere in between. Many whites act as if racism doesn't exist any more so blacks have nothing to "complain" about. Simply because they are not relegated to the back of the buses anymore or are subjected to fire hoses and segregated bathrooms etc. Racism exists today, just in different forms...and its just as damaging if not worse. Acknowledge it.

03. Listen. Do not judge, listen and learn. See what caused the current situation. There are valid reasons why large swaths of blacks live in ghettos, come from broken homes, lack education, etc. It didn't just happen overnight. Hint: It's not because they, as a race (or whatever) feel inferior.

Start with those 3 things and you will see a VAST difference in race relation in this country for the better.
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How many of you feel that to be true?

Why/why not?


Why is it they insist on calling themselves "AFRICAN Americans?" At what point, if ever, will they simply consider themselves "Americans?" Why the continued need for the hyphenated description?

Well said. I agree. It's Liberalism at its worst. They want everyone labelled by their race rather than just as Americans. This flawed philosophy keeps the races divided permanently. Martin Luther King fought for a color-blind society. Maybe this permanent division is what the Liberals/Democrats want. I often think it is what they want. There are no African-Americans. There are only Americans. We have to start thinking this way.

He also faught for reparations.
He also was a pacifist.
He also started the Poor People's Movement of the 1960s.

Dr. King by the standards of most conservatives today would be considered a marxist radical. In matter of fact he was called a Marxist in the 1960s.
I have to admit that i somewhat agree with the poster who stated that most Black Democrats are more likely to be Racists than Black Republicans are. So it might be possible to argue that not all Black Americans are racist but most are. This is where the discussion can and probably will turn ugly & contentious.

Or could it be that most blacks tend to agree with democrats?:eek:

What a thought!

Only going on my own and others' experiences. Most Black Democrats do tend to be a bit bigoted. Most Black Republicans i've met seem to be pretty cool & open-minded. So if most Blacks are Democrats and you feel that most Black Democrats are racists,then one could argue that all Black Americans are not racists but most are. Hey it's just an observation.
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I have to admit that i somewhat agree with the poster who stated that most Black Democrats are more likely to be Racists than Black Republicans are. So it might be possible to argue that not all Black Americans are racist but most are. This is where the discussion can and probably will turn ugly & contentious.

All discussions worth having can turn ugly and contentious. The rest are just fluff. The race issue in America is one that needs to be had, in a serious way. Not just finger-pointing and blame, but deep understanding and acceptance. Few people have the guts to get it on the table and dissect it for a real examination. Generally whites feel guilty for things that they personally didn't do, and blacks feel hatred for things that weren't done to them personally. It's like a festering boil that nobody wants to cut open, and let it drain and heal. It's going to take effort and understanding from both sides of the issue, but I doubt it will happen in my lifetime.
I grew up in the deep south in the late 50s up and until segregation. Believe me, during that era there were NO OPENLY black racists around here. Seeing what I saw changes you. We were raised right, to treat everyone with respect and as equals.
Racism is believing that your race is superior to another and can be acted upon with discrimination. If you could have seen some of the clowns we had when I grew up and their horrible treatment of blacks it would not make you think it was racism. It was terror.
One has to distinguish between whether one practices racism or one believes in racism. There is a distinct difference. Everyone has the right to think and speak as a racist but no one has the right to practice racism.
Actions, not thoughts and speech, make the racist. All others are merey clowns like the red necks we had to deal with in the late 50s and 60s.
You are right...what those racist whites did for 100s of years to blacks without cease was straight up terrorism.

The burning crosses in the yard.
The shooting up of your house.
The random beatings...anywhere.
The lynchings.

It was terror...all under the word "******", then you have whites acting foolishly clueless wondering why they aren't "allowed" to use the word.

They live in a bubble. A fantasy world bubble.
I grew up in the deep south in the late 50s up and until segregation. Believe me, during that era there were NO OPENLY black racists around here. Seeing what I saw changes you. We were raised right, to treat everyone with respect and as equals.
Racism is believing that your race is superior to another and can be acted upon with discrimination. If you could have seen some of the clowns we had when I grew up and their horrible treatment of blacks it would not make you think it was racism. It was terror.
One has to distinguish between whether one practices racism or one believes in racism. There is a distinct difference. Everyone has the right to think and speak as a racist but no one has the right to practice racism.
Actions, not thoughts and speech, make the racist. All others are merey clowns like the red necks we had to deal with in the late 50s and 60s.
You are right...what those racist whites did for 100s of years to blacks without cease was straight up terrorism.

The burning crosses in the yard.
The shooting up of your house.
The random beatings...anywhere.
The lynchings.

It was terror...all under the word "******", then you have whites acting foolishly clueless wondering why they aren't "allowed" to use the word.

They live in a bubble. A fantasy world bubble.
i wish blacks wouldnt use the word either
The fact that many of you perceive "Black Liberation Theology" as racist indicates to me that you don't get it. You just. don't. get it.

I don't perceive it as racist, but I do perceive it as angry, based on what little exposure I've had. By this point in this thread, I'm asssuming that you are black? Am I correct? If so, please tell those of us who don't have the advantage of black perspective, just what is it that will mend the racial divide from your own perspective? We can't erase the history of slavery in America, and we can't make everyone the same. All we can do is provide an environment of equal rights, but we can't make someone feel equal when they don't perceive it themselves.
Note- I'm not being sarcastic, and I'm not trying to stir the pot of shit. I really want to know.
I never perceived your response as being sarcastic.

I'm black yes, I've actually posted my pic before, in response to some NeoCON poster talking smack. Anyway, I digress.

What's most frustrating is your use of words, you post as if its blacks that go around with a chip on their shoulder, moreover, a chip on their shoulder for no reason. Both of which are patently false. Even if blacks were to all walk around with a chip on their shoulder, there would be a reason for it...historically.

Anyway, the bolded is where you can start....History.

"A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. "
- Marcus Garvey

01. Teach the full American history in schools. Most don't have a clue of the true race relations and slavery who've been through the American education system. Usually only people who major in "American History" and "Black American History" specifically know the facts about American history as far as this issue is concerned. That's a travesty...Why is this the case? There seems to be an institutionalized reason for it.

02. Acknowledge the past. Whites tend to want to ignore it. The ones who were the perps never did back then, and many act as if it should have been "gotten over" by now. None ever acknowledged the travesties anywhere in between. Many whites act as if racism doesn't exist any more so blacks have nothing to "complain" about. Simply because they are not relegated to the back of the buses anymore or are subjected to fire hoses and segregated bathrooms etc. Racism exists today, just in different forms...and its just as damaging if not worse. Acknowledge it.

03. Listen. Do not judge, listen and learn. See what caused the current situation. There are valid reasons why large swaths of blacks live in ghettos, come from broken homes, lack education, etc. It didn't just happen overnight. Hint: It's not because they, as a race (or whatever) feel inferior.

Start with those 3 things and you will see a VAST difference in race relation in this country for the better.

No, it won't, because it requires no change from blacks.
DiveCon, I hope that's not the only thing you took from my post.


Quite frankly, the way blacks use it today is not the same word at all.

But thats a whole other thread. You be on the safe side, and refrain from using it...its the wise thing to do.

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