Apple iPhone 7 Launch's with Black Male/White Female pics

256 gigs on a phone. Thats a lot of freaking space. The fact that theres no headphone jack is stupid though. Who wants to charge their headphones. Wireless headphones are better at the gym though.

As far as the interacial couple. So freaking what? If advertising like this leads to more interracial couples I dont see how thats a bad thing.
It depends on the basis for the couple.

Your high school aged daughter comes home with her new black boyfriend. He seems like a nice young man. Then your daughter confides in you that she doesn't really like him. She is only dating him because it makes her look inclusive. But, he is pressuring her for sex and threatening to spread it around school that she's a racist and secretly likes a white guy.

Is daughter socially and academically destroyed or does she have sex with a guy she doesn't really like?

Even for a straw man, that was stupid.
The media puts this stuff out there to make impressionable young minds think this is normal. Race mixing is anti-White.

Apple Events - Keynote September 2016


Why's it anti-white and not anti-black?

Also, if you don't want to hang around with people because of their color, then better for those of a different color it would seem.
Because for a nig to breed with a white improves the nigs blood line. Conversely when a white breeds with a nig it diminishes said bloodline. Therefore it is a gain for the nig at the expense of the white. No one can really blame a nig for wanting to improve it's bloodline. But one has to wonder what could cause such self loathing amongst white women to want to diminish their own blood line. Daddy issues, and self esteem are likely the prime culprets.
Throughout the history of this country Black people have been improving the bloodline of white trash...don't be mad because your bloodline was beneath white trash...

Um, all humans share a bloodline......
Umm... So do all animals; from humans on down the line... What's your point?
Bullshit dodge. What effect does interracial dating have on you? What is the actual agenda? That people have the freedom to date who they want? Boy, what a terrible thing, huh?
They have that right in this degenerate culture. Anybody who hasn't been brainwashed can see how unnatural it is.

Men and women being attracted to each other is "unnatural"?
You have to realize the media and corporations put out this interracial garbage to try to get us to act against our nature, and accept anyone of whatever race.

And in particular, the jews are interested in the black male/white female pairing, because that is a weak spot.

Those of us who live in the real world, and not media fantasy, know how dangerous black men can be.
The media puts this stuff out there to make impressionable young minds think this is normal. Race mixing is anti-White.

Apple Events - Keynote September 2016


Why's it anti-white and not anti-black?

Also, if you don't want to hang around with people because of their color, then better for those of a different color it would seem.
Because for a nig to breed with a white improves the nigs blood line. Conversely when a white breeds with a nig it diminishes said bloodline. Therefore it is a gain for the nig at the expense of the white. No one can really blame a nig for wanting to improve it's bloodline. But one has to wonder what could cause such self loathing amongst white women to want to diminish their own blood line. Daddy issues, and self esteem are likely the prime culprets.
Throughout the history of this country Black people have been improving the bloodline of white trash...don't be mad because your bloodline was beneath white trash...

Um, all humans share a bloodline......
Umm... So do all animals; from humans on down the line... What's your point?

That there is no point to all this "bloodline" bullshit.
You have to realize the media and corporations put out this interracial garbage to try to get us to act against our nature, and accept anyone of whatever race.

And in particular, the jews are interested in the black male/white female pairing, because that is a weak spot.

Those of us who live in the real world, and not media fantasy, know how dangerous black men can be.

Weak spot? It is probably more prevalent because of the bad history with white men & black women.

As far as who is dangerous, I do the same as I go with dogs. I judge based on the individual. Unless any race is not dangerous AT ALL, any statistics you show merely shows a difference in frequency.

But most importantly, it is no one's business but the couple.
You have to realize the media and corporations put out this interracial garbage to try to get us to act against our nature, and accept anyone of whatever race.

And in particular, the jews are interested in the black male/white female pairing, because that is a weak spot.

Those of us who live in the real world, and not media fantasy, know how dangerous black men can be.
Aren't you the same effeminate Indian that was crying crocodile tears in another forum because white people wont accept
Kissing ass only gets you so far...
I'm only dangerous to racist assholes, so keep your distance.
You have to realize the media and corporations put out this interracial garbage to try to get us to act against our nature, and accept anyone of whatever race.


Those of us who live in the real world, and not media fantasy, know how dangerous black men can be.

"In the real world," men and women (in most cases) are attracted to one another, seek out one another, and eventually procreate.
The only time interracial relationships leave the personal arena where it's no one's business but the couple is when that interracial relationship is used for advertising. The couple in the commercial most likely aren't in a relationship. They don't know each other. They are playing a part in a play called "This is what we want to make the world look like."
I've noticed an increase in mixed relationships in ads. Also whites are typically depicted as stupid while browns are the smart ones.
They are trying to make interracial relationships normal. Once it's seen every day on television it will be acceptable. .....

You're too late, it already is.

for whites, no they are not, they are 7% of marriages which by definition is not the norm

got any more lies?

Interracial marriage: Who is ‘marrying out’?
WelfareUseHouseholdsWithChildren.jpg (600×525)

81% just like I said, close enough to 82 percent.

Where to begin??

First... nothing in there indicates white women with black men, which as you reiterated -- is your point. You've now abandoned your own point in exhange of a chart you think benefits you.

Next... it's a chart indicating black households, not necessarily interracial families.

Next... the actual data that chart is based on, which you didn't post, indicates percentages based on cost per household, not percentages of households. That chart reflects blacks receive a higher percentage of welfare dollars, not that 81.5% of black households with children are on welfare. usp=drivesdk

You are something else, by even the low standards I have for liberals you are certainly king ratfucker. Liar or illiterate, I can't decide..

My point, for the third time, is that the data for black kids supports the original article on mixed race, making your dismissal of it bullshit. How come you can't grasp that simple concept? Typical liberal, if you cant understand or win, then lie.

Secondly, I would not be talking failure if I were you, as you can't seem to read. Nevermind your nonsensical bs explanation of the chart that you made up, the original source data below is quite clear that it is percentage households and not cash. Table A8 in the document, page 34


All right pick one mothertrucker, you are a monumental liar or you are monumentally illiterate. Which is it? you can pick
Sadly, you're too fucking retarded to understand there's nothing in there which speaks to interracial relationships, which you have repeatedly claimed, was your point.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Sadly I just proved you can't read, so your conclusions are just as retarded
Moron... you bitch about black men with white women...
I am on a smartphone and can't post links but look up how 82% of black father white mother children end up on welfare.
...but then post an article about "black households."


I would remind you what a loser you are but I'm sure you hear that enough from your family.

hey dipshit, you got caught in a lie about chart reading, black households with children was the topic, and it showed you wrong.
Marriages aren't under discussion. Advertising is under discussion.
It's possible to mind your own business so much that you don't see the product the interracial couple is advertising.
A shitload of money, research, and psychology goes into advertising. So if company like Apple is promoting their product using an interracial couple then clearly their market research indicates their product is not going to be hurt by a miniscule number of people who find that offensive.
Political correctness overrides money, research and psychology. The advertising is not following public perception, it is trying to create public perception.

The number of people who find interracial couples offensive is likely a fraction of a fraction.

The number of people who will just dismiss that advertising without paying it enough attention to "see" it is by far the majority. Advertising is directed to the most ordinary and broad spectrum consumer who are the most likely to see themselves using that product. Something other than that goes right into the consumer blind spot.
No, it's not creating public perception. Interracial couples are already becoming more common among 18-35 year olds and that is [roughly] their target market. They're appealing to a trend, not setting one.

Nobody said there were not becoming more common, I am answering you dumfuks saying there is a big rush of white women to black men. It is maybe more common, but most of the trend is with races other than black and no matter whose kids they make, black men still suck at child support and marriage. Good Women usually want a good provider and father, that has not changed no what leftist drivel you haul out
So you are basically butt hurt and reduced to throwing out as many stereotypes as you can make up because White Women are choosing Black and other
Yep Good women want not only Good providers that want a man that is masculine, caring and self confident.
It's not our fault you are none of those things...

I have shown black men do not provide for their kids with real data, now you blatanly lie about it? just shows what degenerate low IQ fuck ups black men are

Where to begin??

First... nothing in there indicates white women with black men, which as you reiterated -- is your point. You've now abandoned your own point in exhange of a chart you think benefits you.

Next... it's a chart indicating black households, not necessarily interracial families.

Next... the actual data that chart is based on, which you didn't post, indicates percentages based on cost per household, not percentages of households. That chart reflects blacks receive a higher percentage of welfare dollars, not that 81.5% of black households with children are on welfare. usp=drivesdk

You are something else, by even the low standards I have for liberals you are certainly king ratfucker. Liar or illiterate, I can't decide..

My point, for the third time, is that the data for black kids supports the original article on mixed race, making your dismissal of it bullshit. How come you can't grasp that simple concept? Typical liberal, if you cant understand or win, then lie.

Secondly, I would not be talking failure if I were you, as you can't seem to read. Nevermind your nonsensical bs explanation of the chart that you made up, the original source data below is quite clear that it is percentage households and not cash. Table A8 in the document, page 34


All right pick one mothertrucker, you are a monumental liar or you are monumentally illiterate. Which is it? you can pick
Sadly, you're too fucking retarded to understand there's nothing in there which speaks to interracial relationships, which you have repeatedly claimed, was your point.

Oh well, c'est la vie.

Sadly I just proved you can't read, so your conclusions are just as retarded
Moron... you bitch about black men with white women...
I am on a smartphone and can't post links but look up how 82% of black father white mother children end up on welfare.
...but then post an article about "black households."


I would remind you what a loser you are but I'm sure you hear that enough from your family.

hey dipshit, you got caught in a lie about chart reading, black households with children was the topic, and it showed you wrong.
You abandoned your own argument. That's how demented it was.

You started by idiotically claiming families with a black father/white mother end up on welfare 82% of the time.

Your first attempt to demonstrate that was based on an unscientific poll. :eusa_doh:

Your second attempt was to show black households, which fails to show the black father/white mother idiocy you started with. :eusa_doh:


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