Apparently It Isn't Enough That The Little Mermaid Is Now Black

Hey, my best friend's mom is a "fag hag" (whatever that is, we ask no questions cuz we do not wanna know) and so she has a 1/2 dozen around sometimes and ..we talk some..none of them like those "Drag Queen Story Hour" things either.
Who the hell is pushin' that crap? One of em's an actual drag queen with size 12 gold pumps.
They don't approve of pushing that stuff onto children. :nono:
It's definitely not homosexual people, it's the homosexual lobby or something pushing that crap.

100% this.

Most adults just want to be left alone, and in turn, want others to leave THEM alone. This goes for homosexuals and etc.

The push to shove this stuff on children comes from some other agendas which are dark beyond comprehension

That's the way I saw it anyways. However, it's also a part of history and one tiny little part. Calling the film in general racist is like calling light snowfall a blizzard.

Right. Because they need to hate gay people just like Jesus did. How are they going to hate gay people if they actually see them as people?

Ever hear of love the sinner and hate the sin?

Poor Joe, stuck in his narrow little world.

My daughter's best friend is coming over soon, home for break. He's gay. He's been in our home many times, as well as his friends. They've been "besties" since middle school.

He's a sinner, Joe. So am I. So is my husband. So are my kids. We love him, genuinely, without condoning his sin, just like we don't condone our own. The fact that we don't condone our own sin is why we also don't hate him or close our home to him. This is what the Bible means by "he who is without sin can cast the first stone". It's not that you have to call sin GOOD. It's that you don't condemn for it.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

PS Like many young gays, he really, really hates--and laughs at--the gay "agenda" and the liberal endorsement of it. Like this, above.

We laugh at it together, Joe. The evangelical Christian family and their gay friend.

Believe it or not, I don't care. We laugh.

I just love it when gay people hate the whole entire gay agenda as well.

Can heterosexuals be immoral?


She didn't die. She became foam upon the sea.

Same thing to me, but that shouldn't be the point.
"Fear" is not fear like trembling, destructive fear. In the Bible, the fear of the Lord is healthy respect. Rather like a mother would say to her children "wait 'til your father gets home!" even if the father was good and not abusive. This statement--and what was behind it--put children on the right path.

When I got into trouble as a child, as bad as my dad often was, he never burned me in hell for all eternity.

God created freedom. Human freedom is a marvelous thing and I believe it is God's. So you have freedom to accept or reject Him, and everything I say about Him. As is right and as it should be.

I'll give you freedom, but if you make a choice I don't approve of, I'm going to burn you in hell for all eternity. Or if you believe in the wrong God or the wrong religion, I'll burn you in Hell for all eternity. You make God sound like a Batman villain.

I wonder if you realize that evangelical Christians are the ones now who don't care what people do in the "privacy of their bedroom". Or better yet: we might care but we don't infringe on their freedom to do it.

You are the ones who don't want gays to get married or to be able to adopt children.


YOUR people are the ones insisting we change the language to suit them, open our girls' sports to biological MEN, etc.

Um, yeah, just like those uppity black people insisted on riding on the front of the bus, stop using the N-word, and so on. Amazing.
wtf didnt god sacrifice his own child?

Yes. Imagine that, rather than asking US to sacrifice OURS.

To clarify:

Your "gods" want you to sacrifice your children to appease them.

My God sent His Son as sacrifice to save us.

There's no contest there.
100% this.

Most adults just want to be left alone, and in turn, want others to leave THEM alone. This goes for homosexuals and etc.

The push to shove this stuff on children comes from some other agendas which are dark beyond comprehension

Right. Just like those uppity black people insisted on desegregating the schools.
Or those uppity feminists insisted on opening sports and academics to girls.

How dare those gay people want to be treated like everyone else?

Funny thing... I grew up with Catholics who pushed the homophobia hard. Even though we knew all the nuns were frustrated old lesbians and the priests were pedos you didn't want to be alone in a room with.

Tell you what, if you really want people to be left alone, stop trying to push your bronze age superstitions into the public square. Keep them in your churches and tremble and grovel in front of your imaginary sky pixie to your hearts content.
Yes. Imagine that, rather than asking US to sacrifice OURS.

To clarify:

Your "gods" want you to sacrifice your children to appease them.

My God sent His Son as sacrifice to save us.

There's no contest there.

Um, sue, do you really think modern pagans are out there sacrificing their children? Because I dated a Wiccan girl once, and I'll be darned, that never came up.
Um, sue, do you really think modern pagans are out there sacrificing their children? Because I dated a Wiccan girl once, and I'll be darned, that never came up.

You're a damaged person and it has clouded your thinking beyond repair.

Back to ignore you go.
No, it is adult play-time for people who have been intimidated by leftist social bullshit into rejecting their own family traditions of faith. Since this does not eliminate the natural human need for faith, such desperate, pathetic characters will grasp at any alternative.

So let me get this straight... their imaginary friend in the sky is totally fake, but your imaginary friend in the sky is totally real.

I mean, if I were inclined to believe in an imaginary friend in the sky, I'd be more inclined to believe in the Pagan Great Mother... She doesn't sound like a judgmental prick like Jehovah is.
Isn’t that their job?

Exactly. When you put up a sign on your store, and says, "Wedding cakes for sale" I have a reasonable expectation that I can buy a wedding cake at your store.

Where does Sue get her info on pagans?

No child was harmed in my home

Probably the same place she gets her information on Vaccinations and Covid.
Where does Sue get her info on pagans?

No child was harmed in my home

The Celts and Druids and human sacrifice. Honestly, did you not know how pervasive this has been throughout paganism?


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