AP = Fake News


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just pathetic.

Fake News: Associated Press Engulfed in CNN-Level Scandal as It Covers Up Invention of Imaginary Pruitt Meeting - Breitbart

The Associated Press is at it again, pushing more fake news. Sadly, the once-great news wire service is trying to cover up its mistake—nearly the exact mistake that cost three editorial staffers at CNN their jobs in a scandal that first exploded a week ago today.
A Breitbart News investigation has led to the correction by the Associated Press–which originally resisted–of the fake news it printed as deeper questions of responsibility, accountability, and journalistic ethics consume the AP heading into Fourth of July weekend.

This time, the Associated Press invented an imaginary meeting between EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris, and then alleged that some kind of impropriety happened as a result.

This is exactly the same mistake CNN made a week ago, when it alleged that Anthony Scaramucci—the founder of SkyBridge Capital and an associate and ally of President Donald Trump—held “meetings” with Russian investment fund leaders and was under investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee and Treasury Department as a result.​
Don't y'all know the AP is the source of all the fake news? The AP puts out the propaganda narrative, then distributes it to the networks to put their own spin on it.

NBC,ABC,CBS,NYT,FOX,MSNBC,Rueters, and CNN are all AP outlets.
Here is the owner of AP, CNN and many others, no wonder they tell you same BS.

This is just pathetic.

Fake News: Associated Press Engulfed in CNN-Level Scandal as It Covers Up Invention of Imaginary Pruitt Meeting - Breitbart

The Associated Press is at it again, pushing more fake news. Sadly, the once-great news wire service is trying to cover up its mistake—nearly the exact mistake that cost three editorial staffers at CNN their jobs in a scandal that first exploded a week ago today.
A Breitbart News investigation has led to the correction by the Associated Press–which originally resisted–of the fake news it printed as deeper questions of responsibility, accountability, and journalistic ethics consume the AP heading into Fourth of July weekend.

This time, the Associated Press invented an imaginary meeting between EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris, and then alleged that some kind of impropriety happened as a result.

This is exactly the same mistake CNN made a week ago, when it alleged that Anthony Scaramucci—the founder of SkyBridge Capital and an associate and ally of President Donald Trump—held “meetings” with Russian investment fund leaders and was under investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee and Treasury Department as a result.​

How sad all these most trusted sources end up being leftist politcal pos trash liars as usual. and AP geeeze.
And still we can't the sheep to understand how all the bad they hear on Trump are from these very sources telling them this BS of LIES.. gawd ppl are so g.d. stupid.
Before making judgement, I want to see Little Jimmy O'Keefe's fake video.

Seriously, you RWNJs really need to get a grip and start thinking for yourselves.

Oh wait - that's like asking trump to stop his TweetTantrums and stop lying.


Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

funny they haven't been caught lying, that's how much of a trance your in. They got you by your balls and you don't even know it lmao. Such a victim. The shadow Gov. loves suckers they just keep you following like a little puppy following it's mommy.

Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

This is just pathetic.

Fake News: Associated Press Engulfed in CNN-Level Scandal as It Covers Up Invention of Imaginary Pruitt Meeting - Breitbart

The Associated Press is at it again, pushing more fake news. Sadly, the once-great news wire service is trying to cover up its mistake—nearly the exact mistake that cost three editorial staffers at CNN their jobs in a scandal that first exploded a week ago today.
A Breitbart News investigation has led to the correction by the Associated Press–which originally resisted–of the fake news it printed as deeper questions of responsibility, accountability, and journalistic ethics consume the AP heading into Fourth of July weekend.

This time, the Associated Press invented an imaginary meeting between EPA administrator Scott Pruitt and Dow Chemical CEO Andrew Liveris, and then alleged that some kind of impropriety happened as a result.

This is exactly the same mistake CNN made a week ago, when it alleged that Anthony Scaramucci—the founder of SkyBridge Capital and an associate and ally of President Donald Trump—held “meetings” with Russian investment fund leaders and was under investigation by the Senate Intelligence Committee and Treasury Department as a result.​
You people are truly fucking nuts. All news outlets make mistakes on occasion. In this case, you're calling the AP, "fake news," because the AP mistakenly reported a "brief meeting" as a 30 minute meeting. Meanwhile, the contents of that meeting, which is what the article is about, are not in question.

Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

funny they haven't been caught lying, that's how much of a trance your in. They got you by your balls and you don't even know it lmao. Such a victim. The shadow Gov. loves suckers they just keep you following like a little puppy following it's mommy.

I like you, so I will try to be nice :smile:

Sometimes it is a good thing to read some non-fiction instead of fiction all day long..

Mar 21, 2017 - FBI Probing Breitbart, InfoWars In Russian Influence Investigation ... is focused onRussia's use of social media “bots” to amplify stories that put ...

FBI Probing Breitbart, InfoWars In Russian Influence Investigation

Breitbart and InfoWars are drawn into FBI’s Russian bot probe

FBI 'investigating role of Breitbart and other right-wing websites in spreading fake news with bots'
The FBI are 'investigating the role of Breitbart in spreading fake news with bots'

How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election
"If you went online today, you could see these accounts — either bots or actual personas somewhere — that are trying to connect with the administration. They might broadcast stories and then follow up with another tweet that tries to gain the president's attention, or they'll try and answer the tweets that the president puts out," Watts says.

How Russian Twitter Bots Pumped Out Fake News During The 2016 Election
Here is the owner of AP, CNN and many others, no wonder they tell you same BS.

View attachment 136464

George Soros has become the all-purpose boogie man for low information conservatives. He's the mastermind behind Hitler's rise to power even though he was only 3 years old in 1934, when it happened.

Soros doesn't own ANY American news media. Yet any time liberals do anything that conservatives don't like, Soros is behind it.

AP is owned by the news networks and newspapers. It doesn't distribute news TO these sources, it distributes news FROM these networks and newspapers.

No wonder your country is in the toilet and the water is swirling. You believe so many things that just aren't true. And you cling to the lies even when you're given facts.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

funny they haven't been caught lying, that's how much of a trance your in. They got you by your balls and you don't even know it lmao. Such a victim. The shadow Gov. loves suckers they just keep you following like a little puppy following it's mommy.
They haven't been caught lying?? How many times have you been busted posting fake news on this forum as real news because you're too stupid to tell the difference?
Here is the owner of AP, CNN and many others, no wonder they tell you same BS.

View attachment 136464

George Soros has become the all-purpose boogie man for low information conservatives. He's the mastermind behind Hitler's rise to power even though he was only 3 years old in 1934, when it happened.

Soros doesn't own ANY American news media. Yet any time liberals do anything that conservatives don't like, Soros is behind it.

AP is owned by the news networks and newspapers. It doesn't distribute news TO these sources, it distributes news FROM these networks and newspapers.

No wonder your country is in the toilet and the water is swirling. You believe so many things that just aren't true. And you cling to the lies even when you're given facts.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.
Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

FYI: I know exactly what I'm talking about, I did an in-depth study on it last year after reading Wikileaks emails. I lost that OS, so all the bookmarks are gone and I'm not researching again.

AP colluded with the Nazis. :eek: Godwined! Drink up, bitches!

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost
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