AP = Fake News

Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

I'm responding to a poster who used a false meme, and your post which was a video of Trump saying "wrong".

It's a little disingenuous of you to claim my post lacked substance when you offered nothing to substantiate your post in the first place.
Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

I'm responding to a poster who used a false meme, and your post which was a video of Trump saying "wrong".

It's a little disingenuous of you to claim my post lacked substance when you offered nothing to substantiate your post in the first place.
What are you saying? "Nuh-uh" doesn't really refute an argument?
So basically according to you alt right loony tunes, all media outlets are fake except for fox news, brietbart and info wars. Got it.
Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

FYI: I know exactly what I'm talking about, I did an in-depth study on it last year after reading Wikileaks emails. I lost that OS, so all the bookmarks are gone and I'm not researching again.

AP colluded with the Nazis. :eek: Godwined! Drink up, bitches!

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost

Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

I'm responding to a poster who used a false meme, and your post which was a video of Trump saying "wrong".

It's a little disingenuous of you to claim my post lacked substance when you offered nothing to substantiate your post in the first place.

No? Hmm.

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost

Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

funny they haven't been caught lying, that's how much of a trance your in. They got you by your balls and you don't even know it lmao. Such a victim. The shadow Gov. loves suckers they just keep you following like a little puppy following it's mommy.
They haven't been caught lying?? How many times have you been busted posting fake news on this forum as real news because you're too stupid to tell the difference?


Just like this YES they have been caught, the only reason you think they haven't been caught is because you and brain deads jus like you LISTEN TO ONLY ONE SIDE msm bs, so you actually believe their programming. They've got you lock stock and barrel . They think for you and that's all you need in order to believe your hatred toward Trump and their hatred toward Trump... You are all victims of MSM PROGRAMMING. you won't ever see it because you don't want to , and don't have the ability to.

They were CAUGHT like it or not, deny it or not . Stay a zombie not our problem we will keep our country free like it or not . We won't let communist pricks win this battle. There's an information war we will win it and you all can't stand your dreams of lies shattered by those who continue to catch these lying POS MSM liars manipulating the way you rejects think and act.

Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

funny they haven't been caught lying, that's how much of a trance your in. They got you by your balls and you don't even know it lmao. Such a victim. The shadow Gov. loves suckers they just keep you following like a little puppy following it's mommy.
They haven't been caught lying?? How many times have you been busted posting fake news on this forum as real news because you're too stupid to tell the difference?

Stupid is what you see when you look in the mirror , then it shatters.

BREAKING NEWS TODAY 7/1/17: Tucker - Trump Battles The Media

Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

funny they haven't been caught lying, that's how much of a trance your in. They got you by your balls and you don't even know it lmao. Such a victim. The shadow Gov. loves suckers they just keep you following like a little puppy following it's mommy.
They haven't been caught lying?? How many times have you been busted posting fake news on this forum as real news because you're too stupid to tell the difference?

View attachment 136520

Just like this YES they have been caught, the only reason you think they haven't been caught is because you and brain deads jus like you LISTEN TO ONLY ONE SIDE msm bs, so you actually believe their programming. They've got you lock stock and barrel . They think for you and that's all you need in order to believe your hatred toward Trump and their hatred toward Trump... You are all victims of MSM PROGRAMMING. you won't ever see it because you don't want to , and don't have the ability to.

They were CAUGHT like it or not, deny it or not . Stay a zombie not our problem we will keep our country free like it or not . We won't let communist pricks win this battle. There's an information war we will win it and you all can't stand your dreams of lies shattered by those who continue to catch these lying POS MSM liars manipulating the way you rejects think and act.

I take anything that Trump says like a grain of salt, he lies and exaggerates to distract his followers Mindwars ...He Flips and then he flops.. He has been proven many times to be a huge liar..
I try to watch many different news sources and try to back up a link with another source.

This is from a year ago

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
.@FoxNews is so biased it is disgusting. They do not want Trump to win. All negative!

6:49 AM - 17 Feb 2016

2,984 replies24,993 retweets12,090 likes

And some more from the past..

Last edited:
Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

FYI: I know exactly what I'm talking about, I did an in-depth study on it last year after reading Wikileaks emails. I lost that OS, so all the bookmarks are gone and I'm not researching again.

AP colluded with the Nazis. :eek: Godwined! Drink up, bitches!

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost

Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

I'm responding to a poster who used a false meme, and your post which was a video of Trump saying "wrong".

It's a little disingenuous of you to claim my post lacked substance when you offered nothing to substantiate your post in the first place.

No? Hmm.

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost

Your point would be?

Again posting links showing that sometimes people screw up proves what? Nobody's perfect? I already knew that.

I could post links showing Fox News fucking up (daily), but the sun is shining and it's Canada Day. I'm going to the park for a hot dog an to celebrate the best country in the world as we celebrate 150 years of being awesome!
Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

FYI: I know exactly what I'm talking about, I did an in-depth study on it last year after reading Wikileaks emails. I lost that OS, so all the bookmarks are gone and I'm not researching again.

AP colluded with the Nazis. :eek: Godwined! Drink up, bitches!

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost

Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

I'm responding to a poster who used a false meme, and your post which was a video of Trump saying "wrong".

It's a little disingenuous of you to claim my post lacked substance when you offered nothing to substantiate your post in the first place.

No? Hmm.

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost

Your point would be?

Again posting links showing that sometimes people screw up proves what? Nobody's perfect? I already knew that.

I could post links showing Fox News fucking up (daily), but the sun is shining and it's Canada Day. I'm going to the park for a hot dog an to celebrate the best country in the world as we celebrate 150 years of being awesome!

Fox News is just another AP outlet, so yeah.

Will there be donuts?
  1. O'Reilly Factor "bad and very deceptive journalism...show must be heading in wrong direction"(01/28/2015)
  2. O'Reilly Factor "very negative to me in refusing to to post the great polls" (09/21/2015)
  3. O'Reilly Factor "big fat hit job on @oreillyfactor tonight...total waste of time to watch, boring and biased"(02/23/2016)
  1. Glenn Beck "wacky...always seems to be crying...a real nut job" (10/08/2015)
  2. Glenn Beck "viewers & ratings are way down & he has become irrelevant" (10/08/2015)
  3. Glenn Beck "failing host...mental basketcase" (10/29/2015)
  4. Glenn Beck "got fired like a dog by #Fox...he is irrelevant" (12/16/2015)
  5. Glenn Beck "wacko...a failing, crying, lost soul" (01/21/2016)
  6. Glenn Beck "irrelevant...refused to do his failing show...very few listeners" (01/23/2016)
  7. Glenn Beck "crying @GlennBeck...dumb as a rock" (01/24/2016)
He is a divider and a Bully...I am so embarrassed that I even supported him last summer..I did vote for my own party .. I didn't like Hillary ...

Not everyone who opposes him is a MSNBC watcher Mindwars.

Here are many of his past tweets and you can see his pattern of bullshit

Trump Twitter Archive
Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

FYI: I know exactly what I'm talking about, I did an in-depth study on it last year after reading Wikileaks emails. I lost that OS, so all the bookmarks are gone and I'm not researching again.

AP colluded with the Nazis. :eek: Godwined! Drink up, bitches!

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost

Posting video of Dumb Donald saying "Wrong" proves nothing.

Totalitarianism needs an "enemy". Someone you can point to as the source of all evil. For nearly 30 years Republicans have used the Clintons in that role. Reagan blamed poor people. They were sucking the country dry.

Bush blamed "terrorists". If you disagreed with Bush's policies, you were aiding and abetting terrorists.

Right wing media blames all thing liberal. Liberals are communists. They want to destroy America.

It's always "us" versus "them". It's reached the point where conservatives trust Putin more than American liberals - a man who is the sworn enemy of your country and all it stands for is more trustworthy than a citizen of your own country who disagrees with your public policy beliefs. Does that even make sense??

In the absence of a clear leader of the liberal movement in the US, you've now seized on George Soros as the ultimate evil. Dumb and dumber.

Conservatives are destroying what is left of the USA. You keep complaining about liberal policies but most of your states have been governed by Republicans for years. Your country continues to lose because of it.

Now that Republicans are fully in control, nothing is getting done. No legislation is getting passed. Conservatives who have been begging for this for the past 8 years are fighting amongst themselves. No promises have been kept, not even the promise to repeal the ACA because Republicans can't agree on how to do it.

The lunatics are runnning the asylum.

Posting nothing to substantiate your assertion and hurling pejoratives does not your case make.

I'm responding to a poster who used a false meme, and your post which was a video of Trump saying "wrong".

It's a little disingenuous of you to claim my post lacked substance when you offered nothing to substantiate your post in the first place.

No? Hmm.

The Associated Press reveals secret propaganda deal with Nazis

MRC notices Associated Press propaganda piece

More PR Shame: Associated Press Cooperates With Dictatorial Propaganda Machines | HuffPost

U.S. Government Has Long Used Propaganda Against the American People | Zero Hedge

Associated Press Was Forced to Delete Propaganda Post that 'Assad Forces' Not Fighting ISIS

All These Local News Anchors Repeat The Exact Same Phrase | HuffPost

Your point would be?

Again posting links showing that sometimes people screw up proves what? Nobody's perfect? I already knew that.

I could post links showing Fox News fucking up (daily), but the sun is shining and it's Canada Day. I'm going to the park for a hot dog an to celebrate the best country in the world as we celebrate 150 years of being awesome!

Fox News is just another AP outlet, so yeah.

Will there be donuts?

By the time I got there, it was over. It's a VERY small town. We had our big summer party 3 week ago, complete with parade, fireworks and a midway, so Canada Day was low key.

No donuts. People don't go to Timmy's for the donuts, they go for the coffee and the cheap lunches.

Frankly, their donuts have gone downhill since Burger King bought out Tim Horton's. They used to be freshly made and baked in the stores, but now the batter is factory made, frozen, and then shipped to the stores where the dough is thawed and baked. In this way the company can charge store owners for the dough and make more money but the product has suffered.
White House aide Sebastian Gorka claimed in an interview aired Sunday that mainstream news media are losing influence, citing recent resignations at CNN and cuts at The New York Times.

“To those supporters of the Trump administration who are worried by all the fake news reporting of the last 23 weeks, I can assure you, just ignore it,” Gorka, who serves as deputy assistant to President Trump, told radio host John Catsimatidis on AM 970 in New York.

“The fake news complex is collapsing in on itself. We see that with the massive scandal at CNN, having to fire people who were generating totally false stories about the administration. We see that with the severe personnel cuts at The New York Times,” he continued.

Gorka was referring to three CNN staffers who resigned after the network retracted a story linking a Trump ally to a Russian investment bank, as well as potential layoffs at The New York Times.

White House aide: ‘The fake news complex is collapsing’
When a totalitarian takes power, their first act is to attempt to destroy the free press. Every day, in matters large and small, Trump reveals his authoritarian, totalitarian tendencies.

CNN's removal of reporters who did not adequately verify their sources proves that they are NOT "fake news", that the truth does matter to them.

When Sean Hannity was caught promoting the Sean Rich conspiracy theory with a fake source, FOX withdrew the story and apologized, but Hannity still has his job.

Trump wants a fake media which blows sunshine up his ass. Like FOX or Breitbart, or Mind Wars. Trump has already proven that truth and facts don't matter to him, so branding those who hold him to truth as "fake", is just proof that the MSM is doing their job.

This morning's tweet is an incitement to violence against CNN. This will backfire BIGLY. Even members of his own party are turning against him.

Haaaaa , all of the news except Fox, Brietbart, Infowars, and the others are fake. The Trump groupie news.

Did you know that The russians sent out millions of fake news bots to twitter during the election, and Brietbart, Infowars and others linked it and sent it out as real news..?

Comic Books have more truth to them..

This post is a lie and really concerns me..

funny they haven't been caught lying, that's how much of a trance your in. They got you by your balls and you don't even know it lmao. Such a victim. The shadow Gov. loves suckers they just keep you following like a little puppy following it's mommy.
They haven't been caught lying?? How many times have you been busted posting fake news on this forum as real news because you're too stupid to tell the difference?

View attachment 136520

Just like this YES they have been caught, the only reason you think they haven't been caught is because you and brain deads jus like you LISTEN TO ONLY ONE SIDE msm bs, so you actually believe their programming. They've got you lock stock and barrel . They think for you and that's all you need in order to believe your hatred toward Trump and their hatred toward Trump... You are all victims of MSM PROGRAMMING. you won't ever see it because you don't want to , and don't have the ability to.

They were CAUGHT like it or not, deny it or not . Stay a zombie not our problem we will keep our country free like it or not . We won't let communist pricks win this battle. There's an information war we will win it and you all can't stand your dreams of lies shattered by those who continue to catch these lying POS MSM liars manipulating the way you rejects think and act.
Most people caught voting illegally, voted for Trump.

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