AOC thinks she made a big score as AMZN withdraws from LIC

She'll be working out of a closet at the end of the hall soon. The Democrats can only afford so much stupidity in public.
AOC owned Jeff Bezos more than Trump did....

If in any way Trump was able to force Bezos to withdraw from a deal -- you would be cheering for it, especially if you think it hurts those dirty libs in NYC

The señorita is really pleased and can't wait to spend the $3 Billion windfall that New York made.

She apparently thinks that New York City and State were just cutting a $3 Billion check for Bezos and now the cmoney is available for other causes.
California does the same thing every year.

I wish Occasional Cortex well. She should be successful in driving even more companies out of New York .
So many productive tax payers have left California that the state had to give up its bullet train....numbers do not lie folks and states can't print money like Obama did....
Amazon said they will invest more in the Crystal City HQ now. Looking forward to my property’s value shooting up.
Amazon said they will invest more in the Crystal City HQ now. Looking forward to my property’s value shooting up.

Possibly. But if Northam and Fairfax see the money that AOC brought New York, they might decide to push Amazon to cancel the Virginia plans as well. They could use $3 Billion in Virginia as well for social projects.
So many productive tax payers have left California that the state had to give up its bullet train....numbers do not lie folks and states can't print money like Obama did....
Obama had to pay for the 2 wars (one started by lies) and Gomer`s idiotic tax cuts. Who`s printing the money now genius?
Amazon said they will invest more in the Crystal City HQ now. Looking forward to my property’s value shooting up.

Possibly. But if Northam and Fairfax see the money that AOC brought New York, they might decide to push Amazon to cancel the Virginia plans as well. They could use $3 Billion in Virginia as well for social projects.
Nigga plz
So many productive tax payers have left California that the state had to give up its bullet train....numbers do not lie folks and states can't print money like Obama did....
Obama had to pay for the 2 wars (one started by lies) and Gomer`s idiotic tax cuts. Who`s printing the money now genius?
Obama allowed the sequester to stay in place nearly choking out the military....he kept the wars going and robbed the pentagon at the same time....kind of like what an enemy of America would do if given the chance....
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Amazon said they will invest more in the Crystal City HQ now. Looking forward to my property’s value shooting up.

Possibly. But if Northam and Fairfax see the money that AOC brought New York, they might decide to push Amazon to cancel the Virginia plans as well. They could use $3 Billion in Virginia as well for social projects.
Nigga plz

Are you suggesting Gov. Northam is more intelligent and better informed than AOC?
Amazon said they will invest more in the Crystal City HQ now. Looking forward to my property’s value shooting up.

Possibly. But if Northam and Fairfax see the money that AOC brought New York, they might decide to push Amazon to cancel the Virginia plans as well. They could use $3 Billion in Virginia as well for social projects.
Nigga plz

Are you suggesting Gov. Northam is more intelligent and better informed than AOC?
Northam’s not going to pass on further cementing the blue status and wealth of Virginia.
Amazon said they will invest more in the Crystal City HQ now. Looking forward to my property’s value shooting up.

Possibly. But if Northam and Fairfax see the money that AOC brought New York, they might decide to push Amazon to cancel the Virginia plans as well. They could use $3 Billion in Virginia as well for social projects.
Nigga plz

Are you suggesting Gov. Northam is more intelligent and better informed than AOC?
Northam’s not going to pass on further cementing the blue status and wealth of Virginia.

Actually, I'm surprised that that black-faced honky Northam is still in office at all. Why don't the Democrats push him out?
Amazon said they will invest more in the Crystal City HQ now. Looking forward to my property’s value shooting up.

Possibly. But if Northam and Fairfax see the money that AOC brought New York, they might decide to push Amazon to cancel the Virginia plans as well. They could use $3 Billion in Virginia as well for social projects.
Nigga plz

Are you suggesting Gov. Northam is more intelligent and better informed than AOC?
Northam’s not going to pass on further cementing the blue status and wealth of Virginia.

Actually, I'm surprised that that black-faced honky Northam is still in office at all. Why don't the Democrats push him out?
We’re working on it. Maybe he’ll save himself. In the context of one of the most despicable human beings ever currently serving as President, it’s not that big of a deal.
Democrats are so STUPID!
Occasional Kotex is the perfect poster child for their stupidity.
Cuomo and Deblasio, et al, are acknowledging the impact of trickle down economics though they’d be the first to dispute Reaganomics.
Kotex is too stupid to realize how she’s fucking up economic opportunity for non-rich people in the name of believing she’s helping non-rich people.
A bunch of fucking morons who deserve each other.
Democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Amazon said they will invest more in the Crystal City HQ now. Looking forward to my property’s value shooting up.
That isnt useful unless you plan to sell it. The more your home is worth, the more taxes youll pay on it every year.

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