AOC and BLM's Silence as a Black Child Is Killed Near AOC's District Is a Sobering Lesson About the Left


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

The left loves to make a big scene about black lives but the truth is that black lives only matter when black lives are useful. The moment they don’t serve the greater narrative or have no contribution to an agenda, black lives are ignored.

Take, for instance, the case of Justin Wallace, a 10-year-old boy who was just three days away from his 11th birthday when he was shot in the chest after a gunman opened fire at his aunt’s home in Far Rockaway on Saturday. Despite the bluster from the left during the election, suddenly speaking out about black lives isn’t as important, even when it’s an innocent young boy.

Black Lives Matter isn’t an organization that has concern for black lives. They never have. It was a ploy to get more power for certain politicians, and it worked. You’ll notice that once the money had been made and the politicians had been elected, Black Lives Matter faded away in the background…again.

AOC is a theatrical liberal attention whore who seeks to promote herself by gaining attention through anything that benefits HER. When 'push comes to shove', when it comes to really making a difference for others, she fades into silence and shadows.

Take her momentary railing against former President Trump, blaming him for the deplorable circumstances her Abuela was / is in....unintentionally exposing despite how wealthy she has become how she has not bothered to help her own Abuela, instead leaving her in these circumstances. In response a fund-raiser was held for her Abuela. Despite the horrible conditions AOC's Abuela is in the family turned down the $100k.

More importantly, take the tragic murder of 10yo Justin Wallace. There is silence from AOC and BLM because this little boy's death does nothing to promote them or their agendas.

George Floyd, a crackhead repeat criminal offender, was worthy of violent domestic terrorist violence that inflicted BILLIONS of dollars of damages to Democrat-run communities all over the US...but 10yo Justin Wallace's death doesn't even deserve acknowledgement by BLM or a single comment by AOC?

No...because it does not benefit them or their agendas / false narratives.


For those who do not know-----Far Rockaway is no HOOD----it is a really
prosperous part of the Borough Queens NYC . HOWEVER----I am a bit
surprised that the story made news------such events often do not in Brooklyn,
EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND at least a dozen people are shot and or killed in Chicago.

Let some whack-a-doodle shoot 6 - 7 people in a mass shooting every now and then, and every leftist politician is competing with each other to see who can be the 1st / loudest to rail against the senseless violence and desire to strip 2nd Amendment Rights from law-abiding citizens.

Every Monday when news agencies report another dozen people were shot / killed, another child was killed, in Chicago and NY and those same politicians be like:

EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND at least a dozen people are shot and or killed in Chicago.

Let some whack-a-doodle shoot 6 - 7 people in a mass shooting every now and then, and every leftist politician is competing with each other to see who can be the 1st / loudest to rail against the senseless violence and desire to strip 2nd Amendment Rights from law-abiding citizens.

Every Monday when news agencies report another dozen people were shot / killed, another child was killed, in Chicago and NY and those same politicians be like:

View attachment 498776
easy, 50 blacks shot this past weekend in Chitown. It's been fairly consistent since defund came up.
View attachment 498759
The left loves to make a big scene about black lives but the truth is that black lives only matter when black lives are useful. The moment they don’t serve the greater narrative or have no contribution to an agenda, black lives are ignored.

Take, for instance, the case of Justin Wallace, a 10-year-old boy who was just three days away from his 11th birthday when he was shot in the chest after a gunman opened fire at his aunt’s home in Far Rockaway on Saturday. Despite the bluster from the left during the election, suddenly speaking out about black lives isn’t as important, even when it’s an innocent young boy.

Black Lives Matter isn’t an organization that has concern for black lives. They never have. It was a ploy to get more power for certain politicians, and it worked. You’ll notice that once the money had been made and the politicians had been elected, Black Lives Matter faded away in the background…again.

AOC is a theatrical liberal attention whore who seeks to promote herself by gaining attention through anything that benefits HER. When 'push comes to shove', when it comes to really making a difference for others, she fades into silence and shadows.

Take her momentary railing against former President Trump, blaming him for the deplorable circumstances her Abuela was / is in....unintentionally exposing despite how wealthy she has become how she has not bothered to help her own Abuela, instead leaving her in these circumstances. In response a fund-raiser was held for her Abuela. Despite the horrible conditions AOC's Abuela is in the family turned down the $100k.

More importantly, take the tragic murder of 10yo Justin Wallace. There is silence from AOC and BLM because this little boy's death does nothing to promote them or their agendas.

George Floyd, a crackhead repeat criminal offender, was worthy of violent domestic terrorist violence that inflicted BILLIONS of dollars of damages to Democrat-run communities all over the US...but 10yo Justin Wallace's death doesn't even deserve acknowledgement by BLM or a single comment by AOC?

No...because it does not benefit them or their agendas / false narratives.


Mr Ed looks hungry in that photo.
Unless it was George Zimmerman they don't care

With all due respect, I believe that most good people of the ethnicity under discussion DO care about the senseless murders of their children, often at the hands of other children of their own ethnicity.

But they realize two things: (a) if they speak out, they will be called an "Uncle T." and (b) they realize that the situation is hopeless.

Of course, their liberal supporters think that throwing a lot of money at the problem will solve everything. (It won't.)

And their liberal supporters think that violence in schools will decrease if cops are withdrawn from those schools. (It will only increase.)

For a variety of historical and cultural reasons, this violence will continue as long as this country exists.

And their liberal supporters think that violence in schools will decrease if cops are withdrawn from those schools. (It will only increase.)
Thank you for pointing out one of the DUMBEST ideas AOC has ever had, one that makes children / schools less safe and, like their failed 'Defund The Police' policy, will cause violence / school shootings escalate due to more schools being made 'soft targets'.

How many school shootings have occurred due to the fact that police officers were in those schools?


Schools are usually chosen in part due to the fact that they ARE 'soft targets', a place where these gutless murderers know they can take their time, pick & shoot their targets without the threat of someone with a gun killing them before they can carry out their attacks.

That's why you never hear about some mass murderer-wannabe charging a police station or a military base's front gate.

IF police officers are removed from schools teachers should be approved to conceal carry:

They said that the kid was a math whiz.
BLM says math is racist. Maybe they didn't like this intelligent young kid who could have made it on his own. They prefer Blacks getting ahead by playing the part of the mistreated victim. It's Whitey's fault.
Nobody cares about the black abortions either. I once saw a picture of a dumpster, filled with little black babies. They threw them in there like garbage.

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