
In the construction business, I've had contact with your "graduates" on more occasions than you know.

There are illegals from Mexico, who can't speak the language, who have better and more useful basic math skills than the common nose-picking Murican HS graduate....I've fired white boys who can't tell me the difference between a square yard from a linear yard.....Not even by intuition.

When have you ventured outside of your educrat ivory tower, into the real world and done real hiring and firing?
If someone is working in the construction business, it is usually because they were unqualified to do anything more with their lives.

Why aren't you in prison for hiring illegals?
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Anyone interested in really discussing methodologies, challenges, teaching/learning experiences, or possible changes?

Full return of education to the private sector marketplace...Anything less is just polishing a turd.

The Pharma companies are private.

That old talking point must go---that private is always the answer. It's not
You can't talk about schools right now unless/until we are ALL of us ready to confront the mental health crisis among teens and youth. Schools look like day treatment centers and it's burning us out, for one thing. MORE to the point, it's exposing children to real violence. I'm not talking about what the Left calls violence, which is just saying words that hurt their feelings. I'm talking about children seeing other children go into violent meltdown fits involving punching, pulling hair, throwing chairs across the room, biting, etc.

We then tell them "oh hey, he's just having a rough day".

This is incomprehensible to me. That we have no other place for violent children than public schools.

That children look at me then, after they have witnessed these violent meltdowns, with terror and trauma in THEIR eyes and no one cares. We are made to feel like bad people for not caring more about the violent children. We must care more about them and I guess, less about the kids who have secondary trauma.

Teachers are routinely PHYSICALLY assaulted and it's just "part of the job".

You can't talk about this in my job, another layer of toxicity. If a police officer is assaulted on the job, more charges are applied. But if a teacher is assaulted, oh that poor traumatized child, he or she is just acting out their trauma. So suck up the bruises, bite marks, fingernail scratches. Maybe even a broken bone or two. Hey, you took one for the team.

So, burned out teachers in my district are just walking off the job mid-day. That's right. Lunch time, getting in their cars, driving away. And I'm in a "good", suburban district.

I know no one here cares, I know you hate teachers here. But wait til you find out what happens when the D team comes in.


A teacher who really does love her job, and who really does love kids, but would like to not work in a day treatment center
Does anyone really want to discuss education?
Do you really want the great unwashed to opine UnKotare?

You can't talk about schools right now unless/until we are ALL of us ready to confront the mental health crisis among teens and youth.
I think it's the phones that are making them so depressed. I actually won't use a smartphone. I'm sure you've seen what a bunch of young people hanging out looks like. They're all just lost in their phones all the time. It's sad.
I think it's the phones that are making them so depressed. I actually won't use a smartphone. I'm sure you've seen what a bunch of young people hanging out looks like. They're all just lost in their phones all the time. It's sad.

It's a "perfect" but very bad storm of a lot of ways. These children are in very serious pain and it's a terrible thing to see. It shakes ME up for a bit of time after witnessing it. But no one thinks about the secondary trauma on all the other kids. This bothers me a lot. Obviously.

We are a pretty dumb society in too many ways.
Our education system treats kids like little robots. As if every "model" is the same. Same lessons, taught the same way, at the same speed with ZERO regard for how well/poorly individual students do.

Where and when have you seen this in a classroom with your own eyes? I can tell you that is NOT what really happens. Not even close. I don't know why some people just imagine shit and then proclaim it as the unimpeachable truth.
I recently read about a more low tech education style with less reliance on computers and screens where kids actually read books and take notes with pen and paper.

It seems to be a good idea. I know that I retain more information when I actually write it down instead of typing it into a computer.

What do yo teachers think?

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