Anyone seeing Top Gun 2

Will wait for it on it on TV…
I thought that would be the way to go too.

But unless you have a huge TV screen, you’ll miss out. The theater made it even better.

Until that show, I only liked Tom Cruise for a few roles. As a person, he always seems to me to be a bit of a dick. But this movie was good enough to maybe start the redemption process.
I waited for Mad Max Fury Road, I waited for Interstellar, I waited for Infinity War and Endgame...I can wait for this.

Patience is a virtue.
True. If you never saw any movie, you could still lead a cool and highly worthwhile life.

But if movies are enjoyable to you, some deserve a bigger format. I once say Lawrence of Arabia in Manhattan on an IMAX screen. It was a revelation. Not just a great movie in its own right; but even better on a giant screen.

The flying scenes involving the jets used in this movie justify the biggest screen you can find.

My favorite all time movie is Casablanca. That’s a flick that doesn’t demand a huge screen. But the new Top Gun improves with the larger format.

I rarely bother to go to the theater anymore. I’m content with a movie on a streaming service for the most part. Still. There are exceptions.
True. If you never saw any movie, you could still lead a cool and highly worthwhile life.

But if movies are enjoyable to you, some deserve a bigger format. I once say Laurence of Arabia in Manhattan on an IMAX screen. It was a revelation. Not just a great movie in its own right; but even better on a giant screen.

The flying scenes involving the jets used in this movie justify the biggest screen you can find.

My favorite all time movie is Casablanca. That’s a flick that doesn’t demand a huge screen. But the new Top Gun improves with the larger format.

I rarely bother to go to the theater anymore. I’m content with a movie on a streaming service for the most part. Still. There are exceptions.
Can't disagree with that.'s probably been 25 years since the Mrs. and I saw a movie in the theater.

Hate to break our streak...
I saw it today in IMAX. It was way better than I thought would be possible. I really appreciated they way they treated the military in this movie, they didn’t make anyone a real bad guy like so many shit movies and shows do with military.

The general plot was the same as the first, a whole lot of training training training then a real fight. Just like the way it is in the real military. There was no woke bullshit at all, to my surprise. Sure a few minorities/females but they didn’t do any racism/sexism crying bullshit, they were just all doing their jobs.

Lots of practical effects with actual aircraft being filmed, not much CGI shit.

Sure, some of the maneuvers and action was over the top but overall a very fun movie and good humor in it too.

This movie was filmed years ago and delayed because of Coof. There were some big concerns because the initial trailer showed his old jacket with the Japan and Taiwan flags swapped out. But they left it in the movie to send a big fuck you to the CCP. They really didn’t need to even have the jacket in the movie at all, so props to them for doing that. It forced a Chinese investor to pull out of the movie. Not sure if it will be shown in China or not.

Anyway, theHawk recommends.
I saw it today in IMAX. It was way better than I thought would be possible. I really appreciated they way they treated the military in this movie, they didn’t make anyone a real bad guy like so many shit movies and shows do with military.

The general plot was the same as the first, a whole lot of training training training then a real fight. Just like the way it is in the real military. There was no woke bullshit at all, to my surprise. Sure a few minorities/females but they didn’t do any racism/sexism crying bullshit, they were just all doing their jobs.

Lots of practical effects with actual aircraft being filmed, not much CGI shit.

Sure, some of the maneuvers and action was over the top but overall a very fun movie and good humor in it too.

This movie was filmed years ago and delayed because of Coof. There were some big concerns because the initial trailer showed his old jacket with the Japan and Taiwan flags swapped out. But they left it in the movie to send a big fuck you to the CCP. They really didn’t need to even have the jacket in the movie at all, so props to them for doing that. It forced a Chinese investor to pull out of the movie. Not sure if it will be shown in China or not.

Anyway, theHawk recommends.
It was great but the ending was too Hollywood
The actress who played the aviator named “Phoenix” I found adorable. And I’ve always marveled at the natural beauty of Jennifer Connelly. But the movie didn’t even require the side dish. It really was a very fun film.
I always found Jennifer Connelly to be Jennifer Love Hewitt with thicker eyebrows.
I just saw it. I wanted to see it in 4DX, I just didn't want to drive to Irvine. I opted for the neighborhood movie. It was superb. Could anyone NOT recognize the unnamed country as China? Tom Cruise was stellar, not hiding his age, using it as an essential part of the story. This was a defining movie.
The reviews are good !!
Calling it the best summer movie in years
Toms character is still a maverick that does things his way

I ain’t seeing it as I will be whacking it in the tool shed

I do not need to know where you will be relieving yourself.
I just saw it. I wanted to see it in 4DX, I just didn't want to drive to Irvine. I opted for the neighborhood movie. It was superb. Could anyone NOT recognize the unnamed country as China? Tom Cruise was stellar, not hiding his age, using it as an essential part of the story. This was a defining movie.
From another thread;
People's Republic and Workers Paradise China already has nuclear weapons. Building a new uranium enrichment plant there isn't a world crisis in need of immediate fix/solution.

Iran is the more logical and probable nation with the target. (or North Korea ...)

One of many glitches is why the Russians (or CCP China) would provide their "fifth generation" fighter to a "loose canon" second world, Islamic fundi extremists nation. ???

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