Anyone see what's going on with Keith Finks by the UCLA College ed. in Liberalism?

Gee, I wonder why college is so expensive yet the education sucks so badly? Here's a clue. Apparently they agreed to all of their demands. Wholly shit, just imagine: UC-Santa Cruz students take over admin building, demand white dorm be painted 'pan-Afrikan' colors

  1. The purchase of a special property near campus for low-income housing for “historically disadvantaged students” with four bedrooms and “appropriate furnishings” to be “operated by the Afrikan Black Student Alliance.”
  2. That “ALL African Black Caribbean identified students have a four-year housing guarantee to live in the Rosa Parks African American Themed House.”
  3. That the university “remove the bed and release the Rosa Parks African Themed House lounge so it can serve its original purpose.”
  4. That UCSC “fund the ENTIRE exterior of the Rosa Parks African American Themed House being painted Pan-African colors (red, green, and black) by the start of the spring quarter 2017.”
  5. All incoming students are subjected to mandatory “in-person diversity competency training.”..WHOLLY FUCK AND THEY HAVE TO MEET THESE STUDENT'S "STANDARDS".
  6. That UCSC allocate $100,000 to hire a special advisor with “personal and professional experience handling African/Black/Caribbean student issues.
  7. ” A “response from Chancellor (George) Blumenthal and all interested parties by April 3, 2017.” AH SHUCKS, WHAT IF THERE HAD NOT BEEN A RESPONSE? I'D HAVE BOOTED THEM OFF CAMPUS, FUCKING SNOWFLAKES.

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