Anyone see Santorum on Fox News Sunday?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Abysmal appearance. Chris Wallace had him cornered on every single question. Especially calling Obama a snob for supposed college remarks and his former support for no child left behind.
Abysmal appearance. Chris Wallace had him cornered on every single question. Especially calling Obama a snob for supposed college remarks and his former support for no child left behind.
I don't understand how-the-fuck he ended-up on FAUX Noise.....unless Rupert Murdoch figured.....

.....would add an air of credibility to FAUX Noise.....and, Wallace was more-interested in big-buck$, than carrying-on a family-tradition of honesty & integrity.
Why would anyone watch fux AND SickyRicky? Seriously, I'd be afraid of permanent damage to my TV and possibly to my body.
Abysmal appearance. Chris Wallace had him cornered on every single question. Especially calling Obama a snob for supposed college remarks and his former support for no child left behind.
I don't understand how-the-fuck he ended-up on FAUX Noise.....unless Rupert Murdoch figured.....

.....would add an air of credibility to FAUX Noise.....and, Wallace was more-interested in big-buck$, than carrying-on a family-tradition of honesty & integrity.
Yeah why go Fox when you have that bastion of honesty and integrity MSNBC out there or NBC News where you can edit 911 calls to your liking and let us not forget CBS where you can try and pass of fake memos as the real deal.
I'm surprised. I didn't see him with Chris Wallace, but I saw him on his first interview after his suspension from his candidacy and his interview I thought was sensational for being off the cuff. I thought at the time I'd like to see him in the future. Will have to catch the Wallace interview when it reruns.
Anyone see Santorum on Fox News Sunday?

No but I did see 5 minutes of a political speech once, took me at least a month to recover from the brain drain.
The only reason Santorum got votes was becuase the GOP was in "Anyone but Mitt" mode... It was Michelle, Perry, Cain, Newt, then Santorum... Never really made it to Paul sadly, Paul had to have real supporters, not whatever way the wind blows today supporters.
The only reason Santorum got votes was becuase the GOP was in "Anyone but Mitt" mode... It was Michelle, Perry, Cain, Newt, then Santorum... Never really made it to Paul sadly, Paul had to have real supporters, not whatever way the wind blows today supporters.

As long as Fox News is the major non-leftist source of TV news/opinion Ron Paul will never not have the deck stacked against him. I guarantee that if Ron Paul were to somehow replace Romney as the GOP nominee, Fox News would be at least subtly in the tank for Obama in a general election vs Ron Paul.
The only reason Santorum got votes was becuase the GOP was in "Anyone but Mitt" mode... It was Michelle, Perry, Cain, Newt, then Santorum... Never really made it to Paul sadly, Paul had to have real supporters, not whatever way the wind blows today supporters.

As long as Fox News is the major non-leftist source of TV news/opinion Ron Paul will never not have the deck stacked against him. I guarantee that if Ron Paul were to somehow replace Romney as the GOP nominee, Fox News would be at least subtly in the tank for Obama in a general election vs Ron Paul.

Oh, I agree. I don't think I have ever seen more bias in the media over a candidate. Paul was the only candidate other than Mitt to have support 10-25% the whole race while every other candidate sat at 1% or LESS then jolted up to 30-40% in less than a week as the last idiot tanked due to, well being a fucking idiot lol.

The idea I guess is to set the bar as low as humanly possible.
The only reason Santorum got votes was becuase the GOP was in "Anyone but Mitt" mode... It was Michelle, Perry, Cain, Newt, then Santorum... Never really made it to Paul sadly, Paul had to have real supporters, not whatever way the wind blows today supporters.

As long as Fox News is the major non-leftist source of TV news/opinion Ron Paul will never not have the deck stacked against him. I guarantee that if Ron Paul were to somehow replace Romney as the GOP nominee, Fox News would be at least subtly in the tank for Obama in a general election vs Ron Paul.

What you really mean is, along as fux is the propaganda arm of the GOP ...

Boehner and his buds don't like either Paul or the baggers so they don't give them airtime unless they something as mind-numbing lay stupid and incendiary as loony West spews. The GOP is always thrilled for the opportunity to watch any of the craziest bags commit professional suicide on the air. Saves them a lot of work and they don'tbsmell quite as bad.
About a quarter of the GOP is really sick in the head, and Santorum appealed to those wing nuts. The rest of us are glad he is gone.
The rest of us are the non-nuts. You have more than your share over in your la la land, Joe B. Or are you cammmpppbbeellll today?
About a quarter of the GOP is really sick in the head, and Santorum appealed to those wing nuts. The rest of us are glad he is gone.

The GOP is more like splintered. about 15-20% are Paul fans, 30% are Religious crazy nut jobs, 10% just want something different than what they have seen in all and the rest for the most part don't really care as long as there is an R next to it.

The Democrat party is in the same boat, that is why Paul is the only other candidate to poll better than Obama (in some polls). Paul grows the party, Mitt will shrink it less than people like Newt and Santorum would have. In the end the Republican party might be going away as I think people understand it’s just the “other Progressive liberal party” these days.

I gave general %'s. There are many factions of the Republican party, the danger to the party is some of them are getting verry big where as in the past I doubt if they wer all combined they added up to more than 20%.
The rest of us are the non-nuts. You have more than your share over in your la la land, Joe B. Or are you cammmpppbbeellll today?

Not sure what your obsession is, but if you can really prove that I'm posting here under multiples, you can take it up with Admin, and they'll tell you it's two different IP addresses from different parts of the country. So either I'm The Flash, or there are two different guys..

Incidently, I think the nuttiness is letting one of the guys who drove this country off the economic cliff have the reigns is true insanity.
The rest of us are the non-nuts. You have more than your share over in your la la land, Joe B. Or are you cammmpppbbeellll today?

Not sure what your obsession is, but if you can really prove that I'm posting here under multiples, you can take it up with Admin, and they'll tell you it's two different IP addresses from different parts of the country. So either I'm The Flash, or there are two different guys.. Incidently, I think the nuttiness is letting one of the guys who drove this country off the economic cliff have the reigns is true insanity.

So you have two different IP addresses. Many of us been aware for a long time you post under at least two, perhaps more, monikers. At your age, you have plenty of time for nuttiness.
The rest of us are the non-nuts. You have more than your share over in your la la land, Joe B. Or are you cammmpppbbeellll today?

Not sure what your obsession is, but if you can really prove that I'm posting here under multiples, you can take it up with Admin, and they'll tell you it's two different IP addresses from different parts of the country. So either I'm The Flash, or there are two different guys.. Incidently, I think the nuttiness is letting one of the guys who drove this country off the economic cliff have the reigns is true insanity.

So you have two different IP addresses. Many of us been aware for a long time you post under at least two, perhaps more, monikers. At your age, you have plenty of time for nuttiness.

You do realize that IP addresses are coded by what part of the country they come from, right? Or are you just not that technically alert?

Look, guy, the only time you whine about "multiples" is when you can't make the argument you are making, so I take it I win this round...

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