Anyone is planning or attending a protest? how to keep it peaceful:


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
If anyone is planning to organize or attend a protest in September, here are procedures I've seen people use successfully so there are no incidence of violence or arrests:

1. Keep the protestors separated. In designated areas, as in the protests outside Planned Parenthood clinics that had barriers to keep demonstrators away from the doors and on opposite sides of the street.

That's also how the anti-Klan rally in Tomball I went to stayed peaceful, because the agreement to participate was to stay in the designated area away from the entrance where the Klan was meeting. The coordinators, a Marxist professor and his wife (both peace activists), successfully sued the City of Tomball to change their policies and not allow another group like the Klan to rent public facilities if they were going to discriminate by race as to who could attend. They won their suit in part because they only asked for CONSTITUTIONAL corrections not monetary damages or to make any big political statement or show, and they didn't start a riot but managed a peaceful protest that was conducted very well.

2. What I learned from a peaceful environment rally in Houston for corporate responsibility:
Require all participants sign AGREEMENTS in advance not to engage in any violent or criminal activity, and commit to no action or intent to provoke arrest.

3. If possible, get friends you know with churches, police and media involved in advance. When it's organized publicly, gconflicts can be addressed in advance while planning the event. The reason ALM and BLM marches in Houston are different, is the ministers and police work together to make sure all feel equally included and safe to express their opinions.

4. What groups learned before protesting Ferguson to prevent dangerous attackers from posing as BLM:

Meet with police and city officials in advance. Only law abiding citizens would do this, not people planning illegal vandalism or attacks; so authorities know who you are. Make sure they know these agreements are in place, and all agree to report any violators present who didn't agree to the rules of the organized group. If the police know the organizers and participants are going to report any violence, they won't mistake them for the peaceful protesters.

The "antifa" members did NOT have a permit. They SHOULD have been separated and the approved protestors PROTECTED from attackers, not "standing down" and let them punch and attack each other.

Anti-protestors could participate if they got permits their OWN counterprotest and signed forms in advance. Any outside violent "antifa" or "white supremacists or neo-nazis" would have equally been reluctant to sign forms if they planned to violate civil rights.

This way, only the LAW ABIDING protestors would be able to exercise their rights to PEACEABLY assemble, by signing agreements to follow the laws and rules agreed to by organizers working with police and city to make sure the laws are followed.

5. If you are GOING to use "civil disobedience" and getting arrested as part of the publicity, it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to plan with police and city and court officials, so they know EXACTLY which people agreed to go through the ENTIRE process civilly and without violence.

The officials and the people agreeing to arrest should meet each other personally where there are no surprises, no vicious or unplanned actions, but all agree up front on the steps, events, consequences and legal proceedings are going to be and who agreed to pay the costs, etc.
Consult with lawyers in advance, and all city officials and judges/police who agree to take part.

6. If you are going to a protest that is not set up properly, only stick with people and groups that do have these type of relations, agreements, and protections set up in advance. Otherwise you could get mistaken as one of the violent vandals, or get hurt by someone randomly attacking.
Then again it could have some comedy value...

Here's a novel idea. Try not hitting each other.

Ha ha aaronleland
I think there is a whole book on that already.
It's called "Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarten"
This included milk and cookies, and taking a nap.

But in today's world, people are taking "meds" instead.
That unfortunately can intensify depression or homicidal attacks,
as apparently the driver of the car in Charlottesville might
have experienced being on or off his meds inconsistently.

That's what we get with both left and right pushing drugs
for profit, legal or illegal, and censoring solutions from
Christian spiritual healing that cure people for FREE.

That knowledge of natural healing curing cancer and criminal illness
would disrupt the power structure profiting off crime
and disease and fear of both; so of course the liberals don't want
anyone to know the Christians are right about something!

They have to preach that Republicans don't want health care for the poor.
When all this time, the Christians have helped save more lives for FREE from deadly diseases and drugs that more govt and more taxes are not going to cure.
Here's an even noveler idea, don't go to a demonstration. They are a collosal waste of time and they do not change anything.
Well, Ohhhh....Myyyy...My! ....FYI! Remove that Flag! And should apply to statues. No?

I have no desire to see a bunch of idiots protest

The smart people plan it out, so the publicity helps them push the reforms through the govt contacts they work with to implement the changes effectively. That's how you can tell the serious advocates from the idiots.

It works great if the motive of both sides is only to protest but what happens if creating unrest, an unstable environment and chaos is the actual goal?
If anyone is planning to organize or attend a protest in September, here are procedures I've seen people use successfully so there are no incidence of violence or arrests:

1. Keep the protestors separated. In designated areas, as in the protests outside Planned Parenthood clinics that had barriers to keep demonstrators away from the doors and on opposite sides of the street.

That's also how the anti-Klan rally in Tomball I went to stayed peaceful, because the agreement to participate was to stay in the designated area away from the entrance where the Klan was meeting. The coordinators, a Marxist professor and his wife (both peace activists), successfully sued the City of Tomball to change their policies and not allow another group like the Klan to rent public facilities if they were going to discriminate by race as to who could attend. They won their suit in part because they only asked for CONSTITUTIONAL corrections not monetary damages or to make any big political statement or show, and they didn't start a riot but managed a peaceful protest that was conducted very well.

2. What I learned from a peaceful environment rally in Houston for corporate responsibility:
Require all participants sign AGREEMENTS in advance not to engage in any violent or criminal activity, and commit to no action or intent to provoke arrest.

3. If possible, get friends you know with churches, police and media involved in advance. When it's organized publicly, gconflicts can be addressed in advance while planning the event. The reason ALM and BLM marches in Houston are different, is the ministers and police work together to make sure all feel equally included and safe to express their opinions.

4. What groups learned before protesting Ferguson to prevent dangerous attackers from posing as BLM:

Meet with police and city officials in advance. Only law abiding citizens would do this, not people planning illegal vandalism or attacks; so authorities know who you are. Make sure they know these agreements are in place, and all agree to report any violators present who didn't agree to the rules of the organized group. If the police know the organizers and participants are going to report any violence, they won't mistake them for the peaceful protesters.

The "antifa" members did NOT have a permit. They SHOULD have been separated and the approved protestors PROTECTED from attackers, not "standing down" and let them punch and attack each other.

Anti-protestors could participate if they got permits their OWN counterprotest and signed forms in advance. Any outside violent "antifa" or "white supremacists or neo-nazis" would have equally been reluctant to sign forms if they planned to violate civil rights.

This way, only the LAW ABIDING protestors would be able to exercise their rights to PEACEABLY assemble, by signing agreements to follow the laws and rules agreed to by organizers working with police and city to make sure the laws are followed.

5. If you are GOING to use "civil disobedience" and getting arrested as part of the publicity, it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to plan with police and city and court officials, so they know EXACTLY which people agreed to go through the ENTIRE process civilly and without violence.

The officials and the people agreeing to arrest should meet each other personally where there are no surprises, no vicious or unplanned actions, but all agree up front on the steps, events, consequences and legal proceedings are going to be and who agreed to pay the costs, etc.
Consult with lawyers in advance, and all city officials and judges/police who agree to take part.

6. If you are going to a protest that is not set up properly, only stick with people and groups that do have these type of relations, agreements, and protections set up in advance. Otherwise you could get mistaken as one of the violent vandals, or get hurt by someone randomly attacking.
95 Theses Against the Secular Version of the Antichrist

A counter-protest is unConstitutional; it infringes on the first protest. Our malevolent power-hungry SCROTUS purposely stretched the 1st Amendment in order to create the disunity and disorder that the united political class thrives on. The Preamble's "ensure domestic tranquility" limits the scope of the self-appointed judicial dictatorship. In fact, it creates the supremacy of us, the people, over the elitist republic.
If anyone is planning to organize or attend a protest in September, here are procedures I've seen people use successfully so there are no incidence of violence or arrests:

1. Keep the protestors separated. In designated areas, as in the protests outside Planned Parenthood clinics that had barriers to keep demonstrators away from the doors and on opposite sides of the street.

That's also how the anti-Klan rally in Tomball I went to stayed peaceful, because the agreement to participate was to stay in the designated area away from the entrance where the Klan was meeting. The coordinators, a Marxist professor and his wife (both peace activists), successfully sued the City of Tomball to change their policies and not allow another group like the Klan to rent public facilities if they were going to discriminate by race as to who could attend. They won their suit in part because they only asked for CONSTITUTIONAL corrections not monetary damages or to make any big political statement or show, and they didn't start a riot but managed a peaceful protest that was conducted very well.

2. What I learned from a peaceful environment rally in Houston for corporate responsibility:
Require all participants sign AGREEMENTS in advance not to engage in any violent or criminal activity, and commit to no action or intent to provoke arrest.

3. If possible, get friends you know with churches, police and media involved in advance. When it's organized publicly, gconflicts can be addressed in advance while planning the event. The reason ALM and BLM marches in Houston are different, is the ministers and police work together to make sure all feel equally included and safe to express their opinions.

4. What groups learned before protesting Ferguson to prevent dangerous attackers from posing as BLM:

Meet with police and city officials in advance. Only law abiding citizens would do this, not people planning illegal vandalism or attacks; so authorities know who you are. Make sure they know these agreements are in place, and all agree to report any violators present who didn't agree to the rules of the organized group. If the police know the organizers and participants are going to report any violence, they won't mistake them for the peaceful protesters.

The "antifa" members did NOT have a permit. They SHOULD have been separated and the approved protestors PROTECTED from attackers, not "standing down" and let them punch and attack each other.

Anti-protestors could participate if they got permits their OWN counterprotest and signed forms in advance. Any outside violent "antifa" or "white supremacists or neo-nazis" would have equally been reluctant to sign forms if they planned to violate civil rights.

This way, only the LAW ABIDING protestors would be able to exercise their rights to PEACEABLY assemble, by signing agreements to follow the laws and rules agreed to by organizers working with police and city to make sure the laws are followed.

5. If you are GOING to use "civil disobedience" and getting arrested as part of the publicity, it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to plan with police and city and court officials, so they know EXACTLY which people agreed to go through the ENTIRE process civilly and without violence.

The officials and the people agreeing to arrest should meet each other personally where there are no surprises, no vicious or unplanned actions, but all agree up front on the steps, events, consequences and legal proceedings are going to be and who agreed to pay the costs, etc.
Consult with lawyers in advance, and all city officials and judges/police who agree to take part.

6. If you are going to a protest that is not set up properly, only stick with people and groups that do have these type of relations, agreements, and protections set up in advance. Otherwise you could get mistaken as one of the violent vandals, or get hurt by someone randomly attacking.
95 Theses Against the Secular Version of the Antichrist

A counter-protest is unConstitutional; it infringes on the first protest. Our malevolent power-hungry SCROTUS purposely stretched the 1st Amendment in order to create the disunity and disorder that the united political class thrives on. The Preamble's "ensure domestic tranquility" limits the scope of the self-appointed judicial dictatorship. In fact, it creates the supremacy of us, the people, over the elitist republic.

Soro's took a giant shit on this
Here's a novel idea. Try not hitting each other.

Ha ha aaronleland
I think there is a whole book on that already.
It's called "Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarten"
This included milk and cookies, and taking a nap.

But in today's world, people are taking "meds" instead.
That unfortunately can intensify depression or homicidal attacks,
as apparently the driver of the car in Charlottesville might
have experienced being on or off his meds inconsistently.


As if that juiced-up media-canonized "martyr" wasn't on something that made her think she was Wonder Woman and could stop that car using her magic bracelets.
don't be stupid. get paid for it. all these events employ paid thugs. so here's your chance to be a paid idiot


Protest Jobs - Professional Protesters for Hire
As with their grandpas in the 60s, these media idols live off trust funds and don't need to be paid. Are you try to cover for that class? The prep school Abbie Hoffman went to charges $30,000 a year in tuition. And the pro-war draftdodgers like Bush and Romney should have their heads tossed into the same basket.
If anyone is planning to organize or attend a protest in September, here are procedures I've seen people use successfully so there are no incidence of violence or arrests:

1. Keep the protestors separated. In designated areas, as in the protests outside Planned Parenthood clinics that had barriers to keep demonstrators away from the doors and on opposite sides of the street.

That's also how the anti-Klan rally in Tomball I went to stayed peaceful, because the agreement to participate was to stay in the designated area away from the entrance where the Klan was meeting. The coordinators, a Marxist professor and his wife (both peace activists), successfully sued the City of Tomball to change their policies and not allow another group like the Klan to rent public facilities if they were going to discriminate by race as to who could attend. They won their suit in part because they only asked for CONSTITUTIONAL corrections not monetary damages or to make any big political statement or show, and they didn't start a riot but managed a peaceful protest that was conducted very well.

2. What I learned from a peaceful environment rally in Houston for corporate responsibility:
Require all participants sign AGREEMENTS in advance not to engage in any violent or criminal activity, and commit to no action or intent to provoke arrest.

3. If possible, get friends you know with churches, police and media involved in advance. When it's organized publicly, gconflicts can be addressed in advance while planning the event. The reason ALM and BLM marches in Houston are different, is the ministers and police work together to make sure all feel equally included and safe to express their opinions.

4. What groups learned before protesting Ferguson to prevent dangerous attackers from posing as BLM:

Meet with police and city officials in advance. Only law abiding citizens would do this, not people planning illegal vandalism or attacks; so authorities know who you are. Make sure they know these agreements are in place, and all agree to report any violators present who didn't agree to the rules of the organized group. If the police know the organizers and participants are going to report any violence, they won't mistake them for the peaceful protesters.

The "antifa" members did NOT have a permit. They SHOULD have been separated and the approved protestors PROTECTED from attackers, not "standing down" and let them punch and attack each other.

Anti-protestors could participate if they got permits their OWN counterprotest and signed forms in advance. Any outside violent "antifa" or "white supremacists or neo-nazis" would have equally been reluctant to sign forms if they planned to violate civil rights.

This way, only the LAW ABIDING protestors would be able to exercise their rights to PEACEABLY assemble, by signing agreements to follow the laws and rules agreed to by organizers working with police and city to make sure the laws are followed.

5. If you are GOING to use "civil disobedience" and getting arrested as part of the publicity, it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to plan with police and city and court officials, so they know EXACTLY which people agreed to go through the ENTIRE process civilly and without violence.

The officials and the people agreeing to arrest should meet each other personally where there are no surprises, no vicious or unplanned actions, but all agree up front on the steps, events, consequences and legal proceedings are going to be and who agreed to pay the costs, etc.
Consult with lawyers in advance, and all city officials and judges/police who agree to take part.

6. If you are going to a protest that is not set up properly, only stick with people and groups that do have these type of relations, agreements, and protections set up in advance. Otherwise you could get mistaken as one of the violent vandals, or get hurt by someone randomly attacking.
95 Theses Against the Secular Version of the Antichrist

A counter-protest is unConstitutional; it infringes on the first protest. Our malevolent power-hungry SCROTUS purposely stretched the 1st Amendment in order to create the disunity and disorder that the united political class thrives on. The Preamble's "ensure domestic tranquility" limits the scope of the self-appointed judicial dictatorship. In fact, it creates the supremacy of us, the people, over the elitist republic.

Soro's took a giant shit on this
Soros is a political pedophile who bends over backwards to please the New Age Sewage pumped out of the toxic prep schools. Blaming a pathetic doting old man is not going to get us anywhere. If we don't abolish birth privileges, we will continue along on this road back to serfdom.

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