Anyone have some recommendations of low carb (no carb?) recipes I can try out?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.
Meat, fish, poultry, and salads. Or take a can of tuna or salmon, but first sautee mushrooms and onions in a frying pan and pepper, then take brown not white rice and mix in with the tuna or salmon, if you like more spicy and more pepper or cayenne pepper. Make a good little meal for one.

Dreamfields spaghetti is low glycemic.
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

I've been having some good results by making at least one meal a day, two Hard Boiled Eggs, plus a "dessert" such as a chocolate bar.

The eggs are low carb, high protein and the "Dessert" gives me some much needed actual food enjoyment to help keep me on track.
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

YES. A simple one --- cut out wheat.

I've done this twice when my weight went up too much --- simply cut out wheat --- not carbs, just wheat, no other changes. Just dropping wheat, even if I ate more volume, drops 30-40 pounds. Literally all by itself.

It may vary a bit according to the individual but it seems to be a universal, because wheat in 2017 is just vastly different from what wheat was in 1917. It has an adverse affect on the digestive system, whether it puts the subject in discomfort, or not. It generates fat.

Wheat. Lose it.

What's Wrong with Modern Wheat
Modern Wheat: A "Perfect, Chronic Poison"

You can scan food products for "gluten free" which will cut out wheat, though I don't think it's the gluten per se.

Also read ingredient labels closely. It's surprising how many things wheat gets dumped into, like soy sauce.

I tell ya what, I can make a chili with tomatoes/onions, ground turkey, peppers, garlic, etc etc including rice, in a BIG ass pot, eat the whole thing, and not gain an ounce. It's all protein and non-wheat carbs.

You can try a more complex carb-management if you like, but cutting out wheat all by itself, with no other variables, really demonstrates what a gigantic role it plays.
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

I've been having some good results by making at least one meal a day, two Hard Boiled Eggs, plus a "dessert" such as a chocolate bar.

The eggs are low carb, high protein and the "Dessert" gives me some much needed actual food enjoyment to help keep me on track.

I have 2 hard boiled eggs for lunch about 3 days a week, then on the other two days of work week have a can of tuna on one and a can of salmon on the other. Most days but not all have a glucerna in mid afternoon. or a protein bar with carbs under 10. I have lowered my A1C from 7.9 to 6.8 in 3 months and have decided not take the meds and just keep doing what I'm doing, sort of like the Atkins diet. About every two weeks have a very thin crust pizza with light sauce. Palermo makes a good frozen thin crust.
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

I've been having some good results by making at least one meal a day, two Hard Boiled Eggs, plus a "dessert" such as a chocolate bar.

The eggs are low carb, high protein and the "Dessert" gives me some much needed actual food enjoyment to help keep me on track.

I have 2 hard boiled eggs for lunch about 3 days a week, then on the other two days of work week have a can of tuna on one and a can of salmon on the other. Most days but not all have a glucerna in mid afternoon. or a protein bar with carbs under 10. I have lowered my A1C from 7.9 to 6.8 in 3 months and have decided not take the meds and just keep doing what I'm doing, sort of like the Atkins diet. About every two weeks have a very thin crust pizza with light sauce. Palermo makes a good frozen thin crust.

I used to loooove pasta. But it started bloating me, real bad. That's the modern wheat doing its thing. Eventually they came out with rice-based pasta. Now pasta is back on the table, no more bloating, no issue.

Pizza I like but would never touch it now, unless it was wheat-free. Then I'm all in.

Note there are some cheaper pastas that use corn or corn in combo. I'd stay away from that because corn is so GMOed. It's bad enough what already happened to wheat. Now I avoid corn unless it's organic, which means non-GMO.
Yeah, I've been on egg omelets with cheese, 3 whites 1 yolk or 2 and 1. With plenty of veggies placed in. Also, chicken breast tuna with veggies (but that requires some bread or pita),
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

I've been having some good results by making at least one meal a day, two Hard Boiled Eggs, plus a "dessert" such as a chocolate bar.

The eggs are low carb, high protein and the "Dessert" gives me some much needed actual food enjoyment to help keep me on track.

I have 2 hard boiled eggs for lunch about 3 days a week, then on the other two days of work week have a can of tuna on one and a can of salmon on the other. Most days but not all have a glucerna in mid afternoon. or a protein bar with carbs under 10. I have lowered my A1C from 7.9 to 6.8 in 3 months and have decided not take the meds and just keep doing what I'm doing, sort of like the Atkins diet. About every two weeks have a very thin crust pizza with light sauce. Palermo makes a good frozen thin crust.

Good info.

I have a different problem of sorts. I need to drop carbs but maintain a very high protein level, over 1g per pound of weight even higher if possible, without high protein my workouts will be for nought and I will lose muscle mass due to lowered calories (catabolic state). The protein bars I find are often stacked with sugar as well so I have to avoid them and they are expensive in many cases. I am taking a whey protein shake at least once a day, twice a day on workout days and this is a great addition to my meals (and cheaper too). Low in calories and carbs, high in protein, but of course, it's just a supplement to regular, good food.

Without question, I could do this fairly easily by just stacking up on tuna, eggs and even peanut butter from the spoon, but I would go insane. I already have noticed a drop in energy in my workouts due to lack of carbs which fuel the muscles, so it's just a massive mental challenge, one I haven;t really taken on with this commitment before, it would be at least palpable if I could break the monotony of these foods, if this all makes sense.
Yeah, I've been on egg omelets with cheese, 3 whites 1 yolk or 2 and 1. With plenty of veggies placed in. Also, chicken breast tuna with veggies (but that requires some bread or pita),
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

I've been having some good results by making at least one meal a day, two Hard Boiled Eggs, plus a "dessert" such as a chocolate bar.

The eggs are low carb, high protein and the "Dessert" gives me some much needed actual food enjoyment to help keep me on track.

I have 2 hard boiled eggs for lunch about 3 days a week, then on the other two days of work week have a can of tuna on one and a can of salmon on the other. Most days but not all have a glucerna in mid afternoon. or a protein bar with carbs under 10. I have lowered my A1C from 7.9 to 6.8 in 3 months and have decided not take the meds and just keep doing what I'm doing, sort of like the Atkins diet. About every two weeks have a very thin crust pizza with light sauce. Palermo makes a good frozen thin crust.

Good info.

I have a different problem of sorts. I need to drop carbs but maintain a very high protein level, over 1g per pound of weight even higher if possible, without high protein my workouts will be for nought and I will lose muscle mass due to lowered calories (catabolic state). The protein bars I find are often stacked with sugar as well so I have to avoid them and they are expensive in many cases. I am taking a whey protein shake at least once a day, twice a day on workout days and this is a great addition to my meals (and cheaper too). Low in calories and carbs, high in protein, but of course, it's just a supplement to regular, good food.

Without question, I could do this fairly easily by just stacking up on tuna, eggs and even peanut butter from the spoon, but I would go insane. I already have noticed a drop in energy in my workouts due to lack of carbs which fuel the muscles, so it's just a massive mental challenge, one I haven;t really taken on with this commitment before, it would be at least palpable if I could break the monotony of these foods, if this all makes sense.

I saw that with most protein bars but found this one I'm looking at right now that has different flavors and it's called Power Crunch, has 14 grams of protein, 8 carbs and 13g of fat. Only place I found it was Walmart. The glucerna I drink has 15g of protein.

Try the dreamfield spaghetti has high carbs low glycemic index.
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

One of the best around for all types of food to eat Food Babe - Welcome to Food Babe!


The keto/no carb diets don't work long term. You gain calories from 3 sources:

Protein (4 cal/g)
Carbs (4 cal/g)
Fat (9cal/g)

That's the basic overview, but you can break it down even have complex carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta), and you have simple carbs (white rice, white pasta). Cutting out simple carbs and sugars is always a great idea...cutting out complex is not.

Your body prefers to burn it's energy from carbs, use protein (amino acids) to build muscle), and fat as to store energy. The problem is that if you take in more calories than you burn-it'll be stored away as fat (this happens to carbs and protein).

Complex carbs are a GREAT source of energy if you're exercising...there's a reason why professional athletes eat a ton of whole wheat spaghetti...look at Michael Phelps's diet and caloric intake-it's astounding-but he can do that because he's burning it off.

When your body doesn't take in carbs you go into ketosis (which is ok short term, like playing a sport or working out at the gym)-but you should replenish your body with protein and carbs after. When you're in keto your body doesn't just burn burns muscle too (which is obviously bad).

I get going low carb, maybe a break down of 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat makes sense to me...0% carbs (or just about) and 60-70% fat does not.

It sound good in I can eat bacon and burgers and ice cream and just avoid bananas, oatmeal, and apples and as long as I sprinkle in some leafy green veges (broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc) I'll be ok! Sounds too good to be true right? Well it is.

Losing weight is very simple: burn more calories than you consume. It's that black and white.

PS: I lost 100 lbs on a 45 (protein)-35 (carb)-20 (fat) diet, the trick is I still eat that way. I also got my lazy fat ass to the gym.

Think about it this way: anybody/diet that tells you that bananas are not ok but bacon is...something is wrong with that statement.
Meat, fish, poultry, and salads. Or take a can of tuna or salmon, but first sautee mushrooms and onions in a frying pan and pepper, then take brown not white rice and mix in with the tuna or salmon, if you like more spicy and more pepper or cayenne pepper. Make a good little meal for one.

Dreamfields spaghetti is low glycemic.
I don't know too many people who would call any rice dish low carb
Yeah, I've been on egg omelets with cheese, 3 whites 1 yolk or 2 and 1. With plenty of veggies placed in. Also, chicken breast tuna with veggies (but that requires some bread or pita),
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

I've been having some good results by making at least one meal a day, two Hard Boiled Eggs, plus a "dessert" such as a chocolate bar.

The eggs are low carb, high protein and the "Dessert" gives me some much needed actual food enjoyment to help keep me on track.

I have 2 hard boiled eggs for lunch about 3 days a week, then on the other two days of work week have a can of tuna on one and a can of salmon on the other. Most days but not all have a glucerna in mid afternoon. or a protein bar with carbs under 10. I have lowered my A1C from 7.9 to 6.8 in 3 months and have decided not take the meds and just keep doing what I'm doing, sort of like the Atkins diet. About every two weeks have a very thin crust pizza with light sauce. Palermo makes a good frozen thin crust.

Good info.

I have a different problem of sorts. I need to drop carbs but maintain a very high protein level, over 1g per pound of weight even higher if possible, without high protein my workouts will be for nought and I will lose muscle mass due to lowered calories (catabolic state). The protein bars I find are often stacked with sugar as well so I have to avoid them and they are expensive in many cases. I am taking a whey protein shake at least once a day, twice a day on workout days and this is a great addition to my meals (and cheaper too). Low in calories and carbs, high in protein, but of course, it's just a supplement to regular, good food.

Without question, I could do this fairly easily by just stacking up on tuna, eggs and even peanut butter from the spoon, but I would go insane. I already have noticed a drop in energy in my workouts due to lack of carbs which fuel the muscles, so it's just a massive mental challenge, one I haven;t really taken on with this commitment before, it would be at least palpable if I could break the monotony of these foods, if this all makes sense.
Cabbage may help in intestinal cell restoration if you are lacking in that department (a good possibility if you are wheat intolerant). I use nuts, cranberries, grated hard cheeses, smaller amounts of meat and other goodies I may have on hand to make sandwich filling and use lettuce in place of bread a lot of times in the summer.
The keto/no carb diets don't work long term. You gain calories from 3 sources:

Protein (4 cal/g)
Carbs (4 cal/g)
Fat (9cal/g)

That's the basic overview, but you can break it down even have complex carbs (brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta), and you have simple carbs (white rice, white pasta). Cutting out simple carbs and sugars is always a great idea...cutting out complex is not.

Your body prefers to burn it's energy from carbs, use protein (amino acids) to build muscle), and fat as to store energy. The problem is that if you take in more calories than you burn-it'll be stored away as fat (this happens to carbs and protein).

Complex carbs are a GREAT source of energy if you're exercising...there's a reason why professional athletes eat a ton of whole wheat spaghetti...look at Michael Phelps's diet and caloric intake-it's astounding-but he can do that because he's burning it off.

When your body doesn't take in carbs you go into ketosis (which is ok short term, like playing a sport or working out at the gym)-but you should replenish your body with protein and carbs after. When you're in keto your body doesn't just burn burns muscle too (which is obviously bad).

I get going low carb, maybe a break down of 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat makes sense to me...0% carbs (or just about) and 60-70% fat does not.

It sound good in I can eat bacon and burgers and ice cream and just avoid bananas, oatmeal, and apples and as long as I sprinkle in some leafy green veges (broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc) I'll be ok! Sounds too good to be true right? Well it is.

Losing weight is very simple: burn more calories than you consume. It's that black and white.

PS: I lost 100 lbs on a 45 (protein)-35 (carb)-20 (fat) diet, the trick is I still eat that way. I also got my lazy fat ass to the gym.

Think about it this way: anybody/diet that tells you that bananas are not ok but bacon is...something is wrong with that statement.

Actually one can do quite well on a low carb high fat moderate protein diet for as long as you want.

I've been eating less than 50 grams of net carbs a day for years now and most of my daily calories come from healthy fats

Net carbs are total carbs in grams minus the fiber in grams

My calorie intake works out to be

55% fats
30% protein
15% carbs

I've been doing this for over 10 years now

And no one I know ever thought ice cream is part of a ketogenic diet
I also use lots of real butter, and eat good fats. A lot of people that are fat looking are not actually fat. They have organ and intestinal damage from various toxins.
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

eat the whole egg
Eat chicken thighs with the skin

eat about about .8 gram of protein a day per lb per lb your lean body weight but not less than about .6 gram . If you weigh 250 lbs and have 30% fat then your lean muscle weight is 175 lbs

If you are extremely active you can eat more protein than that.

Keep your net carbs at about 20 g a day to start then over 6 months or so slowly increase to 50 g net carbs

get all the rest of your calories from healthy fats
I also don't eat Pork and very little chicken (too much crap fed to them these days if you don't grow your own). Beef and the broth from beef and bones are excellent if you are seeking restoration. A good butcher will slice beef knee bones which is excellent for helping restore cartilage.
Hey all,

Anyone have any recommendations for such meals? They can be for any meal of the day. I've been relying on fish, tuna, egg whites and such, I admit I have been a bread freak for all of my life. Cutting out bread and finding good recipes that are very low in carbs is tough.

Any recommendations? Hopefully from your own personal experiences and not just a website (unless that website is very thorough). :)

Thanks in advance.

Good for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or whenever you crave a carb:

Joes Special:
  • 1 bunch Fresh or 1 or 2 packages of frozen Spinach, chopped
  • 1# Ground Beef 90-10 (I double it for left overs)
  • 1 medium yellow onion, diced
  • Mushrooms sliced
  • Parmesan cheese grated
  • 3,4, or 5 Eggs
Brown the Ground Beef (or turkey) in 1 tbls avocado oil;
Add diced onions and mushrooms, when meat is no longer pink and veggies are done to your liking add the spinach.

When the spinach has fully wilted add the eggs, and 1/4 cup (+ to taste) Parmesan cheese; mix all together until the eggs are cooked to your satisfaction.
Meat, fish, poultry, and salads. Or take a can of tuna or salmon, but first sautee mushrooms and onions in a frying pan and pepper, then take brown not white rice and mix in with the tuna or salmon, if you like more spicy and more pepper or cayenne pepper. Make a good little meal for one.

Dreamfields spaghetti is low glycemic.
I don't know too many people who would call any rice dish low carb

The brown rice is not low carbs but low glycemic, sorry.
Saw a new one on FB the other day.

One large pickle sliced in to halves
Scrape out the seeds on both halves
put mayo and mustard in
load up with deli meat, cheese and tomatoes slices
low carb sandwich.

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