Zone1 Anyone else on tablet getting annoying full screen pop up ads?

Still getting them. But it seems to only be from one place. Like its not Verizon adds or any other thing its those Temu adds. I've never even heard of that place
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Amazon won't let me download brave for my tablet

Imagine the look on the ''non-essential'' people's faces when their EV won't let them leave their driveway without a note from the government declaring them ''essential.''

Oh, that legislation is there. It's ready. And waiting. Sadly, the people will love them for it...well...until they wake up chained to the reality of what they've been sold.
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If a machine ever tried to dictate to me what I can and cannot do, I'm pretty sure I'd take it out back and fill it full of buckshot and buy something else.
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If I machine ever tried to dictate to me what I can and cannot do, I'm pretty sure I'd take it out back and fill it full of buckshot and buy something else.
You get what you pay for and this tablet is cheap and good enough for all my books and chatting on boards that's all I need it for

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