Anyone else Notice This Patern to Libtard Security Issues?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Lets take two cases of secuirty problems and the libtard/fascist reaction to both and compare it to actually successful responses by the Isrealis.

1. Air line security. To prevent suicide terrorists from hijacking their planes, Isrealis implaced a fairly sophisticated system of back ground checks of airline ticket purchasers, screening methods at airports, explosive sniffing dog teams and explosive-proof rooms to detain suspects in.

The fascist/libtards instead put in million dollar X-ray systems that are entirely evadable and frisk people at random, whether there are grounds or probable cause to do so (which is unconstitutional by the way).

2. School security. The Isrealis had some PLO raids targetting their school children and the Isrealis took a secret roster of volunteer ex-military teachers, screened them, and allowed them to conceal carry guns at the school to protect the childeren. The PLO tried two more raids on Isreali schools both of which proved to be disasters for the PLO and the Isreali school kids were unharmed, not just still alive, but totally unharmed.

The fascist/libtard response here in America is to make our schools into gun free zones where any crazy fuck can come in and shoot the whole damned place up before he offs himself having satiated his desire to spill innocent blood.

Now what I observe is twofold:

a. Libtards do not really care about what works, so they ignore the successful experiences of other nations around the world even the very best like Isreal. If they really wanted effectiveness they would mimic what works and is proven first then tweak it. But libtard/fascists dont even bother to put on a show of competence in this respect.

b. Libtards favor ANYTHING that grows the power of the federal government to intrude into our lives by taking away our guns like in the Katrina disaster, or strip searching everyone without due cause.

So it would appear that libtardsim = fascism =totalitarianism = tyrany.

Any constructive critiques on this?
Lets take two cases of secuirty problems and the libtard/fascist reaction to both and compare it to actually successful responses by the Isrealis.

1. Air line security. To prevent suicide terrorists from hijacking their planes, Isrealis implaced a fairly sophisticated system of back ground checks of airline ticket purchasers, screening methods at airports, explosive sniffing dog teams and explosive-proof rooms to detain suspects in.

The fascist/libtards instead put in million dollar X-ray systems that are entirely evadable and frisk people at random, whether there are grounds or probable cause to do so (which is unconstitutional by the way).

2. School security. The Isrealis had some PLO raids targetting their school children and the Isrealis took a secret roster of volunteer ex-military teachers, screened them, and allowed them to conceal carry guns at the school to protect the childeren. The PLO tried two more raids on Isreali schools both of which proved to be disasters for the PLO and the Isreali school kids were unharmed, not just still alive, but totally unharmed.

The fascist/libtard response here in America is to make our schools into gun free zones where any crazy fuck can come in and shoot the whole damned place up before he offs himself having satiated his desire to spill innocent blood.

Now what I observe is twofold:

a. Libtards do not really care about what works, so they ignore the successful experiences of other nations around the world even the very best like Isreal. If they really wanted effectiveness they would mimic what works and is proven first then tweak it. But libtard/fascists dont even bother to put on a show of competence in this respect.

b. Libtards favor ANYTHING that grows the power of the federal government to intrude into our lives by taking away our guns like in the Katrina disaster, or strip searching everyone without due cause.

So it would appear that libtardsim = fascism =totalitarianism = tyrany.

Any constructive critiques on this?


Yeah, calling folks names is only going to make enemies and make ppl WANT TO disagree with you.

Far as security goes, you favor armed guards or police at school? That can probably get support now and seems a decent idea.

How about armed guards and metal detecors at the entrances. I'll meet you there. I am all for teacher concealed carry but wonder hiw many of our teachers are ex military. We have a different culture.

Again, I understand your anger but settle down on the name calling.
Lets take two cases of secuirty problems and the libtard/fascist reaction to both and compare it to actually successful responses by the Isrealis.

Are you sure you know what "fascism" is?

1. Air line security. To prevent suicide terrorists from hijacking their planes, Isrealis implaced a fairly sophisticated system of back ground checks of airline ticket purchasers, screening methods at airports, explosive sniffing dog teams and explosive-proof rooms to detain suspects in.

Israel is a country that is the fraction of the size of the US and has a fairly homgenious population and few airports compared to the US. Might make a difference ya know?

The fascist/libtards instead put in million dollar X-ray systems that are entirely evadable and frisk people at random, whether there are grounds or probable cause to do so (which is unconstitutional by the way).

Again...are you aware of what fascism really is? (only asking becuase you don't seem to be).

I'm fine with xray systems - don't much care as long as it does the job needed.

2. School security. The Isrealis had some PLO raids targetting their school children and the Isrealis took a secret roster of volunteer ex-military teachers, screened them, and allowed them to conceal carry guns at the school to protect the childeren. The PLO tried two more raids on Isreali schools both of which proved to be disasters for the PLO and the Isreali school kids were unharmed, not just still alive, but totally unharmed.

Again - Israel has a very different society and a much smaller country with a clearly identifiable enemy and, little regard to rights when it comes to non-Jewish Israeli's.

The fascist/libtard response here in America is to make our schools into gun free zones where any crazy fuck can come in and shoot the whole damned place up before he offs himself having satiated his desire to spill innocent blood.

hmm...again, do you know what fascism is?

Second - countries with strict gun control do have a tendancy to have fewer of these sorts of incidents so if you try to make this about gun control, it may not work. (personally - I'm not for strict gun control, but see the need for some).

Now what I observe is twofold:

a. Libtards do not really care about what works, so they ignore the successful experiences of other nations around the world even the very best like Isreal. If they really wanted effectiveness they would mimic what works and is proven first then tweak it. But libtard/fascists dont even bother to put on a show of competence in this respect.

What I observe is simple: you're stuck on tard.

If I were to make it more complex it would be to add that we are a far more diverse and far LARGER country than Israel. What applies to one country may not apply bto another.

And, I guess I have to ask - you sure you have an inkling about what fascism really is or is it just the talking point du jour when ranting about liberals?

b. Libtards favor ANYTHING that grows the power of the federal government to intrude into our lives by taking away our guns like in the Katrina disaster, or strip searching everyone without due cause.

Now you're starting to sound downright delusional.

So it would appear that libtardsim = fascism =totalitarianism = tyrany.

Any constructive critiques on this?

Heavy on tard, lean on fact.
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Yeah, calling folks names is only going to make enemies and make ppl WANT TO disagree with you.

Then they are irrational children, or maybe libtards.

Far as security goes, you favor armed guards or police at school? That can probably get support now and seems a decent idea.

Actually I think you dont need visibly armed guards, just some faculty with some of them carrying concealed which is what the Isrealis did.

How about armed guards and metal detecors at the entrances. I'll meet you there. I am all for teacher concealed carry but wonder hiw many of our teachers are ex military. We have a different culture.

I doubt the effectiveness ofmetal detectors, though in heavy crime areas it might be a reasonable option.

Again, I understand your anger but settle down on the name calling.

Dude, I refer to libtards as in contrast to liberals. A reasonable liberal is a blessing, guys like Senator Lieberman or Alan Colmes or the old Dems like hubert Humphrey, etc.

Libtards are the ideologues on the left for whom thinking rationally is not to be done if it gets in the way of their ideologically derived sacred cows.

If I want to talk about liberals, I will say liberals, but they shouldnt be tarred by the likes of gun grabbers and socialists. Humphrey would be appaled at what Obama is doing or what Bush did.
Lets take two cases of secuirty problems and the libtard/fascist reaction to both and compare it to actually successful responses by the Isrealis.

Are you sure you know what "fascism" is?

1. Air line security. To prevent suicide terrorists from hijacking their planes, Isrealis implaced a fairly sophisticated system of back ground checks of airline ticket purchasers, screening methods at airports, explosive sniffing dog teams and explosive-proof rooms to detain suspects in.

Israel is a country that is the fraction of the size of the US and has a fairly homgenious population and few airports compared to the US. Might make a difference ya know?

Again...are you aware of what fascism really is? (only asking becuase you don't seem to be).

I'm fine with xray systems - don't much care as long as it does the job needed.

Again - Israel has a very different society and a much smaller country with a clearly identifiable enemy and, little regard to rights when it comes to non-Jewish Israeli's.

hmm...again, do you know what fascism is?

Second - countries with strict gun control do have a tendancy to have fewer of these sorts of incidents so if you try to make this about gun control, it may not work. (personally - I'm not for strict gun control, but see the need for some).

What I observe is simple: you're stuck on tard.

If I were to make it more complex it would be to add that we are a far more diverse and far LARGER country than Israel. What applies to one country may not apply bto another.

And, I guess I have to ask - you sure you have an inkling about what fascism really is or is it just the talking point du jour when ranting about liberals?

b. Libtards favor ANYTHING that grows the power of the federal government to intrude into our lives by taking away our guns like in the Katrina disaster, or strip searching everyone without due cause.

Now you're starting to sound downright delusional.

So it would appear that libtardsim = fascism =totalitarianism = tyrany.

Any constructive critiques on this?

Heavy on tard, lean on fact.

Your whole post is a fucking waste of time, you batshit goon. Fuck off.
Your whole post is a fucking waste of time, you batshit goon. Fuck off.

oooh....a tad touchy are we?

Is it an over-reliance on the tard factor?

Inability to foment a coherent definition of fascism?

Or, maybe you just don't really want any constructive criticism? ;)
The op is in a big hurry to give away American freedoms and rights. We've seen a lot of that since this horrible mass murder. Why does it make sense to try to keep our rights and freedoms by giving them away? Think about it.

He also lacks an understanding of the difference between the US and Israel - whose planes are never on time and which the US would not put up with.

Why not just put guns in the little kids' backpacks? You may as well because its very unlikely that teachers are gonna be able to get the key to unlock the closet to get the gun and the ammo and shoot the shooter in the less than 15 seconds that it took this shooter to kill all those people.

Besides, it doesn't work for civilians to have guns. If it did, we'd have a lot of dead mass killers instead of a lot of dead children and adults.

And, yes, please do look up the definition of the word "fascism".
The op is in a big hurry to give away American freedoms and rights.

What total bullshit. The things the Isrealis do is to protect peoples rights and lives with the least intervention and to do something that is actually effective, unlike libtards like you.

Why does it make sense to try to keep our rights and freedoms by giving them away? Think about it.

Yeah, so you think that being strip searched without probable cause is OK, but doing a back ground check is a sacrifice of rights? That is ludicrous and you know it. Why do retards like you post such utter bullshit?

He also lacks an understanding of the difference between the US and Israel - whose planes are never on time and which the US would not put up with.

Now I know you are on drugs; US air traffic and air services are the worst among first world nations. Lol, you just make shit up as though posting it makes it real, like a child who thinks bad guys cant find them if they close their eyes.

Thus proving you are in fact on full retard.

Why not just put guns in the little kids' backpacks? You may as well because its very unlikely that teachers are gonna be able to get the key to unlock the closet to get the gun and the ammo and shoot the shooter in the less than 15 seconds that it took this shooter to kill all those people.

Yep full retard and you didnt even bother to actually read my post. What would be the point to using concealed carry faculty if people were not going to carry their guns on them at all times, you fucking stupid shit?

Besides, it doesn't work for civilians to have guns. If it did, we'd have a lot of dead mass killers instead of a lot of dead children and adults.

There are no armed adults there to protect kids, dumbfuck, because ass holes like you push to have gun free zones that you think credible using your 'close your eyes real tight' logic.

And, yes, please do look up the definition of the word "fascism".

Yeah I know what fascism is moron. And the modern leftist Jacobin radicals are the picture perfect representation of them, just like their old hero Mussolini.

Please, just shuht the fuck up and stop wasting peoples time with your assinine attempts a sarcasm, OK?

You were being sarcastic, right? No one is actually as dumb as your post would suggest, cant be.
Your whole post is a fucking waste of time, you batshit goon. Fuck off.

oooh....a tad touchy are we?

Is it an over-reliance on the tard factor?

Inability to foment a coherent definition of fascism?

Or, maybe you just don't really want any constructive criticism? ;)

There was nothing constructive about what you posted at all.

You threw up a bunch of ad hominem, unwarranted assertions and groundless assumptions as though you think you are an Oracle of Truth or something.

Again let me repeat this in all total seriousness; go fuck yourself.
There is going to be new laws concerning assault weopons. Get used to it.

Unless you want an outright ban, either offer some constructive suggestions, or be satisfied with what the rest of the citizens give you.

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