Anyone else having issues with Google?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I have been frustrated with google. I have been getting directed to leftie sites when I click on the links on the results page. I notice that it happens when I am looking for articles lately. To test it, I just typed in "best argument against socialism" and got the results page with many different options. I clicked on three different ones and was taken to a page called Green Effects Media and was treated to ads for books with liberal writers with everything from greedy Wall Street to global warming.

I think something is up. It's getting harder to find articles on Solyndra and such, not that many in the media bothered putting much out there. It seems like anything that might be negative toward Obama is hard to find on google. What you get are leftwing sites. I don't like this type of control over information.

I went to a site with many different search engines and had better luck. I found these.

Obama Administration Purchases Google ‘ObamaCare’ Search Results
Obama Administration Purchases Google ‘ObamaCare’ Search Results |

Obama Campaign Bought the Google Search for Goldman Sachs SEC!,
Obama Campaign Bought the Google Search for Goldman Sachs SEC!, page 1

Google Blocks Anti-Obama Blogs
Google Blocks Anti-Obama Blogs

It may be hard to see, so you can find an enlarged version here, but the number one search result to come back when Googling “obamacare” is What that means is that the administration has invested dollars in a Goolge Ad Words campaign to pay for to appear in search results for “obamacare

UPDATED–Google Ad Words Win for the White House: Even They See the Value in “ObamaCare” | The Dangerous Servant

There have been neutral parties who have gone through the health care bill and dissected it for us, but apparently Obama doesn't want us reading all that. Instead, we get directed to his propaganda site. Obama doesn't like the term "Obamacare." I think it's fitting that his name is associated with that piece of crap legislation. But he doesn't want us reading about what's in the bill, so purchased search terms for people trying to get to the truth.

Who is paying google for rights to these search terms?

So, it wasn't just me. When you seek information on google, you are directed to sites approved by Obama. You can find some dissenting views if you look a little harder, but don't expect google to be helpful since they seem to be carrying Obama's water these days. I have never seen such a paranoid president. He is obsessed with controlling information. I wonder if google automatically reports IP addresses searching for dissenting views to AttackWatch. Somehow, it wouldn't surprise me.
Google's algorithm includes number of hits, number of redirects, amount of time spent on each link, and the suspected political leaning of the site.:)

Bejeebers folks, it appears Santa did not bring you a clue. Maybe next year.
I have been frustrated with google. I have been getting directed to leftie sites when I click on the links on the results page. ...
So, it wasn't just me. When you seek information on google, you are directed to sites approved by Obama. You can find some dissenting views if you look a little harder, but don't expect google to be helpful since they seem to be carrying Obama's water these days. I have never seen such a paranoid president. He is obsessed with controlling information. I wonder if google automatically reports IP addresses searching for dissenting views to AttackWatch. Somehow, it wouldn't surprise me.
These mindless drones will parrot anything their MessiahRushie tells them. :rofl::lmao:

February 15, 2011
RUSH: Google is an arm of the government. Google is the arm of the regime.

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: You put in the word "stupidity" and the first search result is Bush.
"stupidity" - Google Search
"stupidity" - Google Search

1. Stupidity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason, wit, or sense. Contents. 1 Etymology of the word; 2 Awards; 3 Laws of Stupidity; 4 In comedy ...
Etymology of the word - Awards - Laws of Stupidity - In comedy - Cached - Similar
2. Stupidity | Define Stupidity at

/stuˈpɪd ɪ ti, styu-/ Show Spelled[stoo-pid-i-tee, styoo-] Show IPA. –noun, plural -ties for 2. 1. the state, quality, or fact of being stupid. ... - Cached - Similar

WTF? Startpage Search is "Enhanced" by Google?:
When you search with Startpage, we remove all identifying information from your query and submit it anonymously to Google ourselves. We get the results and return them to you in total privacy. Your IP address is never recorded, your visit is not logged, and no tracking cookies are placed on your browser. When it comes to protecting your privacy, Startpage runs the tightest ship on the Internet. Our outstanding privacy policy and thoughtful engineering give you great search results in total anonymity. Here are some of our key features

WTF? Startpage Search is "Enhanced" by Google?:
When you search with Startpage, we remove all identifying information from your query and submit it anonymously to Google ourselves. We get the results and return them to you in total privacy. Your IP address is never recorded, your visit is not logged, and no tracking cookies are placed on your browser. When it comes to protecting your privacy, Startpage runs the tightest ship on the Internet. Our outstanding privacy policy and thoughtful engineering give you great search results in total anonymity. Here are some of our key features

Obama has money invested in Google and I don't trust them anymore. If I want to find great quotes and arguments on why socialism sucks, I don't care to get results praising the virtues of socialism and a list of Obama's views, which is what I got.
The Google & Facebook founders are loyal Obama/Democrat supporters. They meet with him at the White House often. They're very cozy with him in the way GE/NBC is. But personally i believe Google & Facebook are just Government spy apparatuses anyway. They might as well be official Government agencies. My advice would be to dump both Google & Facebook.
That's funny, cause I always get 2 pages of Pubcrappe cottage industry blogs before a neutral or liberal story, on any search. I prefer google because a Wiki article comes up much sooner is all.

If anything, mainstream media appears terrified of loudmouth pubs and dittoheads and their huge censorship, boycott, letter writing, and blackmail zombie army...
The Google & Facebook founders will work very hard to get Barack Obama elected just like they did last time around. They're all loyal Democrats. They coordinate with Barack Obama and the Democrats the way GE/NBC does. Besides "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt,many others from GE/NBC routinely meet with this President. They coordinate what their talking-points propaganda will be. That Maddcow chick from NBC has been observed visiting the White House regularly. So it's all just propaganda in the end. Dump Google & Facebook for sure. They're just Government spy apparatuses anyway.
The Blaze= Beck idiocy

I have been frustrated with google. I have been getting directed to leftie sites. BS

Obama has money invested in Google= Pubpatoot!
I have been frustrated with google. I have been getting directed to leftie sites when I click on the links on the results page. I notice that it happens when I am looking for articles lately. To test it, I just typed in "best argument against socialism" and got the results page with many different options. I clicked on three different ones and was taken to a page called Green Effects Media and was treated to ads for books with liberal writers with everything from greedy Wall Street to global warming.

I think something is up. It's getting harder to find articles on Solyndra and such, not that many in the media bothered putting much out there. It seems like anything that might be negative toward Obama is hard to find on google. What you get are leftwing sites. I don't like this type of control over information.

I went to a site with many different search engines and had better luck. I found these.

Obama Administration Purchases Google ‘ObamaCare’ Search Results
Obama Administration Purchases Google ‘ObamaCare’ Search Results |

Obama Campaign Bought the Google Search for Goldman Sachs SEC!,
Obama Campaign Bought the Google Search for Goldman Sachs SEC!, page 1

Google Blocks Anti-Obama Blogs
Google Blocks Anti-Obama Blogs

It may be hard to see, so you can find an enlarged version here, but the number one search result to come back when Googling “obamacare” is What that means is that the administration has invested dollars in a Goolge Ad Words campaign to pay for to appear in search results for “obamacare

UPDATED–Google Ad Words Win for the White House: Even They See the Value in “ObamaCare” | The Dangerous Servant

There have been neutral parties who have gone through the health care bill and dissected it for us, but apparently Obama doesn't want us reading all that. Instead, we get directed to his propaganda site. Obama doesn't like the term "Obamacare." I think it's fitting that his name is associated with that piece of crap legislation. But he doesn't want us reading about what's in the bill, so purchased search terms for people trying to get to the truth.

Who is paying google for rights to these search terms?

So, it wasn't just me. When you seek information on google, you are directed to sites approved by Obama. You can find some dissenting views if you look a little harder, but don't expect google to be helpful since they seem to be carrying Obama's water these days. I have never seen such a paranoid president. He is obsessed with controlling information. I wonder if google automatically reports IP addresses searching for dissenting views to AttackWatch. Somehow, it wouldn't surprise me.

It's not your imagination. I only found out about Obama's mentor ( you know the one that is a self admitted pedophile and card carrying communist) by going directly to Brit news on line. Or page 50 on google.:D

I prefer to go direct. Completely skip any American news media and aim for foreign if you want the truth about what's actually happening in America these days.

Axlerod's got everyone by the nuts.
This White House has refused to release White House visitor logs in the past but recently they were forced to release some. The logs show numerous visits from the Facebook & Google founders. They also show numerous visits from GE/NBC staff. So it's clear they meet regularly to coordinate their talking-points propaganda. Why else would that Maddcow chick from NBC visit so often? Think about it. Do not trust Google or Facebook. Period,end of story.
The Google & Facebook founders will work very hard to get Barack Obama elected just like they did last time around. They're all loyal Democrats. They coordinate with Barack Obama and the Democrats the way GE/NBC does. Besides "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt,many others from GE/NBC routinely meet with this President. They coordinate what their talking-points propaganda will be. That Maddcow chick from NBC has been observed visiting the White House regularly. So it's all just propaganda in the end. Dump Google & Facebook for sure. They're just Government spy apparatuses anyway.

Damn straight.

When the shit started to hit the fan over Van Jones, the first thing I noticed in his wiki bio was this gap in his life. When I hit other posters, they turned me on to newzeal. Trevor is unreal.



Sometimes it's not what you see what they put out there, but the crickets that keep you to keep looking. The man had a gap of a decade in his own wiki bio that all of a sudden made him a "green czar".

I never started out as a political "fan" although I've been involved in politics for years. And wonderfully, there really are Ben Cartwrights out there and Captain Kirks on the net.

And me knowing promo and how you lie and how you put it out there from all my music days, it's not anyone's imagination.

ETA: all my bands were great, but think enya
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I have been frustrated with google. I have been getting directed to leftie sites when I click on the links on the results page. I notice that it happens when I am looking for articles lately. To test it, I just typed in "best argument against socialism" and got the results page with many different options. I clicked on three different ones and was taken to a page called Green Effects Media and was treated to ads for books with liberal writers with everything from greedy Wall Street to global warming.

I think something is up. It's getting harder to find articles on Solyndra and such, not that many in the media bothered putting much out there. It seems like anything that might be negative toward Obama is hard to find on google. What you get are leftwing sites. I don't like this type of control over information.

I went to a site with many different search engines and had better luck. I found these.

Obama Administration Purchases Google ‘ObamaCare’ Search Results
Obama Administration Purchases Google ‘ObamaCare’ Search Results |

Obama Campaign Bought the Google Search for Goldman Sachs SEC!,
Obama Campaign Bought the Google Search for Goldman Sachs SEC!, page 1

Google Blocks Anti-Obama Blogs
Google Blocks Anti-Obama Blogs

It may be hard to see, so you can find an enlarged version here, but the number one search result to come back when Googling “obamacare” is What that means is that the administration has invested dollars in a Goolge Ad Words campaign to pay for to appear in search results for “obamacare

UPDATED–Google Ad Words Win for the White House: Even They See the Value in “ObamaCare” | The Dangerous Servant

There have been neutral parties who have gone through the health care bill and dissected it for us, but apparently Obama doesn't want us reading all that. Instead, we get directed to his propaganda site. Obama doesn't like the term "Obamacare." I think it's fitting that his name is associated with that piece of crap legislation. But he doesn't want us reading about what's in the bill, so purchased search terms for people trying to get to the truth.

Who is paying google for rights to these search terms?

So, it wasn't just me. When you seek information on google, you are directed to sites approved by Obama. You can find some dissenting views if you look a little harder, but don't expect google to be helpful since they seem to be carrying Obama's water these days. I have never seen such a paranoid president. He is obsessed with controlling information. I wonder if google automatically reports IP addresses searching for dissenting views to AttackWatch. Somehow, it wouldn't surprise me.

It's not your imagination. I only found out about Obama's mentor ( you know the one that is a self admitted pedophile and card carrying communist) by going directly to Brit news on line. Or page 50 on google.:D

I prefer to go direct. Completely skip any American news media and aim for foreign if you want the truth about what's actually happening in America these days.

Axlerod's got everyone by the nuts.

Thank you! I know it's not my imagination and it's a fact that Obama has purchased search words so they can direct people to sites that favor them. You can still find things, but have to be persistent. I wonder how many people just go to what Google presents as the most relevant sites. I know what you mean about finding things out from other countries. I believe Obama is trying to keep a lid on things by interferring with the flow of information.

I know his little minions will keep repeating whatever he tells them to. And they always react the same way to any criticism of their messiah by calling people names and dismissing anything they say.

We know AttackWatch is real. We know Obama is buddies with Google and purchased search words. We know Obama changed the Freedom of Information Act, giving himself the right to lie to us about things. For him to attempt to control the flow of information on the internet is the next logical step for someone with a dictator mentality.

Thank you! I know it's not my imagination and it's a fact that Obama has purchased search words so they can direct people to sites that favor them.

Really? Nothing gets by you, huh? :lol::lol::lol: It's been a known fact for quite a while that lots of people, business, websites purchase search words. But since Obama is doing it, it's a conspiracy? You really need to get out of the house more often.
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