Anybody Else Here Diagnosed With ADHD That Was Missed As A Child?

I looked up ADHD. It seems it can include many symptoms such as being inattentive, distracted, trouble being still, trouble concentrating and focusing just to name a few. Also, I read that a diagnosis should include looking at the brain as well as the body. I think dyslexia is a symptom as well which I have always thought I have. When reading a book, my mind wanders as I read the words. I find it helpful to at least mouth the words as I read them or read out loud. I have to read technical stuff at least 3 times. Writing, however, is not a problem for me for some reason.
Don’t read out loud. Develop an internal voice that you can hear as you read. You can also purchase transparent overlays of different colors that make each line of text you read a different color this helps the brain to separate them out as you go. Research is showing some benefit in that.
Attention deficit is a made up "disorder" so they can medicate you.

I take several meds for my heart...I know what each one of them is supposed to do and I have rejected several against doctors orders.



The last time I had a doctor tell me "keep taking them and HANG IN THERE"...I ended up needing hernia surgery!

The "doctor" didn't suffer the pain or expense...I DID!

I used to believe it's made-up, but I've got an older brother with it and his daughter has it, too. And it's debilitating without intervention.
If you had hung in there the cough would have gone away eventually.

And how much worse would my hernia have gotten doc?

It's a month after surgery and I'm still walking like a little old man. But yeah...I should have "hung in there".
Attention deficit is a made up "disorder" so they can medicate you.

I take several meds for my heart...I know what each one of them is supposed to do and I have rejected several against doctors orders.



The last time I had a doctor tell me "keep taking them and HANG IN THERE"...I ended up needing hernia surgery!

The "doctor" didn't suffer the pain or expense...I DID!

ADHD is very real. Maybe L.Ron Hubbard disagrees, but he is a crackpot anyway.

I was undiagnosed as a child, but looking back at my school days it is obvious. I was plenty smart, but could concentrate and was very easily distracted. I learned numerous ways of coping, mostly through my own research and experimentation. My public school academic results were very, very different from my college academic results.

And yes, I was prescribed Ritalin and some other med. I took the ritalin for a very short time and that was it. It did help a lot, but the side effects were too much.
This crap that all the kids need is a beating is truly pathetic. There is a medical issue. Its not that the kid doesn't want to concentrate, sit still, and avoid distractions. They are incapable.

Curing it with a belt or paddle is the same as beating a child because they are colorblind or asthmatic.
For the longest time I thought that I had a form of Dyslexia because I could not concentrate on long paragraphs or I couldn't remember a long list of directions, but I just found out tonight that the doctor who evaluated me as a child was probably wrong.

I've always had trouble listening, not being distracted, and following directions and have had racing intrusive thoughts, but I always thought that there was something wrong with me and that I needed to try harder.

It turns out that since I'm not hyperactive, nobody thought that I had ADHD, but I'm going to see if I can get an appointment for a mental health center near me to see if I can possibly be reevaluated since I have most of the symptoms, it just hurts me that all these years people were holding things against me that I can't always control and because of my pediatrician I thought that it was all my fault. 😞

Shortly after I started Kindergarten, in the late 1960s, I have memories of my parents taking me from doctor to doctor, to find out why their eldest child was so odd. I remember, on one occasion, my mother telling me that what they were going to do was like being an astronaut. On that occasion, they glued wires to my head, in order to read my brain waves.

Ultimately, after all that, they decided I was “hyperactive”.

In later years, I suppose that if they looked into me again, they would decide I had ADHD, a term that had not yet been invented, as far as I know, back when they were trying to figure me out.

And I very much suspect that if I was similarly examined today, they would decide that I had some form of Asperger's Syndrome or high-functioning autism, or something in that category.

Whatever it is about me, I very much think that it is something that medical science is still very far from fully understanding, but that they are closer to understanding such things now, than there were when I was five years old.

If I could be preserved, and examined again fifty or sixty years from now, I bet they'd come up with some new diagnosis for me, that as of the present has not yet been invented.
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