ANTIFA spreads list of ICE agents compiled using LinkedIn and blasts it over twitter


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Antifa Spreads List Of ICE Agents Compiled Using LinkedIn And Blasts It Over Twitter

Antifa, a violent, so-called anti-fascist group, tweeted out a list of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents’ identities.

The Twitter account “nebraska antifa” sent out a tweet to its followers on Tuesday that linked to the personal information of ICE officers compiled from information found on LinkedIn.

“Some enterprising hero archived the ICE employees listed on linkedin,”

Oh the cowardly little bitches rise again. Special isn't it. The little girls are at it again. Hopefully they find the cowardly losers and put them in prison that isn't mostly white since all these antifa losers are white leftist liberals teaching their sheep to be huge idiots just like they are.
China uses fake LinkedIn accounts to recruit spies...

China uses fake LinkedIn accounts to recruit spies

Sun, Sep 02, 2018 - ‘SUPER AGGRESSIVE’: The US’ top spy catcher said the campaign includes contacting thousands of US citizens. German and British authorities had previously sounded warnings
Chinese espionage agencies are using fake LinkedIn accounts to try to recruit Americans with access to government and commercial secrets, and the company should shut them down, US National Counterintelligence and Security Center Director William Evanina said. Evanina, the US’ top spy catcher, told reporters in an interview that intelligence and law enforcement officials have told LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft Corp, about China’s “super aggressive” efforts on the Web site. The Chinese campaign includes contacting thousands of LinkedIn members at a time, Evanina said, declining to say how many fake accounts US intelligence had discovered, how many US citizens might have been contacted and how much success China has had in the recruitment drive. German and British authorities have previously warned their citizens that Beijing is using LinkedIn to try to recruit them as spies, but this is the first time a US official has publicly discussed the challenge in the US and indicated that it is a bigger problem than previously known.

LinkedIn should look at copying the response of Twitter, Google and Facebook, which have all purged fake accounts allegedly linked to Iranian and Russian intelligence agencies, Evanina said. “I saw that Twitter is canceling, I don’t know, millions of fake accounts, and our request would be that maybe LinkedIn could go ahead and be part of that,” he said. It is unusual for a senior US intelligence official to single out a US-owned firm by name and publicly recommend that it take action. LinkedIn has said it has 575 million users in more than 200 counties and territories, including more than 150 million US accounts. However, Evanina did not say whether he was frustrated by LinkedIn’s response or whether he believes it has done enough.

LinkedIn head of trust and safety Paul Rockwell confirmed that the company had been talking with US law enforcement agencies about Chinese espionage efforts. Earlier this month, LinkedIn said that it had taken down “less than 40” fake accounts whose users were attempting to contact LinkedIn members associated with unidentified political organizations. Rockwell did not say whether those were Chinese accounts. “We are doing everything we can to identify and stop this activity,” Rockwell said. Rockwell declined to provide numbers of fake accounts associated with Chinese intelligence agencies. He said the company takes “very prompt action to restrict accounts and mitigate and stop any essential damage that can happen,” but gave no details.

LinkedIn “is a victim here,” Evanina said. “I think the cautionary tale ... is: ‘You are going to be like Facebook. Do you want to be where Facebook was this past spring with congressional testimony, right?’” he said, referring to lawmakers questioning Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg on Russia’s use of the platform to meddle in the 2016 US presidential elections. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs disputed Evanina’s allegations. “We do not know what evidence the relevant US officials you cite have to reach this conclusion. What they say is complete nonsense and has ulterior motives,” the ministry said in a statement. However, US Senator Mark Warner said that Beijing’s exploitation of LinkedIn “demonstrates the length to which Chinese intelligence will go.”

China uses fake LinkedIn accounts to recruit spies - Taipei Times
Womp Womp.

I don't agree with all of antifia's tactics. But if you want to be a modern day SS, you should be prepared to come under scrurnity.
Womp Womp.

I don't agree with all of antifia's tactics. But if you want to be a modern day SS, you should be prepared to come under scrurnity.

Oh come on now, that is just fucking stupid.
It’s moments like these that I don’t regret talking to my co-worker about beating up or even killing these lunatics.

And he was the one who brought the subject. He is a millennial like myself btw.

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