Antifa Goes Wild in D.C., Attacking Trump Supporters, Even Terrorizing Children and the Elderly


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Antifa Goes Wild in D.C., Attacking Trump Supporters, Even Terrorizing Children and the Elderly

14 Nov 2020 ~~ By Nick Arama

We brought you some of the Million MAGA March earlier.
While the event during the day was largely peaceful with police presence, there were some Antifa attacks on Trump supporters as we noted with at least a couple of arrests. Antifa/BLM even harassed and attacked a family with children, as we previously reported.
But as the dark fell, it got a lot crazier with Antifa going after the Trump supporters as they were leaving and no police in sight.
Mobs were targeting individuals or elderly as they left the larger group of Trump supporters to go home.
This older man was knocked out cold by a person carrying a Refuse Fascism sign. Lot of irony there as the person attacks someone in the street, trying to suppress their political views, the very essence of “fascism.” As he falls his phone falls to the street. A woman kicks him in the head and then another woman with her friend steals his phone as she and her friend run off laughing.





This is what Biden calls "coming together". This is what Antifa/BLM does when gathered in large enough numbers to make them feel brave.
Go hide and don't say a word for four years and look how "peaceful" my election made things.
The DC Metro is in control of policing the District in general. Where where I get confused on the jurisdiction issues, Feds are only are responsible for Federal properties. So monuments, White House, Capital Hill, all that. I also think that there is a perimeter around the WH and Congress building that is theirs. Everything else is left to the City.
Obviously the Metro PD was told not to interfere in the peacful actions of Antifa Saturday evening allowing the truly peaceful to be assaulted and hurt.
Now, personally, I think that there should have been a Federal presence and as soon as the cops stood down or forced the rally goers back into Antifa/BLM they should have come down hard.
Senior citizens and children are indeed the most fascist and waycissss

They need to be stomped for justice and equality
Everything now is overkill, never hear some bad stuff happened but over all most people conducted them self well. both sides. ,always negative ,Never we had a very small number of people who need to be condemned & jailed. & a larger number who behaved like complete ass hats. out of over 100.000+ people out on the street. Have not seen anything so far on the Trump marchers that's negative. Good Job.
Everything now is overkill, never hear some bad stuff happened but over all most people conducted them self well. both sides. ,always negative ,Never we had a very small number of people who need to be condemned & jailed. & a larger number who behaved like complete ass hats. out of over 100.000+ people out on the street. Have not seen anything so far on the Trump marchers that's negative. Good Job.
How many Trumpsters attacked any of the masked Pantifa goons, you disingenuous fucking hack?
Shut them all down, go back to 1 hour programs & Sunday morning. plus local news papers.
Everything now is overkill, never hear some bad stuff happened but over all most people conducted them self well. both sides. ,always negative ,Never we had a very small number of people who need to be condemned & jailed. & a larger number who behaved like complete ass hats. out of over 100.000+ people out on the street. Have not seen anything so far on the Trump marchers that's negative. Good Job.
How many Trumpsters attacked any of the masked Pantifa goons, you disingenuous fucking hack?
Your reading skills need some help, hard to think straight when you are so angry. calm down & reread my post.
Everything now is overkill, never hear some bad stuff happened but over all most people conducted them self well. both sides. ,always negative ,Never we had a very small number of people who need to be condemned & jailed. & a larger number who behaved like complete ass hats. out of over 100.000+ people out on the street. Have not seen anything so far on the Trump marchers that's negative. Good Job.
How many Trumpsters attacked any of the masked Pantifa goons, you disingenuous fucking hack?

I noticed that Pantifa stayed FAAAAAAAR away from the proud
Wonder why.

Everything now is overkill, never hear some bad stuff happened but over all most people conducted them self well. both sides. ,always negative ,Never we had a very small number of people who need to be condemned & jailed. & a larger number who behaved like complete ass hats. out of over 100.000+ people out on the street. Have not seen anything so far on the Trump marchers that's negative. Good Job.
How many Trumpsters attacked any of the masked Pantifa goons, you disingenuous fucking hack?
Your reading skills need some help, hard to think straight when you are so angry. calm down & reread my post.
Everything up to the last sentence is a standard leftist equivocation...My bad at missing the flimsy qualification.
Everything now is overkill, never hear some bad stuff happened but over all most people conducted them self well. both sides. ,always negative ,Never we had a very small number of people who need to be condemned & jailed. & a larger number who behaved like complete ass hats. out of over 100.000+ people out on the street. Have not seen anything so far on the Trump marchers that's negative. Good Job.
How many Trumpsters attacked any of the masked Pantifa goons, you disingenuous fucking hack?
Your reading skills need some help, hard to think straight when you are so angry. calm down & reread my post.
Everything up to the last sentence is a standard leftist equivocation...My bad at missing the flimsy qualification.

When 75 million Trump supporters figure out that Biden is out to undo them...and they will figure it out pretty fast....there will no longer be a US government. They might as well set up an alternate white house right now in Flyover country....because it's already there even though it hasn't been built. It is obvious that voting no longer applies....once the voting process is no longer functional the only option left is to rebel...and they will.

As I said.

We let them attack and terrorize elderly and children. We should be ashamed of ourselves for letting them grow in this country.

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