Antifa assaults families and children at Christian prayer event in Portland

Antifa are anarchists.
Anarchists can also be communists

but I have no way of knowing what there freaks believe politically

these are sick people

look for a high percentage of extreme social misfits

meaning homosexuals, transgenders, child molesters who were themselves molested as children

also drug addicts with criminal records

many if not most are the products of broken homes
you know - some things in this life are truly indefensible.

What a sad commentary on this world that USMB has so many benightedly unintelligent cretins defending them anyway.
Got a better source that actually reports NEWS? :rolleyes-41:

  • Overall, we rate The Post Millennial Extreme Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed in reporting due to publishing unsubstantiated claims and having several failed fact checks.
A pic of a dude with a paintball gun. And you assume that means he was the only one? We all know incels travel in packs.
Incels are all of the male feminists that follow leftist lesbians around chirping about the” patriarchy” hoping for a pity fuck.
Got a better source that actually reports NEWS? :rolleyes-41:

  • Overall, we rate The Post Millennial Extreme Right Biased based on story selection that favors the right and Mixed in reporting due to publishing unsubstantiated claims and having several failed fact checks.
Tommy posted a real link back on page one.
Oh, look. Your RWNJ source lied. What a surprise.

The real story:

It was a RWNJ bigot teaming up with white supremacists. What idiot of a parent would take their kids to that clusterfuck?
It was a Christian prayer meeting

ANTIFA was not invited

without the Proud Boys who knows how many innocent people would have been hurt?
Real Christians would not invite a hate monger like the phony pastor. I hope that they got a good kicking. They are free to hold a hate fest and free to take the consequences of that.
Maybe they should do it without squealing like bitches ?
It was a Christian prayer meeting

ANTIFA was not invited

without the Proud Boys who knows how many innocent people would have been hurt?
Bigots, not christians. They were practicing bigotry, not religion.
Clearly the Brownshirts are bigots attacking Der Juden. Bigots teamed up with Nazi democrat incels.

As for attracting women, does Xi allow you to hunt females as a reward for effective trolling, Creepy Chang?
The bigots are on your team, son.

your laughing face is actually a white surrender flag because you cant answer the question
Lol, I posted a whole article supporting my position.

You kids called me a faggot and a Satanist.

Who is providing nothing but flame?

All you did in the post I reported was call names. and flame. Nothing of substance. I might have mentioned that you are a faggot, but that was not the point of my post, just a passing mention.

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