Zone1 Anti-white racism now values black lives MORE than whites


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
When black Freddie Gray died in police custody due to failure to belt him in properly, the city erupted in flames - while the black mayor asked to give the thugs “space to destroy.” (And we all know the nationwide destruction that resulted after Georg Floyd - who was given a funeral fit for a head of state). The media leads off with the story for weeks.

But what happens when cops kill a white? It’s radio silence. Where is the outrage after police placed a white man in a freezer overnight as punishment, strapped down to a chair, and when they removed him the next morning, he was dead? If this had happened to a black man, it would have led off the news, there would be protests in Democrat cities, and the government would be decrying the treatment of blacks.

But whitey? Eh.

When black Freddie Gray died in police custody due to failure to belt him in properly, the city erupted in flames - while the black mayor asked to give the thugs “space to destroy.” (And we all know the nationwide destruction that resulted after Georg Floyd - who was given a funeral fit for a head of state). The media leads off with the story for weeks.

But what happens when cops kill a white? It’s radio silence. Where is the outrage after police placed a white man in a freezer overnight as punishment, strapped down to a chair, and when they removed him the next morning, he was dead? If this had happened to a black man, it would have led off the news, there would be protests in Democrat cities, and the government would be decrying the treatment of blacks.

But whitey? Eh.

So if "Whitie" decides not to pay taxes anymore, will "blackies" then pick up the tax burden?
When black Freddie Gray died in police custody due to failure to belt him in properly, the city erupted in flames - while the black mayor asked to give the thugs “space to destroy.” (And we all know the nationwide destruction that resulted after Georg Floyd - who was given a funeral fit for a head of state). The media leads off with the story for weeks.

But what happens when cops kill a white? It’s radio silence. Where is the outrage after police placed a white man in a freezer overnight as punishment, strapped down to a chair, and when they removed him the next morning, he was dead? If this had happened to a black man, it would have led off the news, there would be protests in Democrat cities, and the government would be decrying the treatment of blacks.

But whitey? Eh.

You are the perfect moniker for inaction against police brutality.
You ignored the point: the entire country erupts into violence and protests if a black is killed, and nobody even knows about it when a white is killed.

Different values are being applied based on race.

I think they didn't expect whitey to shake off the mantle of "white guilt" and start fighting back quite so quickly. They're acting like they thought they had another decade or so of white malleability and gullibility to work with.


You ignored the point: the entire country erupts into violence and protests if a black is killed, and nobody even knows about it when a white is killed.

Different values are being applied based on race.
the whites have different avenues of protest.
the whites have different avenues of protest.
Oh right…..the oppressed blacks have no option but to resort to burning, looting, and murdering.

Whites like you are enabling this double standard, where more weight is given when a black is killed than a white. Nobody even KNOWS about the cops who murdered the white by freezing him to death.
Funny how you know. :dunno:
A lot of people know. It's all over the internet, and there has been a lawsuit filed by the victims mother.

A lot of people know. It's all over the internet, and there has been a lawsuit filed by the victims mother.
You have to know to look for it. Compare that to the news coverage of that young black man who the cops beat to death. You know damn well that if the cops had stuffed a black into a freezer, it would have been covered on all news broadcasts, and cable. But because it was just a lowly white, there’s no mention,

This is the double standard.
When black Freddie Gray died in police custody due to failure to belt him in properly, the city erupted in flames - while the black mayor asked to give the thugs “space to destroy.” (And we all know the nationwide destruction that resulted after Georg Floyd - who was given a funeral fit for a head of state). The media leads off with the story for weeks.

But what happens when cops kill a white? It’s radio silence. Where is the outrage after police placed a white man in a freezer overnight as punishment, strapped down to a chair, and when they removed him the next morning, he was dead? If this had happened to a black man, it would have led off the news, there would be protests in Democrat cities, and the government would be decrying the treatment of blacks.

But whitey? Eh.

You rarely here about the white boys killed by the police ...

You have to know to look for it. Compare that to the news coverage of that young black man who the cops beat to death. You know damn well that if the cops had stuffed a black into a freezer, it would have been covered on all news broadcasts, and cable. But because it was just a lowly white, there’s no mention,

This is the double standard.
The story has been all over the news since it occurred. I don't live anywhere near where it happened in Alabama, and I heard about it......without "looking for it", it showed up in my daily news feed.

When black Freddie Gray died in police custody due to failure to belt him in properly, the city erupted in flames - while the black mayor asked to give the thugs “space to destroy.”
Seems to me that Freddie Grey's neck was broken before he was dragged and thrown into the vehicle. He was already paralyzed from a cop jumping on the back of his neck. Strapping him in wouldn't have helped him. He was already mortally wounded.

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