Anti-immigrant protest turns violent in Cologne


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
At least there are some Germans that aren't going to sit back and allow their culture to die without a fight.

Pitched battles erupted during an anti-immigration demonstration in Cologne on Saturday between the right-wing marchers and police as tensions in Germany remained high more than a week after hundreds of women were sexually assaulted and robbed on New Year’s Eve.

Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.

The mood had been tense since Friday when reports came out that recently arrived refugees were among the suspected assailants in the New Year’s Eve attacks. Women said they were were molested and groped by a mob of more than 1,000 men in Cologne, Germany’s fourth largest city.

NEWSLETTER: Get the day's top headlines from Times Editor Davan Maharaj >>

Police chief Wolfgang Albers was fired on Friday for failing to inform Cologne's mayor that refugees were suspected of being involved.

MORE: Anti-immigrant protest turns violent in Cologne
So you think this is acceptable?
Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.
The demonstration of Pegida, Pro NRW, Pro Köln, NPD and Hogesa was not violent enough. Police officers are in dire duty to show solidarity with those who dare to face the regime´s headwind. If they don´t, they must deal with the consequences of bolstering the regime´s stranglehold on its own people. The regime orders the police to cover up refugee´s participation in crimes. The police quells protests but when hundreds of sex offenders encircle women, no pale police grimaces can be seen.
In fact, police officers have to commit to our democratic principles. They now must show, that this confession is serious and break the regime´s war on its own people.
'Merkel Jouth' - Antifa - paid with tax money violent thugs to shout up protesters - were among demonstrators and provoked police.

Merkel pays Antifa - mostly unemployed Muslims, drugs addicted, criminals to stop protests.

'Merkel Jouth' - Antifa - paid with tax money violent thugs to shout up protesters - were among demonstrators and provoked police.

Merkel pays Antifa - mostly unemployed Muslims, drugs addicted, criminals to stop protests.

In my city:
Antifa, never tired to stress nationalism is bad, here in alliance with Turkish nationalists in a municipal organized counter-demonstration against a Pro NRW demo against a new mosque:
Germany reapin' the rewards of lib'ral refugee policy...

Germans slam ‘Rapefugees’ in wake of mass sexual attack
January 10, 2016 - German protesters seething over a series of sexual assaults of women by migrants on New Year’s Eve brought tensions to a flashpoint in Cologne, where police unleashed water cannons and tear gas to control crowds.
Fallout from the holiday attacks — in which dozens of women in the western German city endured a horrifying “gauntlet” of groping and violence by mobs of men — has heightened anger over the country’s welcoming attitude toward migrants and refugees. Dueling groups took over the streets Saturday, including 1,700 anti-Muslim demonstrators who threw bottles and firecrackers at cops and carried signs reading, “Rapefugees Not Welcome,” and shouting, “Merkel out,” denouncing the open-door policy of Chancellor Angela Merkel, who welcomed 1.1 million refugees and migrants to Germany in 2015.

The right-wing group, many representing the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement, was met by roughly 1,300 equally angry left-wing protesters, with both groups expressing horror at the extent of the New Year’s Eve attacks. At least 150 reports of sexual assault have been filed, out of 379 complaints of robbery and violence, said police, who admitted after days of denials that most of the attackers were asylum seekers and illegal migrants. In Cologne, a police report kept under wraps for days described women having to “run a gantlet” of drunken, abusive “Arab and North African” men in the square bounded by the Cologne Cathedral, one of Germany’s best-known Christian symbols, and its modernist glass Central Station.

The New Year’s crowd, at least 1,000 strong, massively outnumbered the police on patrol in the square, leaving cops helpless to counter at least two rapes and other brutal attacks from those who allegedly burned women with firecrackers, reached under their skirts to grope them, grabbed their breasts, tore off their undergarments, and screamed obscenities. Saturday’s heavy police presence in the square was in stark contrast to the meager forces in place on New Year’s Eve, protesters on both sides said. “The police come after us but they don’t dare touch the Syrians,” one anti-Merkel activist complained to the Sunday Times of London.

See also:

Women made to ‘run gauntlet’ in mass sexual attack in Germany
January 7, 2016 — An internal report by German police describes how women in the western city of Cologne had to run through mobs of drunken men who attacked them during New Year’s celebrations, an experience likened to “running the gauntlet.”
The report, details of which were widely published by German media Thursday, added to witness accounts describing a string of sexual assaults that have sparked a heated debate about migration and the police’s failure to prevent the mayhem. Chancellor Angela Merkel said Germany must examine whether it has done enough to deport foreigners who commit crimes, after police said the perpetrators of the attack were of “Arab or North African origin.”

While officials have cautioned against casting suspicion on migrants in general, the attacks have been seized on by some opponents of Germany’s welcoming stance toward those fleeing conflict after the country registered nearly 1.1 million asylum-seekers last year. “We must examine again and again whether we have already done what is necessary in terms of … deportations from Germany in order to send clear signals to those who are not prepared to abide by our legal order,” Merkel said.

She described the New Year’s assaults as “repugnant criminal acts that … Germany will not accept,” and said changes to the law and increasing police presence may be examined. “The feeling women had in this case of being at people’s mercy, without any protection, is intolerable for me personally as well,” she said. “And so it is important for everything that happened there to be put on the table.” German daily Bild on Thursday published extracts from an unidentified senior federal police officer’s report on the attacks. It recounts how federal units, who are also in charge of policing the railway system, were met by “anxious citizens with crying and shocked children” when they arrived at Cologne’s main railway station on New Year’s Eve.

The officer, said to have been in the job for 29 years, describes how “several thousand male persons with a migrant background” hurled fireworks and bottles into the crowds of revelers who had gathered in front of the city’s cathedral to celebrate the new year. The situation became tenser at 11:45 p.m. when more people arrived at the train station. “Unaccompanied and accompanied women had to literally ‘run the gauntlet’ of very drunk men,” the report said. Officers managed to clear the square, but struggled to cope with the large number of violent men, it said. “In the course of the operation numerous crying and shocked women/girls approached officers and told them of sexual assaults by male migrants/groups. Unfortunately it wasn’t possible to identify them any more.”

At least there are some Germans that aren't going to sit back and allow their culture to die without a fight.

Pitched battles erupted during an anti-immigration demonstration in Cologne on Saturday between the right-wing marchers and police as tensions in Germany remained high more than a week after hundreds of women were sexually assaulted and robbed on New Year’s Eve.

Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.

The mood had been tense since Friday when reports came out that recently arrived refugees were among the suspected assailants in the New Year’s Eve attacks. Women said they were were molested and groped by a mob of more than 1,000 men in Cologne, Germany’s fourth largest city.

NEWSLETTER: Get the day's top headlines from Times Editor Davan Maharaj >>

Police chief Wolfgang Albers was fired on Friday for failing to inform Cologne's mayor that refugees were suspected of being involved.

MORE: Anti-immigrant protest turns violent in Cologne

It's not a way.

You're fighting with disorder of civil life, making own disorder.
Offcourse, police have to disperse this actions. Do you think, Merkel didn't think about opportunity of demonstrations? She ignored it - so, she'll ignore this demonstrations in future...

I saw the similar way, when all middle-east terrorism was infiltrated to here through "Chechen door", while all Europe sing the songs about "brave Chechen rebels against evil federal forces"... The main problem - they are NOT like you. They dont' afraid your opinion and your demonstrations. They're not "poor refugees", or "just criminals". They're soldiers at the enemy territory, ready to fight, have a lot of illegal weapon (transported through Albania) - and no moral or ethic principles. You have 1500 demonstranst? Ok, they have 1500 bullets too...
So you think this is acceptable?
Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.

What's the alternative ?
Stand back and watch your country allow over a million of these third-world women hating people in every year, and see your culture die ?
Fuck that !
So you think this is acceptable?
Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.

What's the alternative ?
Stand back and watch your country allow over a million of these third-world women hating people in every year, and see your culture die ?
Fuck that !
Muslims are the new Jews.
So you think this is acceptable?
Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.

What's the alternative ?
Stand back and watch your country allow over a million of these third-world women hating people in every year, and see your culture die ?
Fuck that !

Hell, no! But problem is bigger, you think. To find adequate government. To restore law for all in country (not only for natives). To understand the economic uselessness of islamists - they never work and never pay any taxes...

And if you don't have enough own children - it's all useless, your culture will die with you :))

If it would be so hard - try to study from italians, how to organize mafia... If police and goverment don't want, there must be another organization to upkeep order, different from Sharia...
'Merkel Jouth' - Antifa - paid with tax money violent thugs to shout up protesters - were among demonstrators and provoked police.

Merkel pays Antifa - mostly unemployed Muslims, drugs addicted, criminals to stop protests.

You can always rely on the liberal fascists to show up, instigate violence, then say See? The right are violent.
So you think this is acceptable?
Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.

What's the alternative ?
Stand back and watch your country allow over a million of these third-world women hating people in every year, and see your culture die ?
Fuck that !
Muslims are the new Jews.

And you are the new "village idiot".

GERMANY: 150 Cologne police couldn’t stop 1,000 Muslim rape jihadists on New Year’s Eve, but 1,700 cops came out to stop the peaceful anti-Islam PEGIDA protesters today

Read here:


There is no excuse possible for the New Year's rapes, the police could have immediately asked for massive reinforcements early on!

Probably for some PC reasons these was not agreed to.

In the usual crazy Western world style, 1700 riot police with water cannons were used against the legitimate protesters.

What hope is left for Europe?

Germany like all other Euro nations MUST increase their birthrate along with shipping these people back where they came from.
There is no other alternative if Europe's Western culture hopes to live past this century.
Growing scale of Cologne attacks stokes German debate on migrants

RANKFURT (Reuters) - Attacks on women in Cologne and other German cities on New Year's Eve have prompted more than 600 criminal complaints, with police suspicion resting on asylum seekers, putting pressure on Chancellor Angela Merkel and her open door migrant policy.

The attacks, mostly targeting women and ranging from theft to sexual molestation, have prompted a highly-charged debate in Germany about its welcoming stance for refugees and migrants, more than one million of whom arrived last year.

The sudden nature of the violent attacks and the fact that they stretched from Hamburg to Frankfurt prompted Germany's justice minister Heiko Maas to speculate in a newspaper that they had been planned or coordinated.

The debate on migration will be further fueled by the acknowledgement by the authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia that a man shot dead as he tried to enter a Paris police station last week was an asylum seeker with seven identities who lived in Germany.

In Cologne, police said on Sunday that 516 criminal complaints had been filed by individuals or groups in relation to assaults on New Year's Eve, while police in Hamburg said 133 similar charges had been lodged with the north German city.

Growing scale of Cologne attacks stokes German debate on migrants
Merkel forced to change tack as migrants linked to Cologne violence

Berlin (AFP) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been forced to modify her liberal stance toward refugees, after a spate of assaults during New Year's Eve celebrations blamed on asylum seekers.

Turning away from her mantra of "we will manage this" over the record influx of asylum seekers that reached 1.1 million last year, Merkel has now backed changes to the law to make it easier to expel those convicted of crime.

"If the law does not suffice, then the law must be changed," she said on Saturday, warning that any refugee handed a jail term -- even if it was a suspended sentence -- should be kicked out of the country.

"Cologne has changed everything, people now are doubting," said Volker Bouffier, vice president of Merkel's CDU party.

Even though no arrests have been made or formal charges laid, Cologne police said those suspected over the rampage near the city's railway station a week ago were mostly asylum seekers and illegal migrants from North Africa.

Some 379 cases have already been lodged, police said, adding that about 40 percent of these related to allegations of sexual assault.

Merkel forced to change tack as migrants linked to Cologne violence
At least there are some Germans that aren't going to sit back and allow their culture to die without a fight.

Pitched battles erupted during an anti-immigration demonstration in Cologne on Saturday between the right-wing marchers and police as tensions in Germany remained high more than a week after hundreds of women were sexually assaulted and robbed on New Year’s Eve.

Police used water cannons against demonstrators after riot police were hit by beer bottles, stones and firecrackers. At least three police officers and a journalist were injured.

The mood had been tense since Friday when reports came out that recently arrived refugees were among the suspected assailants in the New Year’s Eve attacks. Women said they were were molested and groped by a mob of more than 1,000 men in Cologne, Germany’s fourth largest city.

NEWSLETTER: Get the day's top headlines from Times Editor Davan Maharaj >>

Police chief Wolfgang Albers was fired on Friday for failing to inform Cologne's mayor that refugees were suspected of being involved.

MORE: Anti-immigrant protest turns violent in Cologne
Good for the Germans. Throw those Muslims out of your country and send Merkle to Auschwitz. ME Muslims have no business integrating into western civilized society as they prove every day.

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