Anti gun walk out shows why you need a gun, students riot and loot local stores in Chicago.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep......values and culture...those determine the crime rate, not law abiding gun owners carrying guns for self defense....

Chicago Students Riot And Loot At Strip Mall During Gun Walkout - Blue Lives Matter

A crowd of Chicago students demanded gun control by rioting and looting on Wednesday.

Chicago, IL – A crowd of students swarmed a south side strip mall during Wednesday’s National Walkout Day demonstration, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

“They pretty much trashed this whole area,” GameStop manager Robert Owens told Blue Lives Matter on Thursday.

The nationwide demonstration, touted as a demand for gun control legislation, was slated to last for exactly 17 minutes, in remembrance of each of the 17 people murdered during the Valentine’s Day massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Chicago Sun Timesreported.

Not all of the protests were peaceful.

On Chicago’s South Side, Simeon Career Academy students descended on businesses situated in a strip mall behind the school, and began harassing customers and employees.

“Things started out cool,” a Potbelly Sandwich Shop manager, who did not want to be further identified, told Blue Lives Matter. “But then some of the guys started yelling, threatened the employees, and said they were going to come back [into the kitchen area] and make their own food.”

There were at least 50 teens in the eatery at one point, and they came inside in groups of 10 to 15 at a time, he said.

The manager noted that Potbelly’s also serves many elderly customers, some of whom were in the shop when the students began wreaking havoc.
All black and they'll not be punished. Makes the school look bad when the little chimps are locked up.
What difference exactly do they think will be made now?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If anything, trashing any place will only dig their hole deeper.
I don't know about Agenda 21 here, but one thing's for sure, those kids weren't protesting in Walmart. They were being thugs. Thuggary shouldn't be on the school syllabus.
I don't know about Agenda 21 here, but one thing's for sure, those kids weren't protesting in Walmart. They were being thugs. Thuggary shouldn't be on the school syllabus.
The only way to overcome the liberty of the people here is to void and degrade their constitutional rights one piece at a time. Who better to mass indoctrinate than vulnerable children. The looting is just one prime example of the backfire effect of their attempts at social engineering "by any means possible".
A crowd of Chicago students demanded gun control by rioting and looting on Wednesday.

So, in other words, these kids are showing that the school gun violence is no accident. The Democrats have created a generation of violent antifa anarchists who riot to get their way. If you don't give them what they want, they will attack, beat up or sue their parents. When they don't like the school or other students, they get a gun and shoot them. If you take away their gun, they will just use something else.

That Walmart riot should have been met with a SWAT team riot squad to take down every kid there, beat their faces in, lock them up, nip this shit in the bud and charge them as adults.
A crowd of Chicago students demanded gun control by rioting and looting on Wednesday.

So, in other words, these kids are showing that the school gun violence is no accident. The Democrats have created a generation of violent antifa anarchists who riot to get their way. If you don't give them what they want, they will attack, beat up or sue their parents. When they don't like the school or other students, they get a gun and shoot them. If you take away their gun, they will just use something else.

That Walmart riot should have been met with a SWAT team riot squad to take down every kid there, beat their faces in, lock them up, and charge them as adults.
As has been proven over and over dimstains do not want to punish rioting minorities.

I don't know about Agenda 21 here, but one thing's for sure, those kids weren't protesting in Walmart. They were being thugs. Thuggary shouldn't be on the school syllabus.
The only way to overcome the liberty of the people here is to void and degrade their constitutional rights one piece at a time. Who better to mass indoctrinate than vulnerable children. The looting is just one prime example of the backfire effect of their attempts at social engineering "by any means possible".
You aren't responding to my remark. Oh well. Maybe you aren't really looking to hear what anybody else has to say on this. Anyway, we don't really disagree here. Thanks for sharing the video.
I don't know about Agenda 21 here, but one thing's for sure, those kids weren't protesting in Walmart. They were being thugs. Thuggary shouldn't be on the school syllabus.
The only way to overcome the liberty of the people here is to void and degrade their constitutional rights one piece at a time. Who better to mass indoctrinate than vulnerable children. The looting is just one prime example of the backfire effect of their attempts at social engineering "by any means possible".
You aren't responding to my remark. Oh well. Maybe you aren't really looking to hear what anybody else has to say on this. Anyway, we don't really disagree here. Thanks for sharing the video.
Not much to say other than people with agendas stir pots of crap and dumb asses like the teen "thugs" at Chicago Walmart fall in line for what they believe they can gain from any given situation like this push for gun control (anti -american self defense and protection pushes).

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