Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying

By Daniel Greenfield


In Canada, Laurel Broten, Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Catholic schools could not teach that abortion was wrong under anti-bullying doctrines.

We do not allow and we’re very clear with the passage of Bill 13 that Catholic teachings cannot be taught in our schools that violates human rights and which brings a lack of acceptance to participation in schools…

Bill 13 has in it a clear indication of ensuring that our schools are safe, accepting places for all our students. That includes of LGBTQ students. That includes young girls in our school. Bill 13 is about tackling misogyny, taking away a woman’s right to choose could arguably be one of the most misogynistic actions that one could take

What is Bill 13?

Passed in June, Bill 13 was formulated in response to a series of teen suicides by students who were victims of bullying from their peers. It requires schools to provide “a positive school climate that is inclusive and accepting, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability”. The act specifically mandates that schools – Catholic Separate Schools included – establish “gay-straight alliance” organizations be available where requested


Some forms of religion think that homosexuality is just fine. Others that are biblically minded think it’s a sin. In a free country, both sides get to teach their religion to their children. In an unfree country, one side gets to teach their religion and the other side has its religion banned.

Naturally none of this applies to Muslims. Because when freedom of religion goes away, then the only people who get to teach their religions are those who impose their way by force, whether it’s deceptively through anti-bullying measures or openly through violence.

Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying
Well....a friend of my daughter's....his name was Brandon Bitner(Google him) was bullied for being the point that he hiked miles to the nearest highway and threw himself in front of a tractor trailer.

So, yeah....I'm against it. Doesn't surprise me that a Conservative would be for it though.....they seem to be very cool with the powerful oppressing the weak.
Really? You guys love to play the victim, don't you? Call someone an "N" word and someone calls you out on it? They're the racist. Bully some kid relentlessly? The people who think it's wrong and stand up to it are the bullies.

Just shows what kind of pussies you guys are. You're all tough when your opposition is weaker and you would pound that weaker person into the ground. but let someone stand up to you and you can't take it, so you bawl to mommy.
This is in Canada, not here.

Bulling is wrong ... but so is redefining bullying to include every little thing. Teasing or name calling (not relentlessly but normal stuff that kids do) isn't bullying. Some over weight weather woman boo hooed on tv because a viewer wrote in and told her she was a bad role model because she was obese. Was he rude? Sure. But she claimed it to be bullying, which it most certainly was not.
Really? You guys love to play the victim, don't you? Call someone an "N" word and someone calls you out on it? They're the racist. Bully some kid relentlessly? The people who think it's wrong and stand up to it are the bullies.

Just shows what kind of pussies you guys are. You're all tough when your opposition is weaker and you would pound that weaker person into the ground. but let someone stand up to you and you can't take it, so you bawl to mommy.

SteelPuss, you left-wingers are the biggest crybabies in the world, spotted owls, minnows, trees, frogs etc. Hell you guys have cost so many jobs we could blame the economy on you gullible fools...



Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying

By Daniel Greenfield


In Canada, Laurel Broten, Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Catholic schools could not teach that abortion was wrong under anti-bullying doctrines.

We do not allow and we’re very clear with the passage of Bill 13 that Catholic teachings cannot be taught in our schools that violates human rights and which brings a lack of acceptance to participation in schools…

Bill 13 has in it a clear indication of ensuring that our schools are safe, accepting places for all our students. That includes of LGBTQ students. That includes young girls in our school. Bill 13 is about tackling misogyny, taking away a woman’s right to choose could arguably be one of the most misogynistic actions that one could take

What is Bill 13?

Passed in June, Bill 13 was formulated in response to a series of teen suicides by students who were victims of bullying from their peers. It requires schools to provide “a positive school climate that is inclusive and accepting, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability”. The act specifically mandates that schools – Catholic Separate Schools included – establish “gay-straight alliance” organizations be available where requested


Some forms of religion think that homosexuality is just fine. Others that are biblically minded think it’s a sin. In a free country, both sides get to teach their religion to their children. In an unfree country, one side gets to teach their religion and the other side has its religion banned.

Naturally none of this applies to Muslims. Because when freedom of religion goes away, then the only people who get to teach their religions are those who impose their way by force, whether it’s deceptively through anti-bullying measures or openly through violence.

Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying

i don't live in canada.

Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying

By Daniel Greenfield


In Canada, Laurel Broten, Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Catholic schools could not teach that abortion was wrong under anti-bullying doctrines.

We do not allow and we’re very clear with the passage of Bill 13 that Catholic teachings cannot be taught in our schools that violates human rights and which brings a lack of acceptance to participation in schools…

Bill 13 has in it a clear indication of ensuring that our schools are safe, accepting places for all our students. That includes of LGBTQ students. That includes young girls in our school. Bill 13 is about tackling misogyny, taking away a woman’s right to choose could arguably be one of the most misogynistic actions that one could take

What is Bill 13?

Passed in June, Bill 13 was formulated in response to a series of teen suicides by students who were victims of bullying from their peers. It requires schools to provide “a positive school climate that is inclusive and accepting, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability”. The act specifically mandates that schools – Catholic Separate Schools included – establish “gay-straight alliance” organizations be available where requested


Some forms of religion think that homosexuality is just fine. Others that are biblically minded think it’s a sin. In a free country, both sides get to teach their religion to their children. In an unfree country, one side gets to teach their religion and the other side has its religion banned.

Naturally none of this applies to Muslims. Because when freedom of religion goes away, then the only people who get to teach their religions are those who impose their way by force, whether it’s deceptively through anti-bullying measures or openly through violence.

Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying

i don't live in canada.

poo poo, I bet Canada is glad...:eusa_shhh:
Really? You guys love to play the victim, don't you? Call someone an "N" word and someone calls you out on it? They're the racist. Bully some kid relentlessly? The people who think it's wrong and stand up to it are the bullies.

Just shows what kind of pussies you guys are. You're all tough when your opposition is weaker and you would pound that weaker person into the ground. but let someone stand up to you and you can't take it, so you bawl to mommy.

SteelPuss, you left-wingers are the biggest crybabies in the world, spotted owls, minnows, trees, frogs etc. Hell you guys have cost so many jobs we could blame the economy on you gullible fools...



you're confusing me with the environmentalist crowd. But, then again....those things you mention? All weaker and you're all about destroying them for a buck. Thank dude, you just proved my point.

Truthfully? While I'd like to see as much conservation as possible.....I am a hunter and a sportsman....I'm not one to go apeshit over it. You've seen my many times have I gotten onto an environmental kick?

I am however, concerned with our climate. I am admittedly not sure if it's man-made or not. But I don't think sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring it is the answer. The world is spewing more shit into the air than ever before in our history....not just CO2...but mercury and many other pollutants that don't belong there. That stuff comes back to earth in the form of rainfall, poisoning our rivers and streams, our farmland. We need to be mindful of that. Because it's not just the spotted owl, minnows and tree's us that's affected too.

But, as is typical of the conservative mindset, critical thinking only applies towards government in general and "libruls" in particular. No one on your side will EVER point their gnarled finger at Conservative havens....industry, business or the military.

That's not critical thinking, my friend.....that's blind partisanship.

Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying

By Daniel Greenfield


In Canada, Laurel Broten, Ontario’s Minister of Education announced that Catholic schools could not teach that abortion was wrong under anti-bullying doctrines.

We do not allow and we’re very clear with the passage of Bill 13 that Catholic teachings cannot be taught in our schools that violates human rights and which brings a lack of acceptance to participation in schools…

Bill 13 has in it a clear indication of ensuring that our schools are safe, accepting places for all our students. That includes of LGBTQ students. That includes young girls in our school. Bill 13 is about tackling misogyny, taking away a woman’s right to choose could arguably be one of the most misogynistic actions that one could take

What is Bill 13?

Passed in June, Bill 13 was formulated in response to a series of teen suicides by students who were victims of bullying from their peers. It requires schools to provide “a positive school climate that is inclusive and accepting, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability”. The act specifically mandates that schools – Catholic Separate Schools included – establish “gay-straight alliance” organizations be available where requested


Some forms of religion think that homosexuality is just fine. Others that are biblically minded think it’s a sin. In a free country, both sides get to teach their religion to their children. In an unfree country, one side gets to teach their religion and the other side has its religion banned.

Naturally none of this applies to Muslims. Because when freedom of religion goes away, then the only people who get to teach their religions are those who impose their way by force, whether it’s deceptively through anti-bullying measures or openly through violence.

Anti-Bullying is the New Bullying

Bullying is millions of years old. It is the instinct of mankind to show the alpha-beta pecking order. Do you want to be civilized or continue like animals?'re pro-bullying?

So... you must be the New Bullying?

Why the fuck wouldn't you be against bullying? Do you want little children committing suicide? Don't give me this alpha-male bullshit about how its natural and we should let it happen. It should be discouraged and prevented. We do not choose how we look, or how we are shaped, especially as little children. Allowing children to "pounce" on those deemed as weak (by evolutionary standards), because of innate instincts to create a social hierarchy based on fitness (even as children), is simply wrong. That is letting our animal instincts play out in a supervised environment in a way that is inappropriate when it can be stopped. Godamn, you fucking idiots piss me off when you suggests we should let bully's continue. Have you any common sense?
Some people don't want to grow up.....the heyday of their lives goes back that far....they were the cock of the walk and took great pleasure in having that power.

Now they are stuck in the real world where the intellectual little nerd that they used to give wedgies and swirlies to, is now earning more, and.quite possibly their boss.....and they resent it like they become Conservative assholes who are all about the strong dominating the weak.....they think it's a chance for a second childhood.
Some people don't want to grow up.....the heyday of their lives goes back that far....they were the cock of the walk and took great pleasure in having that power.

Now they are stuck in the real world where the intellectual little nerd that they used to give wedgies and swirlies to, is now earning more, and.quite possibly their boss.....and they resent it like they become Conservative assholes who are all about the strong dominating the weak.....they think it's a chance for a second childhood.

You've just hit on one of the major reasons that the upper 1% has manipulated it's earnings since the late 1970's. When athletes, mostly black, began to receive huge signing bonuses and multi million dollar contracts the CEO's of businesses said "By Gawd Ain't No Niqqer Gonna Make More Money Than I Do."

Couple that with the Reagan and Bushes programs which cut taxes for the wealthy and borrowed trillions from foreign banks to cover the shortfall and VOILA!


Last edited:'re pro-bullying?

So... you must be the New Bullying?

Why the fuck wouldn't you be against bullying? Do you want little children committing suicide? Don't give me this alpha-male bullshit about how its natural and we should let it happen. It should be discouraged and prevented. We do not choose how we look, or how we are shaped, especially as little children. Allowing children to "pounce" on those deemed as weak (by evolutionary standards), because of innate instincts to create a social hierarchy based on fitness (even as children), is simply wrong. That is letting our animal instincts play out in a supervised environment in a way that is inappropriate when it can be stopped. Godamn, you fucking idiots piss me off when you suggests we should let bully's continue. Have you any common sense?

Spoken like a true victim of bullying.

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