Answer: 6 in 10

Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.
What a fucking crybaby. What are you 13 years old? Grow some balls boy.
Its fucking sad how many Americans own guns for self defence, ignorant of the fact that the guns are 60 percent likely to kill them
No they won't. You should stop cowering in your basement and go outside where the sun shines and the world doesn't look so dark and mean.
“A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone 'almost certainly would have been killed' if they 'had not used a gun for protection.' Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 162,000 such incidents per year.

You idiot, check the FBI statistics, guns are used close to 2 million times a year in OUR country, usually a shot is never fired, just the sight of significant opposition sends cowardly bad guys running.

SO which is it asshole texas? 2 million or 162,000 DGUs? You dudes need to get your numbers straight .And you all wonder why no one in their right mind believes what a gun nutter says about guns.
30,000 gun deaths in Murica', 20,000 suicide.

Simple facts there buster.

Oh my god! Guns poison your mind and make you depressed and wanting to kill yourself! Let's take away everyone's guns because nobody will ever think to jump off a tall building, swallow cyanide, or give themselves carbon monoxide poisoning by burning charcoal.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.
You've had maybe seven years to play with your dick...figuring your a teenager...let's see if you can quit now.
Tell you what, you get all the criminals to give up theirs first, then you can talk to us law abiding citizens about wanting to take our guns.

How many times have you had to stand up to criminals with a gun? Just curious.
“A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone 'almost certainly would have been killed' if they 'had not used a gun for protection.' Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 162,000 such incidents per year.

You idiot, check the FBI statistics, guns are used close to 2 million times a year in OUR country, usually a shot is never fired, just the sight of significant opposition sends cowardly bad guys running.

SO which is it asshole texas? 2 million or 162,000 DGUs? You dudes need to get your numbers straight .And you all wonder why no one in their right mind believes what a gun nutter says about guns.

Take the lower figure, if you want. That alone should show why guns are of value.
I like this setup. I already have the EOTech red dot site but a scope would be nice. I've got Pamags and Yankee Hill flip up iron sights too!

Its sick how anybody could think a machine gun like that has any place in civilian, or even private security, hands

It's sick that anyone so ridiculously ignorant that they think that is a machine gun, would be telling people in a completely different country what to do with their gun laws.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Your chances of being killed for lack of self protection are greater than my chances of being killed as an armed and prepared FREE man. Just because your government has castrated you doesn't mean the rest of us need to be cut.
Which is the "correct" number of DGUs. 2 million or 162,000. We have two serious gun nutters with a wildly different claim. So which is it?
“A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone 'almost certainly would have been killed' if they 'had not used a gun for protection.' Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 162,000 such incidents per year.

You idiot, check the FBI statistics, guns are used close to 2 million times a year in OUR country, usually a shot is never fired, just the sight of significant opposition sends cowardly bad guys running.

SO which is it asshole texas? 2 million or 162,000 DGUs? You dudes need to get your numbers straight .And you all wonder why no one in their right mind believes what a gun nutter says about guns.
Perhaps you should learn to read before asking questions?

See the part in red? That is what is called as subset of data. The 2 million DGU's include ALL subsets of data, of which that is but a part.
Tell me why Japan, with a culture of suicide, still has FAR less gun suicide than 'Murica


Because, because.

Now let me ask you a question.....why is suicide by gun worse than suicide by charcoal burning (Japan's most common form of suicide)?
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Also, boy, please remember that there are fewer doctors in the USA than there are guns yet there are far more deaths by medical malpractice than by firearms. Do you want to "ban" all doctors or do you live by a double standard?
See the part in red? That is what is called as subset of data. The 2 million DGU's include ALL subsets of data, of which that is but a part.

You are fucking full of shit. But then you are a gun nutter so what do you expect. Nice try though.

One nutter claims 162000, one nutter claims 2 million. Cause everybody know that a subset of DGU's isn't the same thing as measuring the number of DGUs not in a subset. Right? Begs the question; when is a DGU not a DGU? When gun nutters can't come up with 2 million DGUs is the correct answer.

That makes about as much fucking sense as what you wrote doesn't it.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Wow! Bad teeth and bad math.

bath math?

30,000 gun deaths, 20,000 suicides

Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it

Is that what passes for math across the pond?
you fucking retard fagots:

30,000 gun deaths

20,000 suicides

2/3 of all shootings are suicides, not self defence

Preventable causes of death in the USA:

Preventable medical errors in hospitals -- 210,000 to 448,000[8] -- 23.1% -- Estimates vary, significant numbers of preventable deaths also result from errors outside of hospitals.
Traffic Collisions -- 43,000 -- 1.8%

Firearms Deaths -- 31,940
[13 -- 1.3%

List of preventable causes of death - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
See the part in red? That is what is called as subset of data. The 2 million DGU's include ALL subsets of data, of which that is but a part.

You are fucking full of shit. But then you are a gun nutter so what do you expect. Nice try though.

One nutter claims 162000, one nutter claims 2 million. Cause everybody know that a subset of DGU's isn't the same thing as measuring the number of DGUs not in a subset. Right? Begs the question; when is a DGU not a DGU? When gun nutters can't come up with 2 million DGUs is the correct answer.

That makes about as much fucking sense as what you wrote doesn't it.
Yeah, your in the same category of imbecile as the OP who can't do statistics either.

A defensive gun use is any instance of using a gun to ward off a crime. Just opening your jacket and flashing the butt to a would be robber is considered a DFU. The specific citation used by Professor is just that. A specific type of DFU as opposed to a more generic one.

Even a 3rd grader would understand that. Guess that leaves you out.

Go away nutter.
About 43% of American households own a gun. That's what, 150 million people with a gun in the home?

150 million vs 30,000 deaths per year. Factor out suicides, and you have 10,000 deaths vs. 150,000,000.

A suicidal person is going to find a way to end their life. Japan proves that, several times a day.

So the chances you will die by your own gun (outside of suicide) is .6 x 10,000 /150,000,000.

Four one-thousandths of one percent each year.

Factor in suicide and it "skyrockets" (;)) to twelve one thousandths of one percent each year.

Uh....actually your math is off as well. You made it too complicated and seemed to inadvertently weave in the OPs bogus 60% claims.

10,000 deaths vs 150 million households with guns.

Simply divide the number of deaths by the number of households. Comes out to a 0.00006¯% chance that your own gun will kill you. Factoring in suicides, it comes to a 0.0002% chance that your gun will kill you.

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