Answer: 6 in 10

One in 12,000 people who have a gun in their home are dying by that gun each year.

Don't let the pants shitters fool you.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Hi RayneWooney
What percentage of rapes are committed by men?
How many years have we been enforcing laws the same way, and rapes still happen?

Does this mean we punish all men because of the men committing rape? Because of the STATS?

Shouldn't we more effectively identify people who abuse or endanger others, and correct the problem
without punishing ALL other citizens who don't pose problems or risks?

Oh wait, identifying mental or criminal issues and addressing those might also reduce the problems with guns.
Sorry, that might actually make too much sense. Can't have that!

Emily don't waste your time with him. He is only here now to be made fun of and poked at. He is a disgusting thing who wishes death and rape on gun owners and gun rights supporters.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

Here's another question. How many gun owners die from a gunshot wound?

Hint: It isn't anywhere near 6 in 10.

Nice try, though!

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Japan has very strict gun control and twice our suicide rate.

Next question!
Tell me why Japan, with a culture of suicide, still has FAR less gun suicide than 'Murica

Once again, they have fewer gun suicides because they have fewer guns. But they have almost twice the number f suicides per capita. So your example is still stupid. You don't care that there are twice as many suicides, as long as there are no guns involved..
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

No, you will not take them and put them in a hole.

And you know what happens MOST often when you have a gun? Nobody dies. In fact, if you blame all the gun muders, gun suicides, and accidental shooting deaths on legal gun owners, you would still have 99.95% of the gun owners in the US having never killed anyone. Sounds pretty say to me.
I don't have a gun now...
But I probably will before I die..
I am planning to leave the NYC area and will move to a less populated area with less police protection....
I will need to have the ability to protect my life.

Sorry Libs.... People should have guns if they desire...
I know you hate that but....too bad.
I don't have a gun now...
But I probably will before I die..
I am planning to leave the NYC area and will move to a less populated area with less police protection....
I will need to have the ability to protect my life.

Sorry Libs.... People should have guns if they desire...
I know you hate that but....too bad.
So Adam Lanza or George Zimmerman should have guns if they desire?
I don't have a gun now...
But I probably will before I die..
I am planning to leave the NYC area and will move to a less populated area with less police protection....
I will need to have the ability to protect my life.

Sorry Libs.... People should have guns if they desire...
I know you hate that but....too bad.
So Adam Lanza or George Zimmerman should have guns if they desire?
George yes, he still has one (or more). Adam Lanza is still dead.

Maybe George would like one of these little beauties?

Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

:blahblah: :anj_stfu:

You should worry about what the fuck is going on in your own backyard, and stop worrying about what we America do with our guns.

Last edited:
Stay on your side of the ocean and STFU. We will decide how many guns we will have.
LOL sad that once sane people don't approve of your killer dick extenders?
The 2nd Amendment has been part of our founding since the beginning you moron. In direct action to you assholes demanding we give them up. Of course we didn't and kicked your asses back to where you belong but I guess you forgot that part.
It's sort of an interesting statistic, when you think about. What it's saying is that if you own a gun, it's more likely you'll kill yourself than be shot by someone else. Which makes sense. If someone else tries to shoot you, you've got a gun to protect yourself. FTW!
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Wow! Bad teeth and bad math.

bath math?

30,000 gun deaths, 20,000 suicides

Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it

Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Wow! Bad teeth and bad math.

bath math?

30,000 gun deaths, 20,000 suicides

Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it

There is something frightfully wrong with your thought process. You say there are 30,000 gun deaths which include 20,000 suicides and from this you conclude: “Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it.”

Assuming that your figures are correct, your conclusion is illogical and statistically laughable. Even if 60 percent of gun deaths are suicides that does not prove that gun owners have a 60 percent chance of shooting themselves. That's the same thing as saying that 60 percent percent of all gun owners commit suicide and you should know this cannot be true.

I don't believe you have any concept of the number of people who own guns in this country; however, this knowledge is necessary to make a statistical analysis of the effects of gun ownership. Although the number of gun owners cannot be determined with great accuracy, there are some figures that are reasonably reliable. Here are just a few links for you:

"The United States has 90 guns for every 100 residents, which is one of the highest in the world."

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
“There were over 47 million guns imported, manufactured, and sold between 2008 and 2012. Add another 15 million for 2013—a conservative guess based on what we know—and we’re well over 60 million new guns in the hands of gun owners since 2008. That means we have averaged over ten million new guns sold per year for the last six years alone. Fully one-third of new guns in recent years have been imported into the United States from other countries.

Gun Ownership By The Numbers The Daily Caller
“A 2011 Gallup poll estimates that 47 percent of US households own a gun. A 2007 Small Arms Survey estimates there are 88.7 guns per 100 Americans (#1 in the world for guns per capita). A 2010 estimate from the NRA states 'Privately owned firearms in the U.S.: Approaching 300 million, including nearly 100 million handguns. The number of firearms rises over 4 million annually.'

How many gun owners are there in the United States of America

I have provided just a few links to show that there are a hell of a lot of gun owners in the US compared to the number of suicides. My own research has shown that estimates of households which have one or more guns range from approximately 39 percent to 50 percent. Since there were approximately 120,000,000 households in the USA over the last several years, this means that between 47,000,000 and 60,000,000 households had one or more guns. Since you claim that 20,000 people committed suicide using a gun that means that somewhere between .03 percent and .04 percent of households with guns experience suicide with a gun. Your figure of 60 percent is about 1,200-1,500 times higher than what the actual numbers show. Your figures would be even more inaccurate if you considered the number of individual gun owners instead of the number of households. Further, there is no evidence showing how many of those who committed suicide by gun would not have used another method had no gun been available.

The biggest flaw in your argument is that you consider only the negative aspects of gun ownership . You fail to consider the positive aspects, such as saving lives and preventing rape or other serious injury. A number of reputable studies have shown that more lives are saved by gun ownership than are lost by gun suicides and gun accidents. One survey showed that guns used for self-protection saved 162,000 lives a year which is a lot more than the number of people who killed themselves with a gun each year, in fact over eight times as many:

“A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone 'almost certainly would have been killed' if they 'had not used a gun for protection.' Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 162,000 such incidents per year. This figure excludes all 'military service, police work, or work as a security guard.'"

Gun Control - Just Facts

The only reason I replied to your post is that I was not going to let you get away with claiming that gun owners (I am one of them) had a 60 percent chance of shooting themselves. Your statement implies that gun owners are extraordinarily stupid and careless and I personally resent such an accusation. If it were true that 60 percent of gun owners shoot themselves each year there would be no need for gun control since these stupid careless gun owners would be killing themselves out of existence in just a few years.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Well how about you get off your lazy ass and try to take them.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Wow! Bad teeth and bad math.

bath math?

30,000 gun deaths, 20,000 suicides

Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it

Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Wow! Bad teeth and bad math.

bath math?

30,000 gun deaths, 20,000 suicides

Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it

There is something frightfully wrong with your thought process. You say there are 30,000 gun deaths which include 20,000 suicides and from this you conclude: “Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it.”

Assuming that your figures are correct, your conclusion is illogical and statistically laughable. Even if 60 percent of gun deaths are suicides that does not prove that gun owners have a 60 percent chance of shooting themselves. That's the same thing as saying that 60 percent percent of all gun owners commit suicide and you should know this cannot be true.

I don't believe you have any concept of the number of people who own guns in this country; however, this knowledge is necessary to make a statistical analysis of the effects of gun ownership. Although the number of gun owners cannot be determined with great accuracy, there are some figures that are reasonably reliable. Here are just a few links for you:

"The United States has 90 guns for every 100 residents, which is one of the highest in the world."

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
“There were over 47 million guns imported, manufactured, and sold between 2008 and 2012. Add another 15 million for 2013—a conservative guess based on what we know—and we’re well over 60 million new guns in the hands of gun owners since 2008. That means we have averaged over ten million new guns sold per year for the last six years alone. Fully one-third of new guns in recent years have been imported into the United States from other countries.

Gun Ownership By The Numbers The Daily Caller
“A 2011 Gallup poll estimates that 47 percent of US households own a gun. A 2007 Small Arms Survey estimates there are 88.7 guns per 100 Americans (#1 in the world for guns per capita). A 2010 estimate from the NRA states 'Privately owned firearms in the U.S.: Approaching 300 million, including nearly 100 million handguns. The number of firearms rises over 4 million annually.'

How many gun owners are there in the United States of America

I have provided just a few links to show that there are a hell of a lot of gun owners in the US compared to the number of suicides. My own research has shown that estimates of households which have one or more guns range from approximately 39 percent to 50 percent. Since there were approximately 120,000,000 households in the USA over the last several years, this means that between 47,000,000 and 60,000,000 households had one or more guns. Since you claim that 20,000 people committed suicide using a gun that means that somewhere between .03 percent and .04 percent of households with guns experience suicide with a gun. Your figure of 60 percent is about 1,200-1,500 times higher than what the actual numbers show. Your figures would be even more inaccurate if you considered the number of individual gun owners instead of the number of households. Further, there is no evidence showing how many of those who committed suicide by gun would not have used another method had no gun been available.

The biggest flaw in your argument is that you consider only the negative aspects of gun ownership . You fail to consider the positive aspects, such as saving lives and preventing rape or other serious injury. A number of reputable studies have shown that more lives are saved by gun ownership than are lost by gun suicides and gun accidents. One survey showed that guns used for self-protection saved 162,000 lives a year which is a lot more than the number of people who killed themselves with a gun each year, in fact over eight times as many:

“A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone 'almost certainly would have been killed' if they 'had not used a gun for protection.' Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 162,000 such incidents per year. This figure excludes all 'military service, police work, or work as a security guard.'"

Gun Control - Just Facts

The only reason I replied to your post is that I was not going to let you get away with claiming that gun owners (I am one of them) had a 60 percent chance of shooting themselves. Your statement implies that gun owners are extraordinarily stupid and careless and I personally resent such an accusation. If it were true that 60 percent of gun owners shoot themselves each year there would be no need for gun control since these stupid careless gun owners would be killing themselves out of existence in just a few years.

You spent more effort on this asshole than he deserved. Anyone ignorant to swallow the propaganda that he has isn't interest in facts.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

You LIE, also go fuck yourself.
30,000 gun deaths in Murica', 20,000 suicide.

Simple facts there buster.

Fact: You are a retard
AD HOMINEM. You haven't disputed the fact that 2/3 of all shootings are suicides, so a gun nut most likely wont be shooting any robbers, but instead himself

You idiot, check the FBI statistics, guns are used close to 2 million times a year in OUR country, usually a shot is never fired, just the sight of significant opposition sends cowardly bad guys running. Now you pussies across the pond have to worry about criminals coming at you with a knife or a club and they will have the upper hand, that's not the case here. All you are proving is you are volunteer victims because you didn't fight for your right to self defense..
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Wow! Bad teeth and bad math.

bath math?

30,000 gun deaths, 20,000 suicides

Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it

There are more than 300 million guns, not just 30,000, calculate that.
Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Wow! Bad teeth and bad math.

bath math?

30,000 gun deaths, 20,000 suicides

Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it

Question: What are the chances that your own gun kills you.

When gun control people say they want your guns, and we do, it isn't about crime, or the Second Amendment, or any other gun-related issue, it's about deaths by firearms, period. 32,000 deaths per year, every year, year after year, and 20,000 of those are suicides.

Your gun is most likely going to kill you or someone you love, not the bad guys. And yes we want them, all of them, in a hole in the ground. The Wild West is long gone John Wayne Wannabes, it's time to move on and have gun death numbers as low as other places where common sense not tradition rules.

You had 230 years to play with your guns and that's bloody long enough, literally.

Wow! Bad teeth and bad math.

bath math?

30,000 gun deaths, 20,000 suicides

Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it

There is something frightfully wrong with your thought process. You say there are 30,000 gun deaths which include 20,000 suicides and from this you conclude: “Therefore, if you have a gun, there's a 60 percent chance you'll shoot yourself with it.”

Assuming that your figures are correct, your conclusion is illogical and statistically laughable. Even if 60 percent of gun deaths are suicides that does not prove that gun owners have a 60 percent chance of shooting themselves. That's the same thing as saying that 60 percent percent of all gun owners commit suicide and you should know this cannot be true.

I don't believe you have any concept of the number of people who own guns in this country; however, this knowledge is necessary to make a statistical analysis of the effects of gun ownership. Although the number of gun owners cannot be determined with great accuracy, there are some figures that are reasonably reliable. Here are just a few links for you:

"The United States has 90 guns for every 100 residents, which is one of the highest in the world."

Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
“There were over 47 million guns imported, manufactured, and sold between 2008 and 2012. Add another 15 million for 2013—a conservative guess based on what we know—and we’re well over 60 million new guns in the hands of gun owners since 2008. That means we have averaged over ten million new guns sold per year for the last six years alone. Fully one-third of new guns in recent years have been imported into the United States from other countries.

Gun Ownership By The Numbers The Daily Caller
“A 2011 Gallup poll estimates that 47 percent of US households own a gun. A 2007 Small Arms Survey estimates there are 88.7 guns per 100 Americans (#1 in the world for guns per capita). A 2010 estimate from the NRA states 'Privately owned firearms in the U.S.: Approaching 300 million, including nearly 100 million handguns. The number of firearms rises over 4 million annually.'

How many gun owners are there in the United States of America

I have provided just a few links to show that there are a hell of a lot of gun owners in the US compared to the number of suicides. My own research has shown that estimates of households which have one or more guns range from approximately 39 percent to 50 percent. Since there were approximately 120,000,000 households in the USA over the last several years, this means that between 47,000,000 and 60,000,000 households had one or more guns. Since you claim that 20,000 people committed suicide using a gun that means that somewhere between .03 percent and .04 percent of households with guns experience suicide with a gun. Your figure of 60 percent is about 1,200-1,500 times higher than what the actual numbers show. Your figures would be even more inaccurate if you considered the number of individual gun owners instead of the number of households. Further, there is no evidence showing how many of those who committed suicide by gun would not have used another method had no gun been available.

The biggest flaw in your argument is that you consider only the negative aspects of gun ownership . You fail to consider the positive aspects, such as saving lives and preventing rape or other serious injury. A number of reputable studies have shown that more lives are saved by gun ownership than are lost by gun suicides and gun accidents. One survey showed that guns used for self-protection saved 162,000 lives a year which is a lot more than the number of people who killed themselves with a gun each year, in fact over eight times as many:

“A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 0.5% of households had members who had used a gun for defense during a situation in which they thought someone 'almost certainly would have been killed' if they 'had not used a gun for protection.' Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 162,000 such incidents per year. This figure excludes all 'military service, police work, or work as a security guard.'"

Gun Control - Just Facts

The only reason I replied to your post is that I was not going to let you get away with claiming that gun owners (I am one of them) had a 60 percent chance of shooting themselves. Your statement implies that gun owners are extraordinarily stupid and careless and I personally resent such an accusation. If it were true that 60 percent of gun owners shoot themselves each year there would be no need for gun control since these stupid careless gun owners would be killing themselves out of existence in just a few years.

Thank you.

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