Another year of lies and the Democrats playing the Bush Card.

"Great programs" that are bankrupt and about to shaft those who were bilked to prop them up.

Oh, BTW, lots and lots of democrats have thrown in with the spending binges. Shifitng the entire blame for that onto republicans is equally lame and disingenuous.

And Dems have controlled Congress and the budget process for the last 3 years. Let's not forget that.
They controlled it form at least LBJ on through to 1994, as well.

The chickenshit game of pointing at the president as the one primarily responsible for spending is constitutionally ignorant.....But that's expected from the Fabians.

Exactly...when you believe that rule is absolute and the Supreme Court and Congress are just window dressing you get yourself in trouble.

The Executive has checks and balances against it's absolute power....just as Congress does. Congress spends the money..NOT the President. Right now the current budget deficit for 2010..Obama's FIRST BUDGET he cannot blame on Bush is 1.4 trillion dollars. So far he has raised the National Debt by nearly 2 trillion dollars. Before the Congress there is a bill to raise the debt ceiling to 14.3 trillion dollars. So if the Democrat controlled Congress continues to borrow money at this rate Obama will eclipse Bush's 8 year borrowing spree in 4 years.'s all Bush's fault. Stand by for this line for the next 10 months until Nov. 2010. America will reject this excuse.
Blame BOOOOOOOOSSH and vicious personal smears are all they have left at this point and even they know this. They certainly can't win on issues and beliefs anymore. Will that tired stuff be enough for them this time around? I guess we'll see.
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I suppose you're trying to parlay hack polling into reality but it just ain't so. While many Americans describe themselves as conservative, on the issues, they're progressive. Put simply, Americans love big government and that's anathema to Conservatives.

No, they don't. America is center right and Barry came a riding in from the left on his horse named Bush promising to fundamentally change America. America doesn't want to be fundamentally changed, America wants government to stop digging us deeper and deeper and deeper into the hole. How do I know this? With the election of Scott Brown - an R in the most liberal state of MA?? lol - America just told Barry to shove his fundamental transformation, big government takeover. And if he doesn't get that now, he never will. I don't think Barry is capable of governing from the center. Then again I don't think he's capable of governing, period.

You're wrong.

Read the report:

America: A Center-Left Nation
Not an opinion piece....From Media Matters.....

Oh, the heart-stopping hilarity!!
As they have in so many years past, Republicans have spent the first year of Obama's administration distorting the issues. With control of the media, well-funded supporters and a willingness to lie it was easy. Recent election results prove it was effective. Obama has to do something to counter the deceptions. For America's sake, let's hope he's successful. The fate of the American People rests on Obama's ability to clear the air of the fog of Republican lies.

Have you been in a coma?

The stock in trade of the Big 0 is deception and deciet. He hates the ideas of the Reverand Wright, right? Why did he attend services every week for all those years?

He supports Healthcare for all and will provide it at no additional cost by eliminating waste, opps! By eliminating waste and taxing the wealthy. OOPS! By those two things and taxing Cadillac Plans. OOPS! Not the Cadillac plans of the unions. OOPS!

Yes, those plans, too. What? No, not those plans, too. My bad.

By those few things and reducing Medicaire and veterans benefits and cutting funding to support free care from doctors for the uninsured. And taxing drugs, drug makers, medical supplies and equipment and anything else that moves, breathes or lies motionless.

Getting an idea of what is happening here? He has no idea how to do anything. He's an incompetent boob with a great oratorical gift. If I had been given the Trillion dollars to stimulate the economy, we'd have 4% unemployment right now. If the Big 0 had gotten it, we'd have rich Democrats right now. How many new jobs do you see?

Even you will start to appreciate what's happening soon. The Dems in Congress have seen the light and I didn't think that would ever happen. Wonders never cease.

Now if Scott Brown can only keep the pair he grew a couple weeks ago...

Lets hope Brown is exactly as he's advertized. This guy works for me. Big time.

Obama has learned that his left wing agenda ain't gonna fly in America. NO way. NO how. The Dems are jumping off the Good Ship Obama in one big assed hurry. Another is retiring with he beni's in tow. Wonder how long he thinks he can blame Bush?? Folks are already getting sick of that one. He better come ups with something new.

Can Obama pull it out. Hell yes he can if does what Clinton did. If his ideology will let him. Will have to wait and see.
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Obama's going back to his political handler indicates he doesn't have a clue what happened or what to do about it. He thinks replaying the 2008 campaign will save the Dems.
Newsflash: This isn't 2008. You can't run on generalities like hope and change. Now there's a record. And it sucks. And people have wised up to it. Bashing instutitions that you were running to support yesterday won't play well.
Obama is one n done.

The Hope & Change candiate turned into the Bait & Switch President....and now he's back in campaign mode using his Marxist tactics hoping it will project the blame for his failings onto someone else.
Sigh, what a useless thread.

You people are so predictable by now.

Nothing but criticisms, negativity, and "NO"!

So sad.
Sorry babe.

Now you know what we've been putting up with for 8 GD years.:cool:

And when THAT happened, people on the right called people on the left "traitors" and "anti-American".

So I guess you all are happy with being the "traitors" now, right?

After all, Bush 2 wars are still going on, so, by your own logic, all this criticism of Obama is "treason", like Ann Coulter said, right?

But hey, I didn't come up with this logic, the right did.

Congratulations, you anti-american bastards!

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