Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars

Maybe unkotare attitude is blacks need to get over it. It is what it is. Only they can get themselves out of poverty. We don’t know. He never tells us what he thinks.

But why is unkotare against affirmative action? Does he think it’s unfair to whites or no longer needed? Again I’m assuming he believes these things because he never tells. He just cries about liberals

More lies and misrepresentation from bobobrainless, the low-life idiot.
He’s the ignorant white fuck who sits by watching blacks get treated like second class citizens.......

I've dedicated my life to serving people of all races, ethnicities, faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds. How about you, big mouth? Oh, you've dedicated your miserable, lonely life to a shitty used boat. Way to go, champ.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
Could you be more specific? I’m about to expose you but you have to answer our questions.

We back you into a corner ......

Who is "our" and "we," bobobrainless? Hearing voices?
Liberal hypocrites racist.
Because I say what you’re thinking but won’t say?

Attempting to misrepresent me is why you are dishonest. All the other shit you post exposes you as a real, old-school democrat racist.
I’m not misrepresenting you and we know it

I am clearly and directly informing you that you ARE misrepresenting me, you idiotic liar.
I’ll say it again. There’s the you who you think you are, there’s the you we think you are and there’s the real you.

I’m only telling you what I see.

And I know the you you think you are isn’t the real you.

Clearly, there is the you who started drinking and taking drugs early today.
He’s the ignorant white fuck who sits by watching blacks get treated like second class citizens.......

I've dedicated my life to serving people of all races, ethnicities, faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds. How about you, big mouth? Oh, you've dedicated your miserable, lonely life to a shitty used boat. Way to go, champ.
Brand new boat
He’s the ignorant white fuck who sits by watching blacks get treated like second class citizens.......

I've dedicated my life to serving people of all races, ethnicities, faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds. How about you, big mouth? Oh, you've dedicated your miserable, lonely life to a shitty used boat. Way to go, champ.
You didn’t dedicate anything. You took a job that you could do. You didn’t choose to work in a poverty stricken school. No one does that. You didn’t get hired at a better area code.

I don’t know if your influence on people is necessarily positive. You think of yourself as a mr Holland’s opus? Yea, that’s how YOU see it
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
Could you be more specific? I’m about to expose you but you have to answer our questions.

We back you into a corner ......

Who is "our" and "we," bobobrainless? Hearing voices?
Anybody who engages you. Not your buddies who cheer your dickishness on. Everyone else. All the people I see complain about your debate style.

You know who we are.
He’s the ignorant white fuck who sits by watching blacks get treated like second class citizens.......

I've dedicated my life to serving people of all races, ethnicities, faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds. How about you, big mouth? Oh, you've dedicated your miserable, lonely life to a shitty used boat. Way to go, champ.
You didn’t dedicate anything. You took a job that you could do. You didn’t choose to work in a poverty stricken school. No one does that. You didn’t get hired at a better area code.

Wrong again, brainless. No surprise that such a pathetic, lonely, shallow, dimwitted loser has no idea what wealth really means.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
Could you be more specific? I’m about to expose you but you have to answer our questions.

We back you into a corner ......

Who is "our" and "we," bobobrainless? Hearing voices?
Anybody who engages you. Not your buddies who cheer your dickishness on. Everyone else. All the people I see complain about your debate style.

You know who we are.

You are painfully insecure. Poor Bobobrainless.
He’s the ignorant white fuck who sits by watching blacks get treated like second class citizens.......

I've dedicated my life to serving people of all races, ethnicities, faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds. How about you, big mouth? Oh, you've dedicated your miserable, lonely life to a shitty used boat. Way to go, champ.
Brand new boat

My neighbor asked me what my payments were. I said, “ no payments I’m paying cash”

You should have seen the look on her face. The idea someone has $25,000 to burn blew her mind. She’s a teacher with a masters bro.

If I were to act like you I’d find a single guy with a yacht and start making fun of him.
He’s the ignorant white fuck who sits by watching blacks get treated like second class citizens.......

I've dedicated my life to serving people of all races, ethnicities, faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds. How about you, big mouth? Oh, you've dedicated your miserable, lonely life to a shitty used boat. Way to go, champ.
You didn’t dedicate anything. You took a job that you could do. You didn’t choose to work in a poverty stricken school. No one does that. You didn’t get hired at a better area code.

Wrong again, brainless. No surprise that such a pathetic, lonely, shallow, dimwitted loser has no idea what wealth really means.
No one believes a dick like you is a good person is real life.

Oh and I do know what wealth is. It’s health and happiness

Because if you tell a black person all lives matter that tells them you don’t get the message or movement.

...based on all the 0 black people you talk to every day, idiot? Do yourself a favor and STFU.

Except he's right.
Now you see the difference between liberals and conservative whites. We at least get and admit black people are treated like second class citizens. It’s better than what he’s suggesting.

But to be fair we don’t know what unkotare believes because in all the time he’s been here he’s said virtually nothing.

This entire thread suggests that he denies black people even have a problem. He thinks liberals are just making it up for votes. All lives matter? In other words he’s telling you black people you’re being snowflakes. Next he will tell you to stop resisting arrest

We all know unkotare is an asshole. Not just here either. There’s no way a prick with his reputation here is any different in real life. So the idea that he and the black people around him are on the same page about anything or that they communicate at all is laughable. He’s just that asshole Asian/white dude who never says shit.

...what unkotare wants to dismiss is white racism ...

I never said that, you dishonest sack of shit. Don’t try to misrepresent me while you repost your SPAM for the 1000000000th time.

It's what you do all the time.
He’s the ignorant white fuck who sits by watching blacks get treated like second class citizens.......

I've dedicated my life to serving people of all races, ethnicities, faiths, nationalities, and backgrounds. How about you, big mouth? Oh, you've dedicated your miserable, lonely life to a shitty used boat. Way to go, champ.
You didn’t dedicate anything. You took a job that you could do. You didn’t choose to work in a poverty stricken school. No one does that. You didn’t get hired at a better area code.

Wrong again, brainless. No surprise that such a pathetic, lonely, shallow, dimwitted loser has no idea what wealth really means.
No one believes a dick like you is a good person is real life.

Oh and I do know what wealth is. It’s health and happiness

Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

Talking to you:

- ptbw

- im2

- brokeloser

- etc

I’ll ell you what racism is not. It is not complaining about racism directed at blacks by whites. It is not the angry response to the built in disrespect of a persons humanity by the race that thinks they are superior either. It is not the animosity built up in those who have been the ones disrespected by the race that thinks they are superior. A lot of whites do not seem to understand what white racism has done and then want to quickly call racism the angry reaction, responses and animosity created by white racism.

So the look at yourself because this is you:

  1. “Whites”: Imagine the word “all” before each use of the word “whites”. This is a special rule of White American English that does not appear in any grammar book.
  2. “Evil”: If “whites” and “evil” appear in the same sentence, imagine the word “uniquely” before the word “evil”. Or even “pure”. Or both.
  3. “Racist”: If the words “whites” and “racist” are in the same sentence, then do not even trouble yourself with reading the rest of the post – just jump down to the comments and start acting offended. Try it! Remember, only white nationalists and those who use the n-word can possibly be racist. All other whites are Well Meaning, Basically Good and Would Know If They Were Racist. Blacks would have no idea because they cannot read minds.
  4. General statements about whites: these are racist and therefore false. Because whites are individuals, because to see colour in the first place is racist, because to make general statements about a race is stereotyping, a part of racism.
  5. White is right: so Abagond must be wrong. Even if you cannot say why.
  6. Abagond hates whites: This follows from #5 because what other reason could there be for him to say bad stuff about whites?
  7. This is a Bash Whitey blog: which follows from #6. Abagond hates whites so much that he wants to make them to look bad or feel bad. Clearly that is his whole reason for blogging.
    1. Stereotype his position.Here are some of the choices:
    2. Playing the race card
  • Whining
  • Advanced Whining
  • Whites are pure evil (white devils)
  • Living in the past
  1. If he sounds kind of like he saying one of these then he is. After all, Black America is capable of maybe six different opinions at once. If that.
  2. He is an Ungrateful Darkie: He does not seem to know that Progress Has Been Made and that blacks in America have it so much better than in Africa. Point this out to him!
  3. When he tells about a personal experience:
  4. If you or any white person you know has had the same experience then say, “It happens to whites too!” Even if you have to stretch it.
  5. Otherwise he must be making it up just to make whites look bad. What else could it be?
  6. If he says something bad about whites, get upset. Take it personally. Clearly he does not know how to talk to white people, so there is no reason to take him seriously.
  7. Your feelings are more important than anything in the post, even the stuff he talks about that affects 40 million Americans – if not the whole country. Or much of the English-speaking world. But what is that compared to your feelings?
  8. The most important rule of all: Never ever try to understand what he is saying from his point of view. Why would you? What is the point? White is right, remember?
I'm talking only to you Unkotare. Specifically.

The “not all whites” argument is a common straw man argument. I will make some statement about whites and then be informed that “not all whites” are like that, that they are Individuals. Like there is some special rule of English that “whites” always means “all whites”. Even when I say “some whites” or “most whites” it can still be taken to mean “all whites” – since clearly I only put in those words as a cheap trick to fool people.

In America, according to the government numbers, whites are supposedly better at reading than blacks. I would never know that from this section of USMB: Only rarely do black commenters seriously misunderstand me while it is quite common for whites. And this imagined “all” before “whites” – which is not in any grammar book I know of – is one of the main causes.

Example: When I say, “Whites owned slaves” it hardly means they all owned slaves. As far as I know no more than 2% of White Americans ever did. Yet that does not make the statement untrue or meaningless. Because quantity is not the issue – it was never stated. To make quantity the issue is a derailment. To assume it means “All whites owned slaves” is putting words in my mouth and creating a straw man argument.

Side note: On this blog, unless it is otherwise clear, “white” mostly means just White Americans, though most of what I say seems to apply to English-speaking whites in general.

Since the “all whites” thing is not in any grammar book I wonder where it comes from. The best reason I have heard so far is that many White Americans use dichotomous thinking, seeing things as either-or. That means it is easy for them to think of whites as either being all the same or all Unique Individuals Unaffected by Race or Culture, leaving little middle ground between the two extremes.

So if I say “whites are racist” it is taken to mean that all whites are racist and racist in the same way. As if I said, “All whites are skinhead racists.” But what is in my head is a range:

– and much more besides.

I know whites are individuals. I live in a country that is mostly white. I have to deal with whites at work. I watch American film and television where whites are given whole story lines complete with a love life, where they are almost never reduced to stereotypes as whites.

So I expect them to be individuals. Which makes it all the more surprising and interesting to me when they do seem to act from a hive mind.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

Talking to you:

- ptbw

- im2

- brokeloser

- etc
no one forces you to post or even log in to this forum
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

Talking to you:

- ptbw

- im2

- brokeloser

- etc
no one forces you to post or even log in to this forum

Same to you.

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