Another Tea Party disaster: Nikki Haley's SC sees massive fire disaster; Low response


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Haley to address wildfire in Carolina Forest which destroyed hom - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

The Tea Party experiment that has turned to a disaster- Gov Nikki Haley of SC- is seeing yet another major negative event. The most recent was the state's DOR letting over 4 million SC residents get their personal and banking info hacked, due to Gov Haley refusing to raise the pay for cyber-security, and thus, leaving the position vacant for a year; AND refusing to pay for up to date cyber security software, failing to pay to encrypt taxpayer info; and the result was a mega cyber hacking disaster.

Well NOW we see a huge fire in Horry County (Myrtle Beach). What started out as a brush fire ended up destroying 26 apartment buildings- yes, you read right, a brush fire destroyed 26 buildings. Why? Well, when the economy tanked, Myrtle Beach suffered a lot due to it's reliance on tourism. And when things like that happen, tourist areas tend to get some aid from the state until the economy recovers.

But not from the Tea Party Queen. No no, she slashed all those assistance funds to local county and city governments. As a result, the coastal cities of Myrtle Beach and Charleston had to make drastic cutbacks on services- including Fire Dept services.

So, this fire got out of hand quick due to the dry and warm conditions and windy weather. Usually, that means more trucks. Or help from neighboring jurisdictions. But, without the staffing and number of trucks they used to have, they got overwhelmed a little bit. Help had to come from farther away. And as we all know, in a fire, time is critical.

What would've been a brush fire and maybe a 2-3 building fire......turned into a 26 building fire. The pure result of a smaller, understaffed fire deptartment. Thank God the injuries were few.

If you owned a home in one of those 26 buildings, well, thank the Tea Party Queen. Her austerity measures have ensured that you didnt pay a dime more in taxes. BUT, if a fire hits, well, you better have bought a lot of hoses and water bottles.
California's geography lends it to huge fires. South Carolina's doesnt. SC doesnt have the massive fires that the West does. Which is why it is pathetic that they had to let such a small fire get out of control like that.
California's geography lends it to huge fires. South Carolina's doesnt. SC doesnt have the massive fires that the West does. Which is why it is pathetic that they had to let such a small fire get out of control like that.

So Haley herself recommended they cut thier fire budget? It was her decision on what exactly got cut?

Maybe if the localities didnt have huge underfunded pension plans to worry about, then maybe they could have kept some of thier currently working fire protection.
I'm sure it's Haley's sole fault. The fire had nothing to do with it.

Geez, what a fucking tool you've turned into. NY is still rebuilding after Sandy because Cuomo is standing in the way.
California's geography lends it to huge fires. South Carolina's doesnt. SC doesnt have the massive fires that the West does. Which is why it is pathetic that they had to let such a small fire get out of control like that.

So Haley herself recommended they cut thier fire budget? It was her decision on what exactly got cut?

Maybe if the localities didnt have huge underfunded pension plans to worry about, then maybe they could have kept some of thier currently working fire protection.

No. She cut aid to cities and counties. She wasnt sure if it would be for fire, police, roads, or whatever. She just knew it was a budget cut, and she liked it. Meanwhile, crime is up, fires are taking longer to get control of, and the roads are crumbling.

But hey, the rich folks of Hilton Head and Charleston get to do a yacht upgrade!
Haley to address wildfire in Carolina Forest which destroyed hom - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

The Tea Party experiment that has turned to a disaster- Gov Nikki Haley of SC- is seeing yet another major negative event. The most recent was the state's DOR letting over 4 million SC residents get their personal and banking info hacked, due to Gov Haley refusing to raise the pay for cyber-security, and thus, leaving the position vacant for a year; AND refusing to pay for up to date cyber security software, failing to pay to encrypt taxpayer info; and the result was a mega cyber hacking disaster.

Well NOW we see a huge fire in Horry County (Myrtle Beach). What started out as a brush fire ended up destroying 26 apartment buildings- yes, you read right, a brush fire destroyed 26 buildings. Why? Well, when the economy tanked, Myrtle Beach suffered a lot due to it's reliance on tourism. And when things like that happen, tourist areas tend to get some aid from the state until the economy recovers.

But not from the Tea Party Queen. No no, she slashed all those assistance funds to local county and city governments. As a result, the coastal cities of Myrtle Beach and Charleston had to make drastic cutbacks on services- including Fire Dept services.

So, this fire got out of hand quick due to the dry and warm conditions and windy weather. Usually, that means more trucks. Or help from neighboring jurisdictions. But, without the staffing and number of trucks they used to have, they got overwhelmed a little bit. Help had to come from farther away. And as we all know, in a fire, time is critical.

What would've been a brush fire and maybe a 2-3 building fire......turned into a 26 building fire. The pure result of a smaller, understaffed fire deptartment. Thank God the injuries were few.

If you owned a home in one of those 26 buildings, well, thank the Tea Party Queen. Her austerity measures have ensured that you didnt pay a dime more in taxes. BUT, if a fire hits, well, you better have bought a lot of hoses and water bottles.

So tell me, exactly how many additional trucks would have been required to prevent this, 1-2-5-10-20? Then tell be exactly where they should have been positioned 2 weeks prior to the event. Monday morning quarterbacking is something you guys seem to be really good at, so this should be a piece of cake.
Oh and an investigator says there was little defensible area...AND it was going to be a structural fire no matter what any body did.....

nvestigators have not determined what started the fire, but once it began, the dry, windy weather, combined with the landscaping of the area made it easy to spread. Hawkins said the Forestry Commission recommends at least 30 feet of material that won't burn in front of buildings. Many of the condos had grass and pine straw in their yards.

"There's very little defensible space between the woods and the condos," Hawkins said. "Once it got started slap against those condos, it was going to be a structure fire regardless of what anyone did."

Read more here: COLUMBIA, S.C.: Fire started just yards from Horry County condos | State News |
Haley to address wildfire in Carolina Forest which destroyed hom - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

The Tea Party experiment that has turned to a disaster- Gov Nikki Haley of SC- is seeing yet another major negative event. The most recent was the state's DOR letting over 4 million SC residents get their personal and banking info hacked, due to Gov Haley refusing to raise the pay for cyber-security, and thus, leaving the position vacant for a year; AND refusing to pay for up to date cyber security software, failing to pay to encrypt taxpayer info; and the result was a mega cyber hacking disaster.

Well NOW we see a huge fire in Horry County (Myrtle Beach). What started out as a brush fire ended up destroying 26 apartment buildings- yes, you read right, a brush fire destroyed 26 buildings. Why? Well, when the economy tanked, Myrtle Beach suffered a lot due to it's reliance on tourism. And when things like that happen, tourist areas tend to get some aid from the state until the economy recovers.

But not from the Tea Party Queen. No no, she slashed all those assistance funds to local county and city governments. As a result, the coastal cities of Myrtle Beach and Charleston had to make drastic cutbacks on services- including Fire Dept services.

So, this fire got out of hand quick due to the dry and warm conditions and windy weather. Usually, that means more trucks. Or help from neighboring jurisdictions. But, without the staffing and number of trucks they used to have, they got overwhelmed a little bit. Help had to come from farther away. And as we all know, in a fire, time is critical.

What would've been a brush fire and maybe a 2-3 building fire......turned into a 26 building fire. The pure result of a smaller, understaffed fire deptartment. Thank God the injuries were few.

If you owned a home in one of those 26 buildings, well, thank the Tea Party Queen. Her austerity measures have ensured that you didnt pay a dime more in taxes. BUT, if a fire hits, well, you better have bought a lot of hoses and water bottles.

Your OP is full of shit.

COLUMBIA, S.C.: Fire started just yards from Horry County condos | State News |
You idiot, of course it was gonna be a structure fire being that close. Thats why response time, and number of hoses on scene, are so critical in big fires. 26 buildings went up. Not just 1-2 that were in the area of the brush fire. Could more trucks have prevented the other 20 or so? Maybe. We'll never know, because the Tea Party Queen slashed aid to municipal govts back in 2011.

As for asking whether it is her fault or not....well, you guys blame Obama for Chicago's violence, and he wasnt even the governor of Illinois or mayor of Chicago. And, you all demand he be blamed for anything in America that goes wrong, since he is president.

So the fact that the inevitable 1-2 buildings that were burned turned into 26, well, blame Haley. Her slashed funds prevented more trucks from being close by and getting there quicker. And you're surprised that the Public Information Officer from the FD there didnt come right out and say "Yep, we screwed the pooch and the governor and loca mayor fucked us with less trucks"??? Of course they aren't. Thats what the PIO does. Control the flow of information, 'damage control'.
buc, how many trucks should she put down there. Myrtle beach is totally flat, and winds in the upstate was blowing, I know a few fire fighters and their not complaining about cuts. Also fire stations are close together and have the newest fire trucks and equipment. I'd say with the weather it was a tragic accident.
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Haley to address wildfire in Carolina Forest which destroyed hom - | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

The Tea Party experiment that has turned to a disaster- Gov Nikki Haley of SC- is seeing yet another major negative event. The most recent was the state's DOR letting over 4 million SC residents get their personal and banking info hacked, due to Gov Haley refusing to raise the pay for cyber-security, and thus, leaving the position vacant for a year; AND refusing to pay for up to date cyber security software, failing to pay to encrypt taxpayer info; and the result was a mega cyber hacking disaster.

Well NOW we see a huge fire in Horry County (Myrtle Beach). What started out as a brush fire ended up destroying 26 apartment buildings- yes, you read right, a brush fire destroyed 26 buildings. Why? Well, when the economy tanked, Myrtle Beach suffered a lot due to it's reliance on tourism. And when things like that happen, tourist areas tend to get some aid from the state until the economy recovers.

But not from the Tea Party Queen. No no, she slashed all those assistance funds to local county and city governments. As a result, the coastal cities of Myrtle Beach and Charleston had to make drastic cutbacks on services- including Fire Dept services.

So, this fire got out of hand quick due to the dry and warm conditions and windy weather. Usually, that means more trucks. Or help from neighboring jurisdictions. But, without the staffing and number of trucks they used to have, they got overwhelmed a little bit. Help had to come from farther away. And as we all know, in a fire, time is critical.

What would've been a brush fire and maybe a 2-3 building fire......turned into a 26 building fire. The pure result of a smaller, understaffed fire deptartment. Thank God the injuries were few.

If you owned a home in one of those 26 buildings, well, thank the Tea Party Queen. Her austerity measures have ensured that you didnt pay a dime more in taxes. BUT, if a fire hits, well, you better have bought a lot of hoses and water bottles.

Oh blow it out your ass you whining, self-entitled, sack of shit. I'm so sick and tired of your constant bitching and partisan finger pointing. You must live one miserable life.

Haley isn't responsible for Charleston County, Horry County, or any of the others. It's not her responsibility to fix your budgets. It's that of your local elected leaders. Until I moved to Nevada a month ago, I lived in York County, South Carolina, and there is no fucking reason why my county should have to pony up more money to compensate for your tourism problems. Maybe the people you've been sending to office in Charleston should have had better foresight than to rely on one industry for all of your needs, you think?

Have you ever taken responsibility for a fucking thing in your entire life?
buc, how many trucks should she put down there. Myrtle beach is totally flat, and winds in the upstate was blowing, I know a few fire fighters and their not complaining about cuts. Also fire stations are close together and have the newest fire trucks and equipment. I'd say with the weather it was a tragic accident.

Exactly, a matter of chance is all it was because shit happens sometimes, but you see, the OP is a hyper partisan, selfish, self-loathing, government lackey who sits around crying like a little bitch all day long because he's only half the man most of us are.
Gee the local authorities disagree with the OP>

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Some people barely had time to escape their lives and there appeared to be little firefighters could do to save more than 100 homes destroyed by weekend fire that burned two dozen condominium buildings near Myrtle Beach, authorities said Monday.

Read more here: COLUMBIA, S.C.: Fire started just yards from Horry County condos | State News |
How does that disagree with the OP?
California's geography lends it to huge fires. South Carolina's doesnt. SC doesnt have the massive fires that the West does. Which is why it is pathetic that they had to let such a small fire get out of control like that.

So Haley herself recommended they cut thier fire budget? It was her decision on what exactly got cut?

Maybe if the localities didnt have huge underfunded pension plans to worry about, then maybe they could have kept some of thier currently working fire protection.

No. She cut aid to cities and counties. She wasnt sure if it would be for fire, police, roads, or whatever. She just knew it was a budget cut, and she liked it. Meanwhile, crime is up, fires are taking longer to get control of, and the roads are crumbling.

But hey, the rich folks of Hilton Head and Charleston get to do a yacht upgrade!

Its called budgeting, something democrats do not have even a vague concept of. If the localities needed more $$ they could always have raised the local taxes to cover it.

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