Another RINO

Ohs NOES - Dan went Deep State Illuminati! :cool-45:

If it quacks like a duck....

---Dan Crenshaw is this generation’s version of John McCain. He’s a RINO to the core, goes to bat routinely for corrupt Joe Biden and doesn’t want to listen to anyone who may have questions about the 2020 election.---

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If it quacks like a duck....

---Dan Crenshaw is this generation’s version of John McCain. He’s a RINO to the core, goes to bat routinely for corrupt Joe Biden and doesn’t want to listen to anyone who may have questions about the 2020 election.---

Keep up the good work.

Who should primary him?
If it quacks like a duck....

---Dan Crenshaw is this generation’s version of John McCain. He’s a RINO to the core, goes to bat routinely for corrupt Joe Biden and doesn’t want to listen to anyone who may have questions about the 2020 election.---
"PacificPundit" doesn't sound like a good TX source for conservative politics???
I'd bet on an ex-SEAL over anything a CA rag says about him.
..if you don't lick Trump's balls
they're stuck with the nutjob constituency
It might help if you'd sober up before you post. Or did some guy spike your drink to get laid at the bar? Are you shooting for an abortion now? Or are you trying to have the guys tubes tied or what in hell at that ddamed urology clinic by the legal Marijuana store?
If it quacks like a duck....

---Dan Crenshaw is this generation’s version of John McCain. He’s a RINO to the core, goes to bat routinely for corrupt Joe Biden and doesn’t want to listen to anyone who may have questions about the 2020 election.---

He got fined $5k for bypassing metal detector security.
Does this un-RINO him?

Dan Crenshaw being heckled by...well, one of you guys.

I guess he too doesn't pass the purity test. Who should primary him?

It's nice to see a Republican with a spine and grounded in reality. Such a rare gem these days.

But...I guess he will have to be inducted into the D33P STAIT now, and receive the club smoking jacket, two coupons for Comet Pizza, a copy of Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, and a timeshare on the Jewish space laser.
It's nice to see a Republican with a spine and grounded in reality. Such a rare gem these days.
But...I guess he will have to be inducted into the D33P STAIT now, and receive the club smoking jacket, two coupons for Comet Pizza, a copy of Obama's Kenyan birth certificate, and a timeshare on the Jewish space laser.
Crenshaw gets a pass for being a Navy Seal. I'm not sure Trump will run in 2024, that's a long way off. I'm hoping GOP voters will pick a more electable candidate in the primaries, like Nikki Haley as an example. She'd get the women voters that Trump lost with his bullying Xiden in the first debate. The democrats are on the ropes, or on their backs because of their catastrophes, and we can't let them get back up, we need to club them like baby seals thru 2024.
Crenshaw gets a pass for being a Navy Seal. I'm not sure Trump will run in 2024, that's a long way off. I'm hoping GOP voters will pick a more electable candidate in the primaries, like Nikki Haley as an example. She'd get the women voters that Trump lost with his bullying Xiden in the first debate. The democrats are on the ropes, or on their backs because of their catastrophes, and we can't let them get back up, we need to club them like baby seals thru 2024.
I like Nikki Haley. She's tough. I have a great story about her.
He got fined $5k for bypassing metal detector security.
Does this un-RINO him?

Damn. That sounds like the TSA guards after jewelry and gold and precious metals. They're not that interested in guns except as a means to an end.