Another Resounding Foreign Policy Success!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "Putin rejected Obama's White House talks offer: Kremlin

2. MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month rejected an offer from United States (US) President Barack Obama for landmark bilateral talks at the White House, the Kremlin revealed on Tuesday.

3. Less than a week before Mr Putin's May 7 inauguration, he received a missive from Mr Obama touching upon bilateral and international issues...

4. ... inviting him to discuss them in a bilateral summit on the sidelines of the May 18 to 19 G8 summit, Mr Putin's foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov said.

5. 'Obama sent his letter on May 2,' Mr Ushakov told a briefing.

6. 'He even proposed holding a separate meeting at the White House in Washington outside of the framework of the G8.'"
Putin rejected Obama's White House talks offer: Kremlin

7. "Putin skipped the G8 talks at Camp David earlier this month, ..."
Putin Rejects White House Talks | The Weekly Standard

Wadda guy, our Obama is!!!

Awe inspiring! Folks drop what they're doing and jump when he speaks:
"...he received a missive from Mr Obama..."

Putin 'declined...' ."..Putin earlier this month rejected.."

I can't understand how "The Avengers" didn't have an Obama-superhero in the cast....

Anybody read "The Golden Bough," by Sir James Frazer...?
Explains the importance of the leader in primitive societies....
...good thing we're not primitive, huh...
So what?

I thought you guys hated Putin.

Sorry Chris, this like so many other foreign policy stories illustrates just how bad Obama & Co., have been on foreign policy. Russia is not the least, but not the most serious problem today.
So what?

I thought you guys hated Putin.

Good to see the Low-T Precinct checking in!

"So what?"

This is your nation being disrespected.

"So what?"

You're still supporting this windbag who speaks softly and carries big knee-pads???

They spit in his eye, in our collective (excuse the expression) eye, and you say "So what?"

Hahahaha Dupees.

Vladimir Putin 'rejects Barack Obama offer to attend White House' - Telegraph

Putin's trip to Washington would have made the United States his first foreign destination upon the Kremlin comeback.

Ushakov denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub, saying Putin was keen to pursue "stable" relations with Washington and stressed that the Russian President wrote Mr Obama a long letter in return.

"It's a very substantial exchange," he said of the letters. "There are literally eight to nine pages there, both on our side and their side," he said.
Hahahaha Dupees.

Vladimir Putin 'rejects Barack Obama offer to attend White House' - Telegraph

Putin's trip to Washington would have made the United States his first foreign destination upon the Kremlin comeback.

Ushakov denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub, saying Putin was keen to pursue "stable" relations with Washington and stressed that the Russian President wrote Mr Obama a long letter in return.

"It's a very substantial exchange," he said of the letters. "There are literally eight to nine pages there, both on our side and their side," he said.

1. Remember the following, as it will advance your journey toward maturity:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

2. The action: Obama sent a request for a meeting....
....Putin laughed at the request.

3. The words ( i.e., spin...)
"...denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub,..."

4. Now to further your education:
dupe: n. 1. An easily deceived person. 2. A person who functions as the tool of another person or power.

5. I looked it up....saw your picture there.

It is revealing that you inadvertently note that if the story is as the OP states (and, it is) it is hardly a plus for Obama....
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Hahahaha Dupees.

Vladimir Putin 'rejects Barack Obama offer to attend White House' - Telegraph

Putin's trip to Washington would have made the United States his first foreign destination upon the Kremlin comeback.

Ushakov denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub, saying Putin was keen to pursue "stable" relations with Washington and stressed that the Russian President wrote Mr Obama a long letter in return.

"It's a very substantial exchange," he said of the letters. "There are literally eight to nine pages there, both on our side and their side," he said.

1. Remember the following, as it will advance your journey toward maturity:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

2. The action: Obama sent a request for a meeting....
....Putin laughed at the request.

3. The words ( i.e., spin...)
"...denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub,..."

4. Now to further your education:
dupe: n. 1. An easily deceived person. 2. A person who functions as the tool of another person or power.

5. I looked it up....saw your picture there.

It is revealing that you inadvertently note that if the story is as the OP states (and, it is) it is hardly a plus for Obama....

It's all innuendo. I've heard of AP, but AFP? Interesting page! All over the map! Guess ya really got to cherry-pick this site, eh? :D

American Free Press | America's Last Real Newspaper
Hahahaha Dupees.

Vladimir Putin 'rejects Barack Obama offer to attend White House' - Telegraph

Putin's trip to Washington would have made the United States his first foreign destination upon the Kremlin comeback.

Ushakov denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub, saying Putin was keen to pursue "stable" relations with Washington and stressed that the Russian President wrote Mr Obama a long letter in return.

"It's a very substantial exchange," he said of the letters. "There are literally eight to nine pages there, both on our side and their side," he said.

1. Remember the following, as it will advance your journey toward maturity:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

2. The action: Obama sent a request for a meeting....
....Putin laughed at the request.

3. The words ( i.e., spin...)
"...denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub,..."

4. Now to further your education:
dupe: n. 1. An easily deceived person. 2. A person who functions as the tool of another person or power.

5. I looked it up....saw your picture there.

It is revealing that you inadvertently note that if the story is as the OP states (and, it is) it is hardly a plus for Obama....

It's all innuendo. I've heard of AP, but AFP? Interesting page! All over the map! Guess ya really got to cherry-pick this site, eh? :D

American Free Press | America's Last Real Newspaper

What's your point?
The site????

You really object to the story being told because of what it reveals about the world's view of Obama?

He's a real stud, isn't he.

Guess the Russians didn't care to wait for any further 'flexibility,' huh?
Thanks for the RW gossip/Bullshytte, chic- you're always good for a laugh- He has domestic politics too- we'll all be happy when chickenhawk moron Romney loses. Calling Russia our great enemy is a great idea....Raising Pentagon spending is another brilliant idea now that our stupidest wars EVER are ending.

Change the channel, dupe.
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All the Pub fear mongering about that missile defense shield in POLAND, trying to get the Ukraine into Nato- also not stupid bear baiting. How dumb can Pubs get? Their POLITICIANS are stupid chicken hawk ignoramuses....not to mention the dumbest voters in the modern world...
1. "Putin rejected Obama's White House talks offer: Kremlin

2. MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month rejected an offer from United States (US) President Barack Obama for landmark bilateral talks at the White House, the Kremlin revealed on Tuesday.

3. Less than a week before Mr Putin's May 7 inauguration, he received a missive from Mr Obama touching upon bilateral and international issues...

4. ... inviting him to discuss them in a bilateral summit on the sidelines of the May 18 to 19 G8 summit, Mr Putin's foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov said.

5. 'Obama sent his letter on May 2,' Mr Ushakov told a briefing.

6. 'He even proposed holding a separate meeting at the White House in Washington outside of the framework of the G8.'"
Putin rejected Obama's White House talks offer: Kremlin

7. "Putin skipped the G8 talks at Camp David earlier this month, ..."
Putin Rejects White House Talks | The Weekly Standard

Wadda guy, our Obama is!!!

Awe inspiring! Folks drop what they're doing and jump when he speaks:
"...he received a missive from Mr Obama..."

Putin 'declined...' ."..Putin earlier this month rejected.."

I can't understand how "The Avengers" didn't have an Obama-superhero in the cast....

Anybody read "The Golden Bough," by Sir James Frazer...?
Explains the importance of the leader in primitive societies....
...good thing we're not primitive, huh...

don't worry, if Obama's reelected he'll be here with bells on...:lol:
1. "Putin rejected Obama's White House talks offer: Kremlin

2. MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month rejected an offer from United States (US) President Barack Obama for landmark bilateral talks at the White House, the Kremlin revealed on Tuesday.

3. Less than a week before Mr Putin's May 7 inauguration, he received a missive from Mr Obama touching upon bilateral and international issues...

4. ... inviting him to discuss them in a bilateral summit on the sidelines of the May 18 to 19 G8 summit, Mr Putin's foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov said.

5. 'Obama sent his letter on May 2,' Mr Ushakov told a briefing.

6. 'He even proposed holding a separate meeting at the White House in Washington outside of the framework of the G8.'"
Putin rejected Obama's White House talks offer: Kremlin

7. "Putin skipped the G8 talks at Camp David earlier this month, ..."
Putin Rejects White House Talks | The Weekly Standard

Wadda guy, our Obama is!!!

Awe inspiring! Folks drop what they're doing and jump when he speaks:
"...he received a missive from Mr Obama..."

Putin 'declined...' ."..Putin earlier this month rejected.."

I can't understand how "The Avengers" didn't have an Obama-superhero in the cast....

Anybody read "The Golden Bough," by Sir James Frazer...?
Explains the importance of the leader in primitive societies....
...good thing we're not primitive, huh...

So what youre saying is the not so secret communist doesnt want to talk to the secret muslim?

Seems like a good thing to me.
This might be an issue had moscow not acted the ass in world diplomacy for the last 70 years. I guess then that nearly all presidents get polichics dandruff opinion
The Russians love Obama he just needs a little more flexibility till after the election...

[ame=]Obama Gives Defense Secrets to Our Enemies! Dick MorrisTV: Lunch ALERT! - YouTube[/ame]
The Russians love Obama he just needs a little more flexibility till after the election...

Obama Gives Defense Secrets to Our Enemies! Dick MorrisTV: Lunch ALERT! - YouTube
That is genuinely horrifying, Jroc, that the President would have so little respect for current laws being passed by our Congress.

If he does give America's defensive secrets away to Russia, China, he is giving it by proxy also to North Korea and Iran.

What were the Democrats thinking when they put him in the Oval office. Is power so sweet and all that money to give to Nancy Pelosi's kin so much fun they'd sell America's defenses out to people who hurt our military with extra-potent IEDs tech after we reinforced all their Humvees at $450,000 apiece?

What the hell is going on in Washington? America needs a restraining order against a suicidal CIC. I no longer want him anywhere near our military. He's selling us all down the river. He's sneaky and his action is indeed doing Jeremiah Wright's strong will of "God damn America!"
Great. Cons cheering for foreign leaders. What patriots you all are.
1. "Putin rejected Obama's White House talks offer: Kremlin

2. MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month rejected an offer from United States (US) President Barack Obama for landmark bilateral talks at the White House, the Kremlin revealed on Tuesday.

3. Less than a week before Mr Putin's May 7 inauguration, he received a missive from Mr Obama touching upon bilateral and international issues...

4. ... inviting him to discuss them in a bilateral summit on the sidelines of the May 18 to 19 G8 summit, Mr Putin's foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov said.

5. 'Obama sent his letter on May 2,' Mr Ushakov told a briefing.

6. 'He even proposed holding a separate meeting at the White House in Washington outside of the framework of the G8.'"
Putin rejected Obama's White House talks offer: Kremlin

7. "Putin skipped the G8 talks at Camp David earlier this month, ..."
Putin Rejects White House Talks | The Weekly Standard

Wadda guy, our Obama is!!!

Awe inspiring! Folks drop what they're doing and jump when he speaks:
"...he received a missive from Mr Obama..."

Putin 'declined...' ."..Putin earlier this month rejected.."

I can't understand how "The Avengers" didn't have an Obama-superhero in the cast....

Anybody read "The Golden Bough," by Sir James Frazer...?
Explains the importance of the leader in primitive societies....
...good thing we're not primitive, huh...
Oh by the way has Iran given us our drone back yet?
Hahahaha Dupees.

Vladimir Putin 'rejects Barack Obama offer to attend White House' - Telegraph

Putin's trip to Washington would have made the United States his first foreign destination upon the Kremlin comeback.

Ushakov denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub, saying Putin was keen to pursue "stable" relations with Washington and stressed that the Russian President wrote Mr Obama a long letter in return.

"It's a very substantial exchange," he said of the letters. "There are literally eight to nine pages there, both on our side and their side," he said.

1. Remember the following, as it will advance your journey toward maturity:
Reality is defined by actions, not by words.

2. The action: Obama sent a request for a meeting....
....Putin laughed at the request.

3. The words ( i.e., spin...)
"...denied the cancellation of the US visit was meant as a snub,..."

4. Now to further your education:
dupe: n. 1. An easily deceived person. 2. A person who functions as the tool of another person or power.

5. I looked it up....saw your picture there.

It is revealing that you inadvertently note that if the story is as the OP states (and, it is) it is hardly a plus for Obama....

It's all innuendo. I've heard of AP, but AFP? Interesting page! All over the map! Guess ya really got to cherry-pick this site, eh? :D

American Free Press | America's Last Real Newspaper

Wait...aren't you the guy who thought 'innuendo' was an Italian suppository?

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