Another republican too eager to kill

There is no might. The animal control offices are kept busy dealing with these animals all of the time.
Their freedom.

Like I said, not to bright.
I guess dying is one form of freedom. All we are doing is extending the inevitable and sending more tens of thousands to die needlessly so the MIC can enrich itself. Gullible simps like you make it possible.
Post a link to your local animal ordinances. We already know you're a liar, so your claims of what you have seen aren't believable.
You lose again Skippy

4) Reasonable Restrictions. Upon a finding that a dog is a dangerous dog, the owner of the dog can be ordered, pursuant to subsection (6) of this section, to impose reasonable restrictions on the dog, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Posting signs with “Beware Dangerous Dog” in letters not less than three inches high, which clearly contrast with the background color of the sign, on each portion of a fence or other enclosure that faces a sidewalk, street, or alley and encloses the dog, and one sign in any unenclosed area accessible to the dog when not under the direct control of the owner;

(b) Confining the dog in an outdoor kennel constructed of not less than nine gauge chain link with each side panel and roof panel reinforced on all four sides with a tension bar. The kennel shall be kept locked at all times the dog is in the kennel;

(c) Requiring the dog to be restrained by an adequate leash and muzzle and be under the direct control of the owner at all times when off the owner’s property;

(d) Requiring any area to which the dog has access when not under the direct control of the owner to be enclosed by fencing not less than six feet high or such other height as is allowed by the Monmouth Development Code, and constructed of materials and in a manner adequate to prevent escape;

(e) Impounding the dog, at the owner’s expense, until other imposed reasonable restrictions are in place;

(f) Prohibiting the dog from remaining in or returning to the City;

(g) Implanting an identifying microchip in accordance with the rules of the State Department of Agriculture. Implantation shall be made prior to any adoption or relocation of the dog. The microchip information and the record of the dog shall be forwarded to the Department of Agriculture. The City may charge reasonable fees to the dog owner to cover the cost of conducting and administering the microchip implantation program;

(h) Requiring the dog to be euthanized in a humane manner. In determining whether a dangerous dog should be euthanized, the following factors shall be considered:

(i) The circumstances of the bite, including whether the dog was provoked by the person bitten or any other person;

(ii) Whether the owner has a history of owning or keeping dangerous dogs, or a history of allowing dog(s) to run at large, within the City or at any other location;

(iii) The impact of owner’s actions on the behavior of the dog;

(iv) The severity of the bite

Thanks, case 3, EUTHANIZED. In other words killed.

That is one option, not the only option.

It if so telling you ignored the rest of them.

And it is only used if the owner does not comply with the other rules.
You lose again Skippy

4) Reasonable Restrictions. Upon a finding that a dog is a dangerous dog, the owner of the dog can be ordered, pursuant to subsection (6) of this section, to impose reasonable restrictions on the dog, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Posting signs with “Beware Dangerous Dog” in letters not less than three inches high, which clearly contrast with the background color of the sign, on each portion of a fence or other enclosure that faces a sidewalk, street, or alley and encloses the dog, and one sign in any unenclosed area accessible to the dog when not under the direct control of the owner;

(b) Confining the dog in an outdoor kennel constructed of not less than nine gauge chain link with each side panel and roof panel reinforced on all four sides with a tension bar. The kennel shall be kept locked at all times the dog is in the kennel;

(c) Requiring the dog to be restrained by an adequate leash and muzzle and be under the direct control of the owner at all times when off the owner’s property;

(d) Requiring any area to which the dog has access when not under the direct control of the owner to be enclosed by fencing not less than six feet high or such other height as is allowed by the Monmouth Development Code, and constructed of materials and in a manner adequate to prevent escape;

(e) Impounding the dog, at the owner’s expense, until other imposed reasonable restrictions are in place;

(f) Prohibiting the dog from remaining in or returning to the City;

(g) Implanting an identifying microchip in accordance with the rules of the State Department of Agriculture. Implantation shall be made prior to any adoption or relocation of the dog. The microchip information and the record of the dog shall be forwarded to the Department of Agriculture. The City may charge reasonable fees to the dog owner to cover the cost of conducting and administering the microchip implantation program;

(h) Requiring the dog to be euthanized in a humane manner. In determining whether a dangerous dog should be euthanized, the following factors shall be considered:

(i) The circumstances of the bite, including whether the dog was provoked by the person bitten or any other person;

(ii) Whether the owner has a history of owning or keeping dangerous dogs, or a history of allowing dog(s) to run at large, within the City or at any other location;

(iii) The impact of owner’s actions on the behavior of the dog;

(iv) The severity of the bite

Nope, case 4 subsection h, you need to read better.
Now you are just demonstrating to all how stupid you are.

After claiming that police euthanize all dogs that bite, you continue your lie when shown it occurs ONLY under certain circumstances

and only after other methods fail. It is not the first and only option.
Turn him in to a shelter, (most all dogs would chase and kill a chicken or squirrel running around, I know my cat would if I had let her).

That doesn't mean the dog would not have made a good pet to a family, or to someone who did NOT hate it, as she did. She should have given him to an Animal Shelter....

What she did, in the manner described, is inhumane.... she's a cold, hearted, killer in my book!
I read an article that stated domestic cats are one of the top predators in the animal kingdom. Of course, they will pursue rodents and birds for their size. People think nothing of it. Seeing videos of cats and little chicks at peace with each other as an example, is not normal.
It is the only option if the owner can't create a CAGE, strong enough to control the vicious dog.

You lose again Skippy

Requiring the dog to be restrained by an adequate leash and muzzle and be under the direct control of the owner at all times when off the owner’s property;
Now you are just demonstrating to all how stupid you are.

After claiming that police euthanize all dogs that bite, you continue your lie when shown it occurs ONLY under certain circumstances
I didn't make that claim. Here you are lying about what I said. I said if the dog is declared to be dangerous they are killed. Lo and behold the regulation you posted up says just that.

Yes there are intermediate steps, but death is the ultimate outcome.

So, your lying about Noem is exposed.
I said if the dog is declared to be dangerous they are killed. Lo and behold the regulation you posted up says just that.

Yes there are intermediate steps, but death is the ultimate outcome.

It is not the ultimate outcome if the other measures work. It is the last resort, not the first choice
You lose again Skippy

Requiring the dog to be restrained by an adequate leash and muzzle and be under the direct control of the owner at all times when off the owner’s property;
And when that fails, again. As it frequently does, the authorities kill them.

You can't dodge that fact, skippy.

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