Another Reason Democrats HATE Trump

You want people to hate Trump badly, don't you? Sorry to disappoint. He is universally loved.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.
How about dumb ass Republicans took a chance on bush because they'd rather drink a beer with him?

I don't drink beer so that statement is irrelevant.

You dumbass Liberals took a chance with a black so you could see what that color ass tastes like.
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

*snip of ignorant idiocy*


see, threads like this are what make you a useless troll.

no one hates the donald because he's successful.

he's a bigot. and he's a bully.

our allies think he's a joke (which he is)

perfectly rational reasons to never want him anywhere near the white house.

and if those are the reasons that liberals supposedly hate him, what's the excuse for the normal GOP'ers?

loon. :cuckoo:

Yet you voted for a black because of the color of his skin. The only reason people like him is because it made them feel better to vote for him and he panders to them.

That is still one of the dumbest arguments ever made....and repeated by the history of politics.

Lying about it the dumbest thing anyone can do. Continue to claim you didn't.

I can tell you without hesitation that I did not vote for Obama because he has black skin. Just like I didn't vote for Clinton, Gore and Kerry because they have white skin.

Your dopey argument is especially dopey when you consider the fact that Obama got lots of bites the second time too. Do you think people voted for him so they felt better then too?

You know who I didn't vote for? Jesse Jackson. Can you explain that. I also wouldn't have voted for Herman Cain nor would I ever vote for Ben Carson.

When you begin to feel stupid.....please consider it a sign of progress.

Whatever makes you feel better.

You consider Cain and Carson as Uncle Toms because they don't agree with your ideology. That's how lefties look at blacks not willing to be on the plantation.
That is still one of the dumbest arguments ever made....and repeated by the history of politics.
One of the purest (and most obvious) characteristics of liberals >> DENIAL. Who the hell doesn't know that Obama got elected by Blacks voting for him just because he's (1/2) Black, and looks Black ? Ever see the man on the street interviews that they do on Fox news ? Asking blacks who did they vote for. They say Obama. Then when asked why, they say ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.......ahhhhhhhh......ahhhhhh. I don't know. THEY KNOW, and we all know. - lol. :laugh:
I'd keep Bernie far away from anything having to do with foreign policy, the military, or national security. He could be OK dealing with the Wall St. money sharks. He might be OK with the gun issue too.
i would send Bernie to the most major city in every state to fire those people up about picking up a paint brush or a broom and cleaning those cities up.
You want people to hate Trump badly, don't you? Sorry to disappoint. He is universally loved.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.

Wow! You are on fire. You really must think I'm someone else.

I know exactly who you are and what type of piece of shit in a long line of pieces of shit you are.
You want people to hate Trump badly, don't you? Sorry to disappoint. He is universally loved.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.

Wow! You are on fire. You really must think I'm someone else.

I know exactly who you are and what type of piece of shit in a long line of pieces of shit you are.

You do? Who am I?
That is still one of the dumbest arguments ever made....and repeated by the history of politics.
One of the purest (and most obvious) characteristics of liberals >> DENIAL. Who the hell doesn't know that Obama got elected by Blacks voting for him just because he's (1/2) Black, and looks Black ? Ever see the man on the street interviews that they do on Fox news ? Asking blacks who did they vote for. They say Obama. Then when asked why, they say ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.......ahhhhhhhh......ahhhhhh. I don't know. THEY KNOW, and we all know. - lol. :laugh:

In both 2008 and 2012, Howard Stern's show interviewed blacks in Harlem about their vote. In 2008, McCain's policies were attached to Obama and blacks being interviewed agreed with the policies as if they thought they were Obama's policies. One even thought Obama's pick of Palin as VP was a good idea. The sad thing is when pointed out, Liberals deny those votes were based on skin color. Even for those that acknowledge it was race that got the vote, they claim it was isolated.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.

Wow! You are on fire. You really must think I'm someone else.

I know exactly who you are and what type of piece of shit in a long line of pieces of shit you are.

You do? Who am I?
Low life clown trash who is a waste of air AND bandwidth.
How many times do I HAVE to say it?

Hmmmmm. How many times would satisfy me? I'm not sure. Let's try 4 dozen more times and see what happens.

For someone that determines his vote based on skin color or reproductive organ, nothing satisfies you except things that don't matter in getting the job done.

Wow! You are on fire. You really must think I'm someone else.

I know exactly who you are and what type of piece of shit in a long line of pieces of shit you are.

You do? Who am I?

A Liberal piece of shit. Worthless and good for nothing. An actual name is irrelevant and since there are so many of you, it would be futile to try and create a list of names.

Pucker up. You had a black ass for 8 years and now you are trying to get a vagina to kiss.
In both 2008 and 2012, Howard Stern's show interviewed blacks in Harlem about their vote. In 2008, McCain's policies were attached to Obama and blacks being interviewed agreed with the policies as if they thought they were Obama's policies. One even thought Obama's pick of Palin as VP was a good idea. The sad thing is when pointed out, Liberals deny those votes were based on skin color. Even for those that acknowledge it was race that got the vote, they claim it was isolated.

Of course. Liberals have something in common with Muslims. In Islam, they call it "taqiyya". In English, we call it deceit. (AKA "lying")
Because he HAS built things all across this and around the globe. Hillary on her BEST day was a "dick squeeze" in the bed of Bill's ElCamino.

Matthew, where are you boy? You want to talk understanding infrastructure? Do ya? Who knows MORE about REBUILDING OR building it then Donald Trump?
NOT one other comes even CLOSE. That sorry ass homo drug addict you put in the White House knows NOTHING about INFRASTRUCTURE nothing!

THAT aging feeble whore you are supporting does NOT know a damn thing about it either. When it comes to INFRASTRUCTURE Matthew Hillary has alligator mouth and Hummingbird ass alright. And THAT current retard you support {Obama} has NO background either.

You bitching about INFRASTRUCTURE and not even backing the ONE person who KNOWS just how important it is both money wise and people wise. YOU democrats want to re-build a nation and you put people up who have never built a damn dog house. Just how stupid is that?

Well WE Republicans TRULY want to REBUILD a nation and WE got one DAMN FINE contractor. When ALL the hand wringing democrats in liberal haven New York City could NOT get together well enough to finish a DAMN skating rink you know who did? Donald Trump.

The ENTIRE liberal democrat controlled City of New York could not muster the brains the brawn or the balls of ONE Donald Trump. THAT scares democrats because once they have a president who TRULY understands REBUILDING America the days of electing hand wringers and mouth runners are over.

There simply is NOT another republican OR democrat more well versed and more important PROVEN in the area of BUILDING or REBUILDING anything.
Donald Trump IS a tie wearing ballsy get that sh#t done CONTRACTOR.
And he wants the job of "Making America Great Again".

And YOU got a "community complainer" and an "Ambulance chaser". Just EXACTLY how many levels of stupid is that? Take your time, it requires REAL math not that common core crap.

They asked YOU to Obama to PROVE you are NOT a bigot.
They are asking you to vote for Hillary to PROVE you are NOT a sexist.
How about YOU vote for Donald Trump to PROVE you are NOT stupid?

Don't listen to the Left. Go with Trump.....all the way.

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