Another one bites the dust: Trump announces he is not running for President


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Trump collapses
Donald Trump has had one of the quickest rises and falls in the history of Presidential politics. Last month we found him leading the Republican field with 26%. In the space of just four weeks he's dropped all the way down to 8%, putting him in a tie for fifth place with Ron Paul.
As Trump got more and more exposure over the last month Republicans didn't just decide they weren't interested in having him as their nominee- they also decided they flat don't like him. Only 34% of GOP voters now have a favorable opinion of Trump to 53% who view him in a negative light.

Trump really made hay out of the 'birther' issue and as the resonance of that has declined, so has his standing. In February we found that 51% of Republican primary voters thought Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Now with the release of his birth certificate only 34% of GOP partisans fall into that camp, and Trump's only in fifth place with that now smaller group of the electorate at 9%.

Public Policy Polling: Trump collapses

Well, I for one am glad that folks who support the GOP want nothing to do with fringe wackos. They are smart enough to realize the a circus side show many be entertaining but that's NOT what they want in their leadership.
That gives me at least some hope for the GOP.
And birthers/deathers, maybe you can find some way, way fringe party you can join that supports your wackiness. :cuckoo:
How about we focus on the people running rather than "what if so and so runs?"

Republican (insert name here) VS Obama will take 45% of the vote in the GE no matter who the fuck it is... Republicans need someone that get's people excited and that ain’t Mitt, Newt or Huck… Hence why you see them at the top of polls, that's who the Media wants in the hotseat..
How about we focus on the people running rather than "what if so and so runs?"

Republican (insert name here) VS Obama will take 45% of the vote in the GE no matter who the fuck it is... Republicans need someone that get's people excited and that ain’t Mitt, Newt or Huck… Hence why you see them at the top of polls, that's who the Media wants in the hotseat..

Personally, I think they need someone who is more of a centralist who would have more general appeal. Neither party can win without the independent vote.
How about we focus on the people running rather than "what if so and so runs?"

Republican (insert name here) VS Obama will take 45% of the vote in the GE no matter who the fuck it is... Republicans need someone that get's people excited and that ain’t Mitt, Newt or Huck… Hence why you see them at the top of polls, that's who the Media wants in the hotseat..

Personally, I think they need someone who is more of a centralist who would have more general appeal. Neither party can win without the independent vote.

We need someone to represent the constitution, this BS of "we need someone in the middle" when Obama and Dems are more war hunger than Bush and his Republican congress while at the same time as more socially expansive has done nothing but drag the country down... What is the middle, ending the wars while still driving up the deficit on social spending, lol? Dems would have to let go of the War powers more so than Republicans, hahaha.
As much as we seem to like outsiders, a little experience is required.

The Apprentice is not political experience.
you mean after all those Polls saying how much repubs love the Donald, all that love from Fox News and the Right Wing Radio (or as it's known all of AM radio, weird how that works) you mean he's tanking? Repubs put their hopes into a ridiculous clown not realizing he was a ridiculous clown?
Did anyone expect otherwise? Has he even been campaigning this week? havent heard much from him Osama was declared dead
you mean after all those Polls saying how much repubs love the Donald, all that love from Fox News and the Right Wing Radio (or as it's known all of AM radio, weird how that works) you mean he's tanking? Repubs put their hopes into a ridiculous clown not realizing he was a ridiculous clown?

Gee... so the leftwing whackaloons get it wrong... again.

"The Donald" is tanking in the polls!

Good, He was never a serious Candidate. More of a side Show.

I hear the GOP leadership went to Meet with Chirs Christi Again this week. No doubt trying to talk him into Running. Personally I think he would have a more than Fair shot at winning, but I also agree that he would have a better shot if he waiting and continued as Governor for more time.
Hey..........not only that, but I just saw on the news about his exit strategy.

He's said that he understands why Ron Paul dropped out a few years back, because the scrutiny on successful people is more intense than on people like Obama.

He's already got his exit strategy going. No, he's not gonna run.

Newt however, plans to announce tomorrow.
you mean after all those Polls saying how much repubs love the Donald, all that love from Fox News and the Right Wing Radio (or as it's known all of AM radio, weird how that works) you mean he's tanking? Repubs put their hopes into a ridiculous clown not realizing he was a ridiculous clown?

Gee... so the leftwing whackaloons get it wrong... again.


Yeah it's a funny thing about polls, you can make an entire group of people look like the believe one thing and 3 days later prove with another poll that for fact, they believe something totally different.
Hey..........not only that, but I just saw on the news about his exit strategy.

He's said that he understands why Ron Paul dropped out a few years back, because the scrutiny on successful people is more intense than on people like Obama.

He's already got his exit strategy going. No, he's not gonna run.

Newt however, plans to announce tomorrow.

Trump created his own scrutiny by his outlandish statements and his own choice of outlandish behavior.
Ron Paul dropped out because the establishment GOP of 2008 and the media didn't even give the him a fair chance. Remember when he literally got booed off the stage during the debates because of his comments about Iraq?
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Trump is a joke. Rich, but still a joke. He showed his true colors when Obama gave him back some ribbing at that dinner. GOP saw it clearly as did everyone else even remotely thinking of voting for him.
He fucked himself. Without vaseline.

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