Another little boy with life threatening health issue

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mom of Boy With Rare Disorder Shares Hospital Bill in Response to Health Care Plans
"Look my son in the eyes and tell him that he's fought so hard to be here but sorry, you're just not worth it anymore."

"Heterotaxy syndrome literally means different arrangement," Chandra told CNN. "Any of the internal organs can be malformed, missing, multiplied or misplaced. Ethan was born with nine congenital heart defects and he has two left lungs. Five or so spleens of dubious function, his liver and his gallbladder are down the middle of his body along with his heart, and then his stomach is on the right instead of the left side."


How come other countries can afford decent health care for their population but the US, with a much larger tax base, cannot? Looking at the bill above goes a long way toward answering that question. Look at the co-pay.

Where's is trump's offer to help? Its within his power to keep and fix the system. He won't do it though.

What does McConnell, LyinRyan and other Repubs have to say about a case like this? They won't work to fix our health care system either. And for the same reason trump won't.

How about you RWs who gushed all over the threads about the little baby in GB? What's your advise to this family? Should they move to GB? Europe, Cuba? Thailand? Or do you think they should be able to get decent health care in their own country?

Which points out the basic problem of Obamacare: It didn't reduce health costs, it just put those costs on the backs of the American taxpayers, most of them Middle Class taxpayers.

Why I understand need for "bleeding hearts" to save every puppy and kitten on the planet, until we develop the technology of unlimited energy and unlimited resources, it isn't practical. Better to concentrate on limiting the number of puppies and kittens through pet sterilization initiatives and the licensing of breeders.

I shared my toddler's hospital bill on Twitter. First came supporters — then death threats.

I was offered a .22 bullet, although I’m still not sure whom he meant it for, me or my child.

At first, the comments were almost entirely supportive. With the exception of the guy who thought that Ethan should have been more personally responsible (in utero, I guess, although I’ve never been sure how best to explain that concept to an 8-week-old fetus), the vast majority of people were either in shock at just how high the lines on the bill had added up or else they were staunchly on our side. People were ready to fight for a kid they’d never met, and they were sharing their stories with me in the hopes that I’d fight for their children too.

But as more and more people saw the original tweet, the tide seemed to shift. I was still seeing lots of people on our side, but as articles were churned out and shared, it was clear that people weren’t reading much past the headlines. They came at me swinging, picking fights I’d never asked for. They called me ungrateful, a thief, a lazy mooch, an attention whore.

The attacks became increasingly personal and increasingly violent. Strangers were telling me it would have been cheaper to make a new kid, as if anyone in the history of the world could ever replace this bright light of mine, the boy who loves animals and can’t keep himself from kissing babies and always wants to sleep with one arm wrapped around my neck.

One man took me up on the challenge I’d posed in the thread and declared that my son just wasn’t worth keeping alive anymore...

The worst were the ones who attacked on the genetic front. Heterotaxy has no known cause, but in our case it was due to a genetic glitch, a previously unknown fault in the code of my own humanity that I passed down to my son. I don’t think I’ll ever come to terms with the fact that it was me who slipped the poison into his DNA, with knowing that his children (if he ever has them) will stand in front of this same 50-50 firing squad. It’s been my own private heartbreak. Now strangers were tearing barely healed scabs off those old wounds and I was running out of hands to stanch the bleeding.

I hope our story reminds people that anyone could be just one diagnosis away from medical bankruptcy
And then a message from another family of a medically fragile child showed up in my inbox. It wasn’t the first, by any means, but this one was special. It was a mother who had never gotten a proper diagnosis for her son, but after reading our story and doing some research, she’d connected the dots; her son has heterotaxy. She finally had a name for the specter that stalked him, and with that, she could find a community and support as she advocated for her child.

"I shared my toddler's hospital bill on Twitter. First came supporters — then death threats."


With regards to the people who attacked her online, Chandra said, “I hope they heard me when I said I want to fight for something better for all of us, for those of us whose children rely on the protections afforded by the current laws and for those of us who are struggling under the system as it stands now.”
‘I was offered a .22 bullet’: Mom who shared son’s surgery bill online got deluge of death threats


Mother recounts ugly backlash after sharing son’s Boston Children’s Hospital bill

This family's ordeal is very hard to read. Its hard to understand - No, actually, its impossible to understand that a story like this brings the scum out from under their rocks.

But, we said the same thing about Sandy Hook.

We're supposedly the richest country on the planet but when it comes to caring for our own people, we fail.

Especially children.

Is this really the best the US can do?

Interesting that the RWs are avoiding this thread.

What are you trying to say? Does

typing in larger font make your

point more correct?

Actually, I simple forgot to shrink it from the links.

Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?

I laid out the purpose of the thread in some detail in the OP. Read and reply or don't.
Last edited:
What are you trying to say? Does

typing in larger font make your

point more correct?

Actually, I simple forgot to shrink it from the links.

Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?

I laid out the purpose of the thread in some detail in the OP. Read and reply or don't.
Rude is cutting and pasting a link without a thought to the readers.
What are you trying to say? Does

typing in larger font make your

point more correct?

Actually, I simple forgot to shrink it from the links.

Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?

I laid out the purpose of the thread in some detail in the OP. Read and reply or don't.
Rude is cutting and pasting a link without a thought to the readers.

"...without a thought to the readers." ??

I can't imagine how you missed it but here is what I wrote. Perhaps you would like to address any or all of that?

Or not.

From my first post:

How come other countries can afford decent health care for their population but the US, with a much larger tax base, cannot? Looking at the bill above goes a long way toward answering that question. Look at the co-pay.

Where's is trump's offer to help? Its within his power to keep and fix the system. He won't do it though.

What does McConnell, LyinRyan and other Repubs have to say about a case like this? They won't work to fix our health care system either. And for the same reason trump won't.

How about you RWs who gushed all over the threads about the little baby in GB? What's your advise to this family? Should they move to GB? Europe, Cuba? Thailand? Or do you think they should be able to get decent health care in their own country?

From post #6

This family's ordeal is very hard to read. Its hard to understand - No, actually, its impossible to understand that a story like this brings the scum out from under their rocks.

But, we said the same thing about Sandy Hook.

We're supposedly the richest country on the planet but when it comes to caring for our own people, we fail.

Especially children.

Is this really the best the US can do?

Interesting that the RWs are avoiding this thread.
IMO, the bottom line to all of this is that health care has become a political football.

ObamaCares had problems from the beginning but, for those who don't remember, so did Medicare. It had to be tweaked and, as problems became apparent, it was repaired and changed. But, in those days, we did not have one party set on bringing down a president instead of doing their job.

The Repubs have continued to sabotage the bill. They have openly put their party ahead of the needs of the American people and they don't show any sign of changing that.

As I said at the top, the RWs fell all over themselves to yammer about treatment of a baby suffering from a terminal illness, as well as the treatment of his family.

Where is the outrage for American children?

Especially since they pile on when its a fetus ...
What are you trying to say? Does

typing in larger font make your

point more correct?

Actually, I simple forgot to shrink it from the links.

Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?

I laid out the purpose of the thread in some detail in the OP. Read and reply or don't.

I agree with you, and this is where I always part ways with the conservatives. ALL of our people should have access to medical care, but I just don't think that Obamacare is the answer. I don't think it addresses some of the problems that make healthcare so expensive to begin with. Insurance companies are going to have their limitations too. We need to do some things to bring down the actual costs of healthcare to begin with. I would be for single payer, but I can't really trust the government to do a good job or to make the right decisions.
What are you trying to say? Does

typing in larger font make your

point more correct?

Actually, I simple forgot to shrink it from the links.

Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?

I laid out the purpose of the thread in some detail in the OP. Read and reply or don't.
Rude is cutting and pasting a link without a thought to the readers.

"...without a thought to the readers." ??

I can't imagine how you missed it but here is what I wrote. .....
Since led with "Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?" I addressed that point. Do you really expect people to address every point you make?
IMO, the bottom line to all of this is that health care has become a political football......
Correct. It's been a political football ever since FLOTUS Clinton holed herself up and then presented a health plan for Republicans to approve in 1993. Even the Democrats didn't like it.
IMO, the bottom line to all of this is that health care has become a political football......
Correct. It's been a political football ever since FLOTUS Clinton holed herself up and then presented a health plan for Republicans to approve in 1993. Even the Democrats didn't like it.

When they saw the lobbyists lined up around the block, they changed their minds.
What are you trying to say? Does

typing in larger font make your

point more correct?

Actually, I simple forgot to shrink it from the links.

Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?

I laid out the purpose of the thread in some detail in the OP. Read and reply or don't.
Rude is cutting and pasting a link without a thought to the readers.

"...without a thought to the readers." ??

I can't imagine how you missed it but here is what I wrote. .....
Since led with "Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?" I addressed that point. Do you really expect people to address every point you make?


Every post you've made in this thread has been an ad hom attack. And this last - that I had not offered my own opinions was not true. Nor is it true that I expect people to address every point I make.

In fact, I wrote "... Read and reply or don't".

Obviously, you're just trolling.

I invite you to sit on it and spin, or don't.


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What are you trying to say? Does

typing in larger font make your

point more correct?

Actually, I simple forgot to shrink it from the links.

Does being needlessly rude help you make your point?

I laid out the purpose of the thread in some detail in the OP. Read and reply or don't.

I agree with you, and this is where I always part ways with the conservatives. ALL of our people should have access to medical care, but I just don't think that Obamacare is the answer. I don't think it addresses some of the problems that make healthcare so expensive to begin with. Insurance companies are going to have their limitations too. We need to do some things to bring down the actual costs of healthcare to begin with. I would be for single payer, but I can't really trust the government to do a good job or to make the right decisions.

With the Repubs "access" does not mean affordable.

Most of ObamaCares does work quite well and was bringing prices down as well as providing jobs.

ObamaCares required 80% of premiums be used on patient care. Repubs are in the employ of the wealthy, insurance, pharma, so of course, they disagree with that.

Makes the most sense to change the system to allow Medicare for all. When it was first started, it was a mess. It now works relatively well and within its budget. Not perfect but best I've seen.

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...Every post you've made in this thread has been an ad hom attack. And this last - that I had not offered my own opinions was not true. Nor is it true that I expect people to address every point I make.

In fact, I wrote "... Read and reply or don't".

Obviously, you're just trolling.

I invite you to sit on it and spin, or don't.


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Seriously? So where is the "ad hom attack in this post?:
Which points out the basic problem of Obamacare: It didn't reduce health costs, it just put those costs on the backs of the American taxpayers, most of them Middle Class taxpayers.

Why I understand need for "bleeding hearts" to save every puppy and kitten on the planet, until we develop the technology of unlimited energy and unlimited resources, it isn't practical. Better to concentrate on limiting the number of puppies and kittens through pet sterilization initiatives and the licensing of breeders.

Sad story and a shame that people have acted cruelly but the child is getting care.

When some decision panel is allowed to decide to pull out his life support system over and above the wishes of the parents who are attempting to get their child to a place that wants to help let us all know.

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