Another Lie From The Most Dishonest Regime In History


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This one is interesting.

Remember the, "If you like your Health Plan" lie?

This one is even worse. Much worse. And complements a history of lies that are almost unbelievable.

And with the complicity of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM -- The Liar gets away with it.....

Obama Kept Iran s Short Breakout Time a Secret - Bloomberg View

Obama Kept Iran's Short Breakout Time a Secret

The Barack Obama administration has estimated for years that Iran was at most three months away from enriching enough nuclear fuel for an atomic bomb. But the administration only declassified this estimate at the beginning of the month, just in time for the White House to make the case for its Iran deal to Congress and the public......

Here is the puzzling thing: When
Obama began his second term in 2013, he sang a different tune. He emphasized that Iran was more than a year away from a nuclear bomb, without mentioning that his intelligence community believed it was only two to three months away from making enough fuel for one, long considered the most challenging task in building a weapon....

Back in 2013, when Congress was weighing new sanctions on Iran and
Obama was pushing for more diplomacy, his interest was in tamping down that sense of urgency. On the eve of a visit to Israel, Obama told Israel's Channel Two, "Right now, we think it would take over a year or so for Iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon, but obviously we don’t want to cut it too close."

On Oct. 5 of that year,
Obama contrasted the U.S. view of an Iranian breakout with that of Israel's prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who at the time said Iran was only six months away from nuclear capability. Obama told the Associated Press, "Our assessment continues to be a year or more away. And in fact, actually, our estimate is probably more conservative than the estimates of Israeli intelligence services."

Small type for a small, small, small man.
Obama is a lying dog, a Muslim supporter, and an enemy to Israel and this country. And Hilarity is actually Obama x 2. Global is the opposite of America. If we make the same mistake twice, this country will never recover. Muslim money is backing her for a reason. She'll continue the UN objective.
The first black president turned out to be a foolish narcissistic ahole.

The first woman president according to the left will be Hillary.

Democrats like repeating their mistakes I guess.

I would think they want to find somebody less corrupt and more suited to solving problems rather than creating them. Somebody who wasn't selling our sovereignty to the highest bidder.

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