‘A Concerned 8-Year-Old Citizen’ Writes Brutal Letter to Michelle Obama


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011

A Concerned 8-Year-Old Citizen Writes Brutal Letter to Michelle Obama The Weekly Standard
The president is still waiting for Congress to move on his desire to get the power to further the war on ISIS...
The sad thing is that this kid makes about as much sense as the majority of the chickenhawks. They never met a war they didn't like.
Little Peter goes from the number of ketchup packets to bombing Syria and invading Ukraine

A precocious little darling
Just goes to show that even an 8 year old can sound like a republican and...make as much sense too.
No reason to believe that letter wasn't written by any one of many crazy right wingers and right here. The writing style and content is exactly the same, and I have no doubt the penmanship is exactly the same as well. I will say that whoever did write it was optimistically hoping to sound as intelligent as an eight year old.
No reason to believe that letter wasn't written by any one of many crazy right wingers and right here. The writing style and content is exactly the same, and I have no doubt the penmanship is exactly the same as well. I will say that whoever did write it was optimistically hoping to sound as intelligent as an eight year old.

gawd you people claim to care more about children. just look in this thread. just nasty as usual
Kids got a point, Obama should do more about the Ukraine,Syria,improve his speeches. No young Peter the White House isn't comfortable that's why Obama spends most of his time on the golf course and Moochelle's always on vacation. Moochelles latest thing is one Ketchup packet per meal!!!!!!!! That's Inhumane and completely unAmerican! How will the little ones hide the taste of a fishy starch sandwich?

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