Another lie debunked

Fbi says 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites... not even close..
The FBI says a white person is 6 times more likely to be attacked by another white person than someone black. So yes, it's not even close.
Yes but when there is an attack blacks are almost always the attacker .. facts

No that's not the facts and it's not the thread topic. Your assertion is exactly the type of fake news the link refers to. 60 percent of hate crime race based attacks are white on black. That's what the FBI shows. Now read the link.

Your link doesn’t address the elephant in the room: Latinos are counted as “whites”.
crazy HATEFUL BLACK woman shoves and KILLS OLD white man off bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woman seen pushing elderly man off bus in viral video now on house arrest
blacks about 13% of the population--whites = 67% -YET:
white on black murders - 229 on white murders - 500 !!!!!-yes--blacks DO commit MURDER/crimes/hate crimes/etc against whites at much MUCH higher rates
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
and they don't even label a lot of black on white attacks as hate crimes
ANOTHER black hate crime

Fbi says 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites... not even close..
The FBI says a white person is 6 times more likely to be attacked by another white person than someone black. So yes, it's not even close.
Yes but when there is an attack blacks are almost always the attacker .. facts

No that's not the facts and it's not the thread topic. Your assertion is exactly the type of fake news the link refers to. 60 percent of hate crime race based attacks are white on black. That's what the FBI shows. Now read the link.
Not according the bureau of judicial statistics
Fake news, blacks are animals and cannot do anything without whites paving the way.

so true
if all the white people picked up and left ...lets say we gave blacks and latinos the whole north east they'd just follow us,sign up for food stamps and immediately start crying how racist we are .

if were black id move to black communist controlled south africa ...theyre striving to reach utopia...pretty soon to be starving

after half the population starves thell rename it wakanda

dey all be collective kangs

Wrong. This has nothing to do with the OP.
Don't sweat it. Mikey and his buddies just post what their handlers tell them to.
Fake news, blacks are animals and cannot do anything without whites paving the way.

so true
if all the white people picked up and left ...lets say we gave blacks and latinos the whole north east they'd just follow us,sign up for food stamps and immediately start crying how racist we are .

if were black id move to black communist controlled south africa ...theyre striving to reach utopia...pretty soon to be starving

after half the population starves thell rename it wakanda

dey all be collective kangs

Wrong. This has nothing to do with the OP.
Don't sweat it. Mikey and his buddies just post what their handlers tell them to.
lol I don't have any handlers, liar.
There are just some things that simply are not true.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'
Splc? Lol that’s a hate group haha
There are just some things that simply are not true.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'
Yeah, and included in those things that are not true, is nearly everything your lying ass posts.
so true
if all the white people picked up and left ...lets say we gave blacks and latinos the whole north east they'd just follow us,sign up for food stamps and immediately start crying how racist we are .

if were black id move to black communist controlled south africa ...theyre striving to reach utopia...pretty soon to be starving

after half the population starves thell rename it wakanda

dey all be collective kangs

Wrong. This has nothing to do with the OP.

Sorry but you opened that door....don't whine if somebody walks through it.


Nobody open a door that has nothing to do with the OP.

You sure did open the door.
First you open up with a broad brush Insult
"WHITE SUPREMACISTS"....Then you contort the point to apply to crime statistics inferring that white supremacy taints the numbers.
Then what do you do? You reach for intellectual snobbery when somebody resists your opinion and seek the protection of the board rules prevent people from contradicting you.

So um, you absofuckinglutly did open the door.

Nope. And I am not contorting shit. White supremacists is not a broad brush insult. All whites are not white supremacists. And white supremacists do taint, exaggerate and make shit up. So unless you are a white supremacist you should not be insulted. Now the article contains a lot of information. None of which was about a white maggots opinion of how things would be if you punk ass racists left, or South Africa when whites are starving here and there was nothing said to make that faggot talk that we wuz kangs shit even as the facts show there were and are kings in Africa now.

I did not write the article and it's not my fault you and that other piece of shit are snowflakes who can't read or deal with the truth. So you can read the article and discuss it, or you can troll and get reported.
White supremacist vs black low IQ criminals.

According to the "Daily Caller"....Really?

The Daily Caller frequently uses loaded emotional language that typically favors the right such as this: DEM NOMINEE FOR FLORIDA GOVERNOR IS PROGRESSIVE MAYOR WITH CORRUPTION INVESTIGATION SWIRLING AROUND HIM. The Daily Caller usually sources their information to credible media outlets, but sometimes they utilize sources that are factually mixed such as the Daily Wire and Questionable sources such as Judicial Watch. In reviewing story content, virtually all favored the right in story selection and wording, while denigrating the left. The Daily Caller also promotes a favorable view of President Donald Trump through promotion of his policies.

A factual search reveals a very poor track record with fact checking. Here is a short list of some failed fact checks:

The Daily Caller has failed numerous fact checks, however they post a significant amount of articles each day. Based on the volume of articles published, versus failed fact checks, they do not fall into the Questionable category, though they are close.

Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks.

The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact checked on a per article basis.

According to the "Daily Caller"....Really?

The Daily Caller frequently uses loaded emotional language that typically favors the right such as this: DEM NOMINEE FOR FLORIDA GOVERNOR IS PROGRESSIVE MAYOR WITH CORRUPTION INVESTIGATION SWIRLING AROUND HIM. The Daily Caller usually sources their information to credible media outlets, but sometimes they utilize sources that are factually mixed such as the Daily Wire and Questionable sources such as Judicial Watch. In reviewing story content, virtually all favored the right in story selection and wording, while denigrating the left. The Daily Caller also promotes a favorable view of President Donald Trump through promotion of his policies.

A factual search reveals a very poor track record with fact checking. Here is a short list of some failed fact checks:

The Daily Caller has failed numerous fact checks, however they post a significant amount of articles each day. Based on the volume of articles published, versus failed fact checks, they do not fall into the Questionable category, though they are close.

Overall, we rate the Daily Caller strongly right biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks.

The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact checked on a per article basis.
No different than CNN MSNBC ABC CBS, etc.
Fbi says 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites... not even close..
The FBI says a white person is 6 times more likely to be attacked by another white person than someone black. So yes, it's not even close.
The FBI does not distinguish between Whites and Latinos. Try again asswipe.
There are black latinos too. Your opinion doesn't include the information in the OP.
Fbi says 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites... not even close..
The FBI says a white person is 6 times more likely to be attacked by another white person than someone black. So yes, it's not even close.
Yes but when there is an attack blacks are almost always the attacker .. facts

No that's not the facts and it's not the thread topic. Your assertion is exactly the type of fake news the link refers to. 60 percent of hate crime race based attacks are white on black. That's what the FBI shows. Now read the link.
Not according the bureau of judicial statistics
There is no such bureau.
Fbi says 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites... not even close..
The FBI says a white person is 6 times more likely to be attacked by another white person than someone black. So yes, it's not even close.
Yes but when there is an attack blacks are almost always the attacker .. facts

No that's not the facts and it's not the thread topic. Your assertion is exactly the type of fake news the link refers to. 60 percent of hate crime race based attacks are white on black. That's what the FBI shows. Now read the link.

Your link doesn’t address the elephant in the room: Latinos are counted as “whites”.
Again, there are black latinos.
Fbi says 84% of interracial violence is blacks attacking whites... not even close..
The FBI says a white person is 6 times more likely to be attacked by another white person than someone black. So yes, it's not even close.
Yes but when there is an attack blacks are almost always the attacker .. facts

No that's not the facts and it's not the thread topic. Your assertion is exactly the type of fake news the link refers to. 60 percent of hate crime race based attacks are white on black. That's what the FBI shows. Now read the link.
Not according the bureau of judicial statistics
There is no such bureau.
Here you go dumbass. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) - Publications & Products Overview
If you have not read the link, please don't post.
Your link was not the FBI or DOJ statistics site. It’s a garbage shit site and the article ranted about President Trump tweets and a dozen other things that don’t relate to crime statistics.
This is the link we are discussing.

The Biggest Lie in the White Supremacist Propaganda Playbook: Unraveling the Truth About ‘Black-on-White Crime'

And not your fucked up ignorant ass false interpretations. You're doing exactly what the article points out.

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