..Another J6 Perp goes to prison, blames Trump ...


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Reported today in the Detroit Free Press: (emphasis by my avatar)

"Anthony Puma admitted to breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, through a broken window, videotaping the melee on his GoPro camera and posting it to Facebook — but says President Donald Trump "tricked" him into rebelling that day — and he therefore shouldn't go to prison for it.

A judge disagreed.

Puma, a 50-year-old husband and father who now says he regrets his actions and has "disavowed" his support for Trump, will be in a federal prison for nine months for participating in the violent attack that sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

"Mr. Puma deeply regrets his actions. ... He acknowledged that he was encouraged by the former President Trump and has disavowed himself from any dangerous propaganda that led him to commit a crime. While this does not excuse his actions, Mr. Puma genuinely feels tricked by the former president who he trusted would not steer him down an illegal path," Puma's lawyer previously argued in court documents. "He now knows he should have never fell for his manipulation strategies."


I haven't kept count of the MAGA-jackasses who have been arrested for J6 and then went before a judge to claim Don Trump 'tricked' em, or lead them, or ordered them, or directed them.....to go to the Capitol and break in to the building to stop the Constitutionally-mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.

I don't believe...tho I stand ready to be corrected...that that particular line of defense has been particularly effective before judges or juries.

Still, the whole world witnessed Don Trump summoning the mob ('Come to DC, it'll be wild'...'stand back and stand by'), assembling the mob at the Eclipse, and then directing them to go directly at our Representatives and our Capitol. We all saw it.

Still, judges seemingly are taking the tack that it is 'individual choice' on one's own actions that are most determinant. And are seemingly also taking the tack that Trump's responsibility for J6 is more rightfully addressed in another court.

So off to prison these J6 Jackasses go.

So be it. I am satisfied that those we saw on the telly smashing a cop, or breaking a window, or vandalizing an office.....are getting justice served. If any of that can be officially pinned on Don Trump, as I personally think a share of it should be....well, I'm cool with that too. But in the meantime, will be glad to see the TDS'rs ---Trump's Duped & Snookered --- go to the slammer so they can better contemplate their role in the American tragedy of January 6th.

.to go to the Capitol and break in to the building to stop the Constitutionally-mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.
Nice try moron. Do you have a link to when Trump ever said anything resembling this claptrap?^^
Of course you don't. You can tell when a democrat lies--what am I thinking--THEY ALWAYS LIE.
Reported today in the Detroit Free Press: (emphasis by my avatar)

"Anthony Puma admitted to breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, through a broken window, videotaping the melee on his GoPro camera and posting it to Facebook — but says President Donald Trump "tricked" him into rebelling that day — and he therefore shouldn't go to prison for it.

A judge disagreed.

Puma, a 50-year-old husband and father who now says he regrets his actions and has "disavowed" his support for Trump, will be in a federal prison for nine months for participating in the violent attack that sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

"Mr. Puma deeply regrets his actions. ... He acknowledged that he was encouraged by the former President Trump and has disavowed himself from any dangerous propaganda that led him to commit a crime. While this does not excuse his actions, Mr. Puma genuinely feels tricked by the former president who he trusted would not steer him down an illegal path," Puma's lawyer previously argued in court documents. "He now knows he should have never fell for his manipulation strategies."


I haven't kept count of the MAGA-jackasses who have been arrested for J6 and then went before a judge to claim Don Trump 'tricked' em, or lead them, or ordered them, or directed them.....to go to the Capitol and break in to the building to stop the Constitutionally-mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.

I don't believe...tho I stand ready to be corrected...that that particular line of defense has been particularly effective before judges or juries.

Still, the whole world witnessed Don Trump summoning the mob ('Come to DC, it'll be wild'...'stand back and stand by'), assembling the mob at the Eclipse, and then directing them to go directly at our Representatives and our Capitol. We all saw it.

Still, judges seemingly are taking the tack that it is 'individual choice' on one's own actions that are most determinant. And are seemingly also taking the tack that Trump's responsibility for J6 is more rightfully addressed in another court.

So off to prison these J6 Jackasses go.

So be it. I am satisfied that those we saw on the telly smashing a cop, or breaking a window, or vandalizing an office.....are getting justice served. If any of that can be officially pinned on Don Trump, as I personally think a share of it should be....well, I'm cool with that too. But in the meantime, will be glad to see the TDS'rs ---Trump's Duped & Snookered --- go to the slammer so they can better contemplate their role in the American tragedy of January 6th.

Your links and proof seems to be missing. As usual.
"Do you have a link to when Trump ever said anything resembling this claptrap?^^ Of course you don't.'

Notably, my poor avatar did not in the OP state that Trump said such. Rather, the MAGA-Perp being sentenced claimed Trump tricked him. That is a distinction that does make a difference.

Settle down, earnest poster Concerned. Don't persuade yourself to you see things that ain't there.
It makes you look, at best, hyper.....or, at worst, histrionically partisan.
Don't be either, and you could be a more effective communicator.

Notably, my poor avatar did not in the OP state that Trump said such. Rather, the MAGA-Perp being sentenced claimed Trump tricked him. That is a distinction that does make a difference.

Settle down, earnest poster Concerned. Don't persuade yourself to you see things that ain't there.
It makes you look, at best, hyper.....or, at worst, histrionically partisan.
Don't be either, and you could be a more effective communicator.
This is from your post.
I haven't kept count of the MAGA-jackasses who have been arrested for J6 and then went before a judge to claim I haven't kept count of the MAGA-jackasses who have been arrested for J6 and then went before a judge to claim Don Trump 'tricked' em, or lead them, or ordered them, or directed them.....to go to the Capitol and break in to the building to stop the Constitutionally-mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power.
Maybe you should attempt to be more honest in what you post and remember what it is you post. I stand by my original statement. Where is the link to ANYONE testifying that, "... Don Trump 'tricked' em, or lead them, or ordered them, or directed them.....to go to the Capitol and break in to the building to stop the Constitutionally-mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power."
Just one, I'll wait, but I won't hold my breath.
Your links and proof seems to be missing.

Well, could that be my bad?

After all I informed the good poster 'lantern' --and others ---where he could read the same story I did. This morning' Detroit Free Press.

And notably too, I suggested no 'proofs' that this MAGA-Perp did, indeed, think that Don Trump had tricked him. Rather, my avatar merely reported what was reported in the Freep.
That too, is a distinction that makes a difference.
Trust me.

But, moving beyond the fretting of posters 'lantern' and'Concerned American' over news reports of who J6 MAGA-Perps are blaming for their criminality....we must notice that that 'blame' is singularly landing on Don Trump.

And, realistically, the perps are in a better position to know who to blame than my poor avatar...who, on January 6th, was a thousand miles away from Don Trump exhorting and angering the Ellipse crowd.

So, we gotta let their better informed accusations fall where they may.

But, moving beyond the fretting of posters 'lantern' and'Concerned American' over news reports of who J6 MAGA-Perps are blaming for their criminality....we must notice that that 'blame' is singularly landing on Don Trump.
And your continued verbosity trying to justify your false accusations prove they aren't worth the paper they are not printed on. Link!
And your continued verbosity trying to justify your false accusations
The MAGA-Perp in the OP blamed Don Trump for tricking him into his actions at the Capitol on J6.

I would recommend to good poster Concerned to check out this morning's Freep. Should be able to easily do it online. After all, I read it online.
The MAGA-Perp in the OP blamed Don Trump for tricking him into his actions at the Capitol on J6.

I would recommend to good poster Concerned to check out this morning's Freep. Should be able to easily do it online. After all, I read it online.
Read the rules of the board--Link. Second, Your post was a far cry from what you said here -- "tricking him into his actions" is NOT go to the Capitol and break in to the building to stop the Constitutionally-mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power. Keep twisting and attempting to spin, but please, if you are going to quote a source--Link it, according to board rules.
Ah, poster Concerned American is fretting over a slight to Don Trump he imagines my poor avatar may have made. Unfortunately, his zeal overcomes his studiousness. Others have claimed Don Trump directed them to riot at the Capitol. Others.....such as MAGAPerps have, in fact, made that very assertion in their criminal trials. And frankly, they have much greater skin in the game than my avatar an would know more than me. True that.

One example


"Ohio man who argued he was "directed" by Trump to join the Jan. 6 Capitol riot convicted on all counts"​

Thompson chose a different legal strategy, fighting the counts that ultimately brought him before a jury. He didn't deny he had taken part in the breach and instead argued that at the time, he believed that Trump's speech near the White House authorized his actions.

During that rally, Trump used incendiary language like "fight like hell" and told the crowd he would join them in marching to the Capitol to contest the 2020 election results.

"It is hard to imagine a more striking example than the President of the United States directly instructing an individual to engage in the precise conduct for which he is later indicted," Thompson's legal team argued in pretrial briefs. His lawyers even asked the court's permission to call the former president and his allies as witnesses in the trial.

"Mr. Trump and his conspirators engaged in a concerted effort to deceive the public, including Defendant, into believing that American democracy was at stake if Congress was permitted to certify the election results," they argued.
These are not official numbers probably never will be any with 1-6 but I have read there was an estimated 120,000 people protesting that day and 880 have been convicted of or plead guilty to a crime. Now I don’t know how accurate these numbers are but that would be 0.7333 percent.

Notably, my poor avatar did not in the OP state that Trump said such. Rather, the MAGA-Perp being sentenced claimed Trump tricked him. That is a distinction that does make a difference.

Settle down, earnest poster Concerned. Don't persuade yourself to you see things that ain't there.
It makes you look, at best, hyper.....or, at worst, histrionically partisan.
Don't be either, and you could be a more effective communicator.
If there is no stolen election, then there is no protest on January 6.

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