Another Fine Whine About SCOTUS Vacancies


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
We can expand the court to 11, as has happened before. Every Dem candidate should add that to their platform if the infantile moron in the White House gets a 3rd court pick before the election. If RGB resigns before the election and republicans try to squeeze in another candidate without the filibuster, people will take to the streets like hasn't been seen in decades.
"If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart," David Axelrod said in a tweet Friday afternoon.

Nonsense. The position will be filled, and there will be nothing the Democrats can do about it.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
Ah, sosomefinally admits the excuse not to allow it to be filled was completely bogus.
"If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart," David Axelrod said in a tweet Friday afternoon.

Nonsense. The position will be filled, and there will be nothing the Democrats can do about it.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

Why would a senate and president of the same party leave a vacancy unfilled?
We can expand the court to 11, as has happened before. Every Dem candidate should add that to their platform if the infantile moron in the White House gets a 3rd court pick before the election.

That didn't work for FDR. It won't work for you. People will see it for what it is.
I want to see the original NAZI party of Genocide Jackson dead and you Ds are delivering my desired outcome. Thank you.
We can expand the court to 11, as has happened before. Every Dem candidate should add that to their platform if the infantile moron in the White House gets a 3rd court pick before the election. If RGB resigns before the election and republicans try to squeeze in another candidate without the filibuster, people will take to the streets like hasn't been seen in decades.

Typical Democrat. Can't get his way, so let's change the rules.

Getting into the streets is so passe'. What do you think you would accomplish?
"If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart," David Axelrod said in a tweet Friday afternoon.

Nonsense. The position will be filled, and there will be nothing the Democrats can do about it.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
Ah, sosomefinally admits the excuse not to allow it to be filled was completely bogus.

It was not, and was fully constitutional.
"If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart," David Axelrod said in a tweet Friday afternoon.

Nonsense. The position will be filled, and there will be nothing the Democrats can do about it.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
Ah, sosomefinally admits the excuse not to allow it to be filled was completely bogus.

It was not, and was fully constitutional.

If it were not bogus, then the same reason should apply over the next year. Yet you yourself have admitted that it will not and should not.
"If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart," David Axelrod said in a tweet Friday afternoon.

Nonsense. The position will be filled, and there will be nothing the Democrats can do about it.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'
Ah, sosomefinally admits the excuse not to allow it to be filled was completely bogus.

It was not, and was fully constitutional.

If it were not bogus, then the same reason should apply over the next year.

Why? It was a decision within the purview of the authority of the Majority Leader.

You think Democrats are deserving of some form of imagined fairness at this point? Fuck that.
Why? It was a decision within the purview of the authority of the Majority Leader.

You think Democrats are deserving of some form of imagined fairness at this point? Fuck that.

The fact it was within the purview of the authority of the Majority Leader does not make the excuse used for doing it a valid one.

No, I do not except you to act any differently than the Dems. I always say there is little difference between the two parties and shit like this proves it.
Why? It was a decision within the purview of the authority of the Majority Leader.

You think Democrats are deserving of some form of imagined fairness at this point? Fuck that.

The fact it was within the purview of the authority of the Majority Leader does not make the excuse used for doing it a valid one.

Really? Wherein lies the invalidity? Be specific.

No, I do not except you to act any differently than the Dems. I always say there is little difference between the two parties and shit like this proves it.

At this point in time, one party remains in the end American, the other has adopted a totalitarian ideology that killed nearly 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century, and one the Americans spent half that century defeating. There is indeed a difference.
Really? Wherein lies the invalidity? Be specific.

If the reason was valid 4 years ago, it would still be valid today. You yourself have indicated you do not think it should be applied this time, thus showing that even you know it was not a valid reason. But you are a partisan first and citizen second so you will always put the party first.

At this point in time, one party remains in the end American, the other has adopted a totalitarian ideology that killed nearly 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century, and one the Americans spent half that century defeating. There is indeed a difference.

Drama queen much?
Please make sense so that I can respond.

I am not nor have I ever been a member of any political party. I am driven by issues, not a mob.

Drama queen? No. That that is is that that is.
Trump will replace that baby-killing piece of shit Ginsburg, and then us normal Americans can have a great laugh watching the Leftists lose their minds.... ...again.
We can expand the court to 11, as has happened before. Every Dem candidate should add that to their platform if the infantile moron in the White House gets a 3rd court pick before the election. If RGB resigns before the election and republicans try to squeeze in another candidate without the filibuster, people will take to the streets like hasn't been seen in decades.
Is Axelrod another innocent left wing secular Jewish guy?
We can expand the court to 11, as has happened before. Every Dem candidate should add that to their platform if the infantile moron in the White House gets a 3rd court pick before the election. If RGB resigns before the election and republicans try to squeeze in another candidate without the filibuster, people will take to the streets like hasn't been seen in decades.

Yeah the fuck you will
Really? Wherein lies the invalidity? Be specific.

If the reason was valid 4 years ago, it would still be valid today. You yourself have indicated you do not think it should be applied this time, thus showing that even you know it was not a valid reason. But you are a partisan first and citizen second so you will always put the party first.

At this point in time, one party remains in the end American, the other has adopted a totalitarian ideology that killed nearly 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century, and one the Americans spent half that century defeating. There is indeed a difference.

Drama queen much?

Not the same. Trump is not a lame duck president.
"If there is a SCOTUS vacancy next year and @senatemajldr carries through on his extraordinary promise to fill it-despite his own previous precedent in blocking Garland-it will tear this country apart," David Axelrod said in a tweet Friday afternoon.

Nonsense. The position will be filled, and there will be nothing the Democrats can do about it.

RBG scare: David Axelrod warns Supreme Court vacancy fight could 'tear this country apart'

After all of the Whining the Left made about 2016 and the failed Garland nomination, you'd think they would INSIST that President Trump nominate a replacement immediately
Four years ago there was absolutely no reason to block Garland. Democrats knew this, Republicans knew this, and most people in possession of critical and rational thought knew this.

Should Ginsburg retire or lose her battle with pancreatic cancer, there will be no reason to block her potential replacement. Most people in possession of critical and rational thought know this.

Do we think Democrats will do the right thing, rising above the politics and showing themselves to be the bigger person, so to speak? Or do we think there will be the usual game of "tit-for-tat"?

How anyone in the current political environment can proudly claim membership of either party is beyond me...

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