Another example of why social media will be the death of America


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
So here we have the president and his wife making a visit to some of the Florida school shooting victims.
Ok, no problem, no one needs to be patting him on the back, it's expected and it's the right thing to do.

But instead of simply giving a nod and moving on, the haters of the twittersphere are up in arms about the president smiling in the photos, claiming he has no heart, he's evil, etc.

And so what do we get ? An article written NOT about his visit, but about how people are 'o-u-t-r-a-g-e-d' that he is smiling.

We are at each others throats, and it's only a matter of time before this toxic mix spills into the streets.

People have strong reactions to the president's smiling visit to Parkland victims


President Donald Trump shared images from his visit to a Florida hospital where victims are still recovering after a gunman, armed with an AR-15 rifle, killed 14 students and three teachers Wednesday. In spite of the horrific tragedy, the photos show Trump smiling, happy, even giving a thumbs-up, while he posed with those injured, their families and first responders.

The president shared his thoughts in tweet with several images with bedside survivors and hospital staff. He wrote, “Our entire Nation, w/one heavy heart, continues to pray for the victims & their families in Parkland, FL. To teachers, law enforcement, first responders & medical professionals who responded so bravely in the face of danger: We THANK YOU for your courage!”

But while the written message seemed heartfelt and appropriate, the Twitterverse can’t fathom why he looks so happy in the pictures.
People have strong reactions to the president's smiling visit to Parkland victims
To tell you the truth, in that picture, Trump looks like he's celebrating something.

He definitely doesn't look like he's very concerned. And, did you notice that there are no students in the pictures, just the first responders?
To tell you the truth, in that picture, Trump looks like he's celebrating something.

He definitely doesn't look like he's very concerned. And, did you notice that there are no students in the pictures, just the first responders?

And maybe that's why he's giving the thumbs up. He could be celebrating the people who worked to save the students.
To tell you the truth, in that picture, Trump looks like he's celebrating something.

He definitely doesn't look like he's very concerned. And, did you notice that there are no students in the pictures, just the first responders?

And maybe that's why he's giving the thumbs up. He could be celebrating the people who worked to save the students.

The optics on that picture look bad. 17 people died in that school shooting.
To tell you the truth, in that picture, Trump looks like he's celebrating something.

He definitely doesn't look like he's very concerned. And, did you notice that there are no students in the pictures, just the first responders?

And maybe that's why he's giving the thumbs up. He could be celebrating the people who worked to save the students.

The optics on that picture look bad. 17 people died in that school shooting.

Well then maybe you should get out there on other social media platforms and help the haters flood the internet with their toxins.
I saw a couple of the student tweets, and they definitely aren't happy about the situation, as well as are calling for gun control and not thoughts and prayers. some of their responses yourself..................

Students from high school targeted in mass shooting criticize GOP reaction
Put up to it by Leftist agitators no doubt.

Ever think that is just how the students feel after going through a traumatic event like this?
To tell you the truth, in that picture, Trump looks like he's celebrating something.

He definitely doesn't look like he's very concerned. And, did you notice that there are no students in the pictures, just the first responders?

And maybe that's why he's giving the thumbs up. He could be celebrating the people who worked to save the students.

The optics on that picture look bad. 17 people died in that school shooting.
The president and First Lady made their day to be in a photo with them. When you pose for a group photo you are supposed to smile, numbnuts.
To tell you the truth, in that picture, Trump looks like he's celebrating something.

He definitely doesn't look like he's very concerned. And, did you notice that there are no students in the pictures, just the first responders?

And maybe that's why he's giving the thumbs up. He could be celebrating the people who worked to save the students.

The optics on that picture look bad. 17 people died in that school shooting.
At least it's not a painting with cum swimming on his face.
Maybe the smile is for those who are still here. 17 lives are no longer here, but them 17 people were not the only victims.

God bless you and the ones who are still here and leader always!!!

President Trump really appears on numerous occasions to not know right from wrong, up from down, left from right, when it comes to normal, appropriate behavior for the circumstance.

This is nothing new for him, and no real biggie, it's expected imo....

if he actually did show real concern, or sadness, or sympathy, or empathy...or showed emotions like a sane, normal human being....

then that would be news worthy...!!!! :p
The kids are lashing out at him, and maybe with too much veracity....

But they have been put through hell and high water this past week, and can be forgiven for some of these misplaced cries of anger....imo.
So here we have the president and his wife making a visit to some of the Florida school shooting victims.
Ok, no problem, no one needs to be patting him on the back, it's expected and it's the right thing to do.

But instead of simply giving a nod and moving on, the haters of the twittersphere are up in arms about the president smiling in the photos, claiming he has no heart, he's evil, etc.

And so what do we get ? An article written NOT about his visit, but about how people are 'o-u-t-r-a-g-e-d' that he is smiling.

We are at each others throats, and it's only a matter of time before this toxic mix spills into the streets.

People have strong reactions to the president's smiling visit to Parkland victims


President Donald Trump shared images from his visit to a Florida hospital where victims are still recovering after a gunman, armed with an AR-15 rifle, killed 14 students and three teachers Wednesday. In spite of the horrific tragedy, the photos show Trump smiling, happy, even giving a thumbs-up, while he posed with those injured, their families and first responders.

The president shared his thoughts in tweet with several images with bedside survivors and hospital staff. He wrote, “Our entire Nation, w/one heavy heart, continues to pray for the victims & their families in Parkland, FL. To teachers, law enforcement, first responders & medical professionals who responded so bravely in the face of danger: We THANK YOU for your courage!”

But while the written message seemed heartfelt and appropriate, the Twitterverse can’t fathom why he looks so happy in the pictures.
People have strong reactions to the president's smiling visit to Parkland victims

You have a very sad lack of faith in and understanding of America if you generally believe your own OP.
President Trump really appears on numerous occasions to not know right from wrong, up from down, left from right, when it comes to normal, appropriate behavior for the circumstance.

This is nothing new for him, and no real biggie, it's expected imo....

if he actually did show real concern, or sadness, or sympathy, or empathy...or showed emotions like a sane, normal human being....

then that would be news worthy...!!!! :p

Look you ninny, it's a snapshot, people generally smile when a camera is pointed at them.

Here's a video of Trump and Melania at the hospital. Notice he's not smiling.


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