
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Rep Eric Swalwell goofed big time in bringing up emails not pertaining to Strzok thus politicizing the hearing instead of taking serious his questioning time at today's public hearing. In asking if Strzok had anything to do with emails to Don Jr. on dirt on his Father's opponent he opened up a can of worms that backfire.
1) that email was mere bait that didn't materialize into anything but used as a foot in door tactic.
A)was baited by a Brittish RAG MAG EDITOR who had ties to Al Gores /Clinton Press Room
and might connect dots to the Fusion debacle.
B)the so called dirt the Russian lawyer stated was that she had proof Russia was helping Hillary.-ooops MSM always leave that part of the email out when they change the narrative.
C) that same Russian lawyer met with DNC and Hillary Campaign team members yet Rep Eric Swalwell magically ignores that fact nor shows concern especially since nobody in the FBI asked to see their emails with the same lawyer that Don Jr was very cooperative in sharing.
which brings us to
2) This proves bias and Rep Eric Swalwell helped prove the bias that one campaign is asked for personal info emails yet did not equal standard require the other party for the same required contact that they themselves in false concern deem problematic.
Thank you Rep Eric Swalwell for doing what the D.O.J. failed to do in their report, connect the dots revealing proof of bias including the bias of email being handed over by One side while allowing the left to illegally obstruct handing theirs over regarding Clinton's email scandal.
Yep Rep Eric Swalwell threw the boomerang trying to hit the present administration but it came back to hit this witch hunt and the leftist in the back of their lawless head.
If it walks like a Duck, Talks like a Duck, swims in mucky water, then it should learn how to "Duck" at it's own mudslinging. -ooops.
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Rep Eric Swalwell goofed big time in bringing up emails not pertaining to Strzok thus politicizing the hearing instead of taking serious his questioning time at today's public hearing. In asking if Strzok had anything to do with emails to Don Jr. on dirt on his Father's opponent he opened up a can of worms that backfire.
1) that email was mere bait that didn't materialize into anything but used as a foot in door tactic.
A)was baited by a Brittish RAG MAG EDITOR who had ties to Al Gores /Clinton Press Room
and might connect dots to the Fusion debacle.
B)the so called dirt the Russian lawyer stated was that she had proof Russia was helping Hillary.-ooops MSM always leave that part of the email out when they change the narrative.
C) that same Russian lawyer met with DNC and Hillary Campaign team members yet Rep Eric Swalwell magically ignores that fact nor shows concern especially since nobody in the FBI asked to see their emails with the same lawyer that Don Jr was very cooperative in sharing.
which brings us to
2) This proves bias and Rep Eric Swalwell helped prove the bias that one campaign is asked for personal info emails yet did not equal standard require the other party for the same required contact thst they themselves in false concern deem problematic.
Thank you Rep Eric Swalwell for doing what the D.O.J. failed to do in their report, connect the dots revealing proof of bias including the bias of email being handed over by One side while allowing the left to illegally obstruct handing theirs over regarding Clinton's email scandal.
Yep Rep Eric Swalwell threw the boomerang trying to hit the present administration bit it came back to hit thus witch hunt and the left in the back of their lawless head.
If it walks like a Duck, Talks like a Duck, swims in mucky water, then it should learn how to "Duck" at it's own mudslinging. -ooops.

Amazing! Another good one
Right now Rep Jamie Raskin of Maryland is showing how concerned Dems really are by proving that they support missapropriate and illegal behavior merely through their blatant hate and disagreement with a political party they lost power to. They really need to read what a Democracy is or is this the result of spoiled pampered entitled kids placed on sports teams where "everyone is a winner"?
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Here the man who set up the Russian Adoption lawyer meeting is seen with his Clinton press team connections.

And the Adoption lawyer who met many Hillary Campaign staff members is seen as a helping guest of a Dem politician

And we know
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs and if not, why not since
It was Obama who ordered and set up Jeff Sessions meeting with Sergey Kislyak that allowed Obama (who lied) to spy on Sessions and Flynn to gain party advantage (the party who already got caught cheating) on the opponent during the campaign.

and lastly it was Obamas buddy
Sergey Kislyak
Russia's ambassador to the US, who set up Jared & is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank which he did not take the bait.....so all these Dem bait traps lead back to Obama and Hillary's campaign staff, so is this the "WE" that Strzok was talking about in his email when claiming they would make sure Trump didn't win?
I thought the investigation was over Russian collusion? So why wasn't Mueller looking into this collusion with the DNC? Oh that's right, because the "we" controlled the investigation and the "WE" already targeted their opponent and opponent alone. =Witch hunt.
You don't let the criminals control the criminal investigation, that's as dumb as those school teachers letting the students grade each other classmates own tests.
Here the man who set up the Russian Adoption lawyer meeting is seen with his Clinton press team connections.
View attachment 204395
And the Adoption lawyer who met many Hillary Campaign staff members is seen as a helping guest of a Dem politician
View attachment 204391
And we know
Russia's ambassador Sergey Kislyak appeared 22 times on former President Obamas visitors log. Mueller might know when and how often they spoke on phone logs and if not, why not since
It was Obama who ordered and set up Jeff Sessions meeting with Sergey Kislyak that allowed Obama (who lied) to spy on Sessions and Flynn to gain party advantage (the party who already got caught cheating) on the opponent during the campaign.

and lastly it was Obamas buddy
Sergey Kislyak
Russia's ambassador to the US, who set up Jared & is the one who told Jared to talk to the bank which he did not take the bait.....so all these Dem bait traps lead back to Obama and Hillary's campaign staff, so is this the "WE" that Strzok was talking about in his email when claiming they would make sure Trump didn't win?
I thought the investigation was over Russian collusion? So why wasn't Mueller looking into this collusion with the DNC? Oh that's right, because the "we" cpntrolled the investigation and the "WE" already targeted their opponent and opponent alone. =Witch hunt.
You don't let the criminals control the criminal ivestigation, that's aa dumb as those school teachers letting the students grade each other classmates own tests.

Dude, dude, slow doooooooooown-) All of this, and more, will be brought to bear EVERYWHERE by mid-September, lol. It is just a process someone designed; who, I do not know, but I do know this...…………...whomever designed the death of far left Marxist/Liberals by a thousand cuts, deserves the medal of Freedom! It has been pure genius so far, coming to the crescendo just in time for the midterms!

Do we all realize, they are buried today, worse tomorrow, and every day after, lolol. Even their favorite generic poll is slipping that they always like to point at, but shhhhhhh, let me give you a little bit of insider polling----------->

1. IF the midterms were held today, NELSON OF FLORIDA WOULD BE TOAST! OMG, the Lefties just went into coronary arrest. Forgive me.

2. Good ole Claire of Missouri? OUT OF THERE, gone, history-)

3. Joe Blow from West Virginia? Ummm, we need a little work there sorry to report-(

4. Indiana? Well folks, it WOULD be RED if the election was held today!

5. Mz Heidi? Do you really have to ask, lolololol, that was over long ago.

6. Unless you get a move on, we are going to lose Tennessee, and that is a FACT as of RIGHT NOW, so move it, or lose it conservatives!

The House is hard to read, it really is. If I gave you some sort of numbers besides generic, I would be lying to you, and I will not do that.

But, on the Senate side, you CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS are pulling away from the Leftists consistently, day-after-day, week-after-week. It is looking very bleak for the Leftists as of this writing, and by extrapolation, we should logically believe that the House is looking bleak for them also. And you know what? They DID IT TO THEMSELVES! Americans aren't liking their radical approach.

And all you have to do is VOTE, and bring a friend; that's it! Don't get over confident, and don't listen to the Leftists telling you how bad things are, lol.

Don't believe me?

Well, just go to YouTube, and look at the protests Reagan had, lol. They had Leftists throwing things, screaming, dancing, jumping up and down, and that is all you seen on the news. That was right before the election for his 2nd term. You would have thought that this guy was the most unpopular person on the planet, bar none.

Well, he had the biggest landslide in modern history!

The Left is trying it again, lol. Why? Because things are going so well, what else can they do, hehehehehehehe. Listen to them-) They even try to claim the economy is because of Obysmal, hehehehehehehehe.

We have them by the cucaraches, we know it, they know it, but they will try and convince everyone that will listen, they are NOT COOKED!

They look fried to me, lol, and I still threw them in the garbage-)

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