Another casual Obama lie exposed (Osama Version)


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Remember the 'gutsy call' propaganda about how it was 50/50 whether Osama was even at the compound?

I just watched a clip of Hillary Clinton talking about how the Dr. Shakil Afridi helped to identify Osama's presence at his compound via DNA.

Wait a second? If we confirmed his DNA then how was it 50/50? And this DNA evidence wasn't part of the propaganda videos they've been releasing.

It's sad that Obama lies so much that his own administration can't keep track of how their own releases confound prior lies.

And on a side note; Obama once again sloppily used a foreigner's help and then made no efforts to keep him out of the trouble. That man is now serving a 33 year term.
I've left DNA all over the place. It isn't proof he was there at the time.

Hillary should take care of the other problem, setting her up for '16! :2up:
Wow. Logic is not your friend.

You defy that the DNA was helpful (something Clinton insisted was pivotal) and then you state that Clinton is your hero anyways lol.

But back to the point, it was not 50/50. They had done all types of metrics to know Osama was there. And Obama can't even keep track of his casual lies.
Wow. Logic is not your friend.

You defy that the DNA was helpful (something Clinton insisted was pivotal) and then you state that Clinton is your hero anyways lol.

But back to the point, it was not 50/50. They had done all types of metrics to know Osama was there. And Obama can't even keep track of his casual lies.

It must be tough when your entire life is a lie. But then, when your acolytes ignore that fact, they will give you a pass for just about everything.
Wow. Logic is not your friend.

You defy that the DNA was helpful (something Clinton insisted was pivotal) and then you state that Clinton is your hero anyways lol.

But back to the point, it was not 50/50. They had done all types of metrics to know Osama was there. And Obama can't even keep track of his casual lies.

I assume you have the math handy to prove it. :cool:
You know, it used to be when a President bald-faced lied to the American people, it was a VERY big deal.

This POS POTUS does it so casually that I almost didn't click on the thread since his dishonesty with the public is so 'water is wet' obvious.
Remember the 'gutsy call' propaganda about how it was 50/50 whether Osama was even at the compound?

I just watched a clip of Hillary Clinton talking about how the Dr. Shakil Afridi helped to identify Osama's presence at his compound via DNA.

Wait a second? If we confirmed his DNA then how was it 50/50? And this DNA evidence wasn't part of the propaganda videos they've been releasing.

It's sad that Obama lies so much that his own administration can't keep track of how their own releases confound prior lies.

And on a side note; Obama once again sloppily used a foreigner's help and then made no efforts to keep him out of the trouble. That man is now serving a 33 year term.

President Romney will get him released.

This whiole thing is a direct result of obama's fumbling foreign policy. He refused for days to apologize for the murder of the 24 Pakistani soldiers killed in a drone strike. It was only after he had totally enraged Pakistan to the point where they cut the NATO supply lines that he wa forced to concede his foolishness. Had he not been so egotistical, he might have been able to step in to help this doctor.

The king does not apologize because the king can do no wrong.
Remember the 'gutsy call' propaganda about how it was 50/50 whether Osama was even at the compound?

I just watched a clip of Hillary Clinton talking about how the Dr. Shakil Afridi helped to identify Osama's presence at his compound via DNA.

Wait a second? If we confirmed his DNA then how was it 50/50? And this DNA evidence wasn't part of the propaganda videos they've been releasing.

It's sad that Obama lies so much that his own administration can't keep track of how their own releases confound prior lies.

And on a side note; Obama once again sloppily used a foreigner's help and then made no efforts to keep him out of the trouble. That man is now serving a 33 year term.

President Romney will get him released.

This whiole thing is a direct result of obama's fumbling foreign policy. He refused for days to apologize for the murder of the 24 Pakistani soldiers killed in a drone strike. It was only after he had totally enraged Pakistan to the point where they cut the NATO supply lines that he wa forced to concede his foolishness. Had he not been so egotistical, he might have been able to step in to help this doctor.

The king does not apologize because the king can do no wrong.

I thought he was apologizing too much. Can ya stick to one story, PLEASE?!?! :eusa_boohoo:

BTW, the only way Romney will get the guy out is if he does a "Jesse", i.e. as a private citizen. :cool:
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Remember the 'gutsy call' propaganda about how it was 50/50 whether Osama was even at the compound?

I just watched a clip of Hillary Clinton talking about how the Dr. Shakil Afridi helped to identify Osama's presence at his compound via DNA.

Wait a second? If we confirmed his DNA then how was it 50/50? And this DNA evidence wasn't part of the propaganda videos they've been releasing.

It's sad that Obama lies so much that his own administration can't keep track of how their own releases confound prior lies.

And on a side note; Obama once again sloppily used a foreigner's help and then made no efforts to keep him out of the trouble. That man is now serving a 33 year term.

President Romney will get him released.

This whiole thing is a direct result of obama's fumbling foreign policy. He refused for days to apologize for the murder of the 24 Pakistani soldiers killed in a drone strike. It was only after he had totally enraged Pakistan to the point where they cut the NATO supply lines that he wa forced to concede his foolishness. Had he not been so egotistical, he might have been able to step in to help this doctor.

The king does not apologize because the king can do no wrong.

You have higher hopes for "President Romney" and his foreign policy?

Remember the 'gutsy call' propaganda about how it was 50/50 whether Osama was even at the compound?

I just watched a clip of Hillary Clinton talking about how the Dr. Shakil Afridi helped to identify Osama's presence at his compound via DNA.

Wait a second? If we confirmed his DNA then how was it 50/50? And this DNA evidence wasn't part of the propaganda videos they've been releasing.

It's sad that Obama lies so much that his own administration can't keep track of how their own releases confound prior lies.

And on a side note; Obama once again sloppily used a foreigner's help and then made no efforts to keep him out of the trouble. That man is now serving a 33 year term.

President Romney will get him released.

This whiole thing is a direct result of obama's fumbling foreign policy. He refused for days to apologize for the murder of the 24 Pakistani soldiers killed in a drone strike. It was only after he had totally enraged Pakistan to the point where they cut the NATO supply lines that he wa forced to concede his foolishness. Had he not been so egotistical, he might have been able to step in to help this doctor.

The king does not apologize because the king can do no wrong.

You have higher hopes for "President Romney" and his foreign policy?


Kinda ironic that she has hope in President Romney and not Meister Hope and Change, huh?
President Romney will get him released.

This whiole thing is a direct result of obama's fumbling foreign policy. He refused for days to apologize for the murder of the 24 Pakistani soldiers killed in a drone strike. It was only after he had totally enraged Pakistan to the point where they cut the NATO supply lines that he wa forced to concede his foolishness. Had he not been so egotistical, he might have been able to step in to help this doctor.

The king does not apologize because the king can do no wrong.

You have higher hopes for "President Romney" and his foreign policy?


Kinda ironic that she has hope in President Romney and not Meister Hope and Change, huh?

No, not ironic at all, I find most of her posts to be on the absurd side.
Remember the 'gutsy call' propaganda about how it was 50/50 whether Osama was even at the compound?

I just watched a clip of Hillary Clinton talking about how the Dr. Shakil Afridi helped to identify Osama's presence at his compound via DNA.

Wait a second? If we confirmed his DNA then how was it 50/50? And this DNA evidence wasn't part of the propaganda videos they've been releasing.

It's sad that Obama lies so much that his own administration can't keep track of how their own releases confound prior lies.

And on a side note; Obama once again sloppily used a foreigner's help and then made no efforts to keep him out of the trouble. That man is now serving a 33 year term.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but could you post a link to the alleged video? Recent comments you've made in another thread have led me to question your ability to accurately paraphrase high-level government officials.

I'm particularly skeptical about your claim, given that other media reports suggest that there is no public evidence that DNA was successfully obtained from bin Laden family members in the compound: CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA | World news | The Guardian

If no DNA was obtained, that would certainly explain why so much uncertainty remained.
Remember the 'gutsy call' propaganda about how it was 50/50 whether Osama was even at the compound?

I just watched a clip of Hillary Clinton talking about how the Dr. Shakil Afridi helped to identify Osama's presence at his compound via DNA.

Wait a second? If we confirmed his DNA then how was it 50/50? And this DNA evidence wasn't part of the propaganda videos they've been releasing.

It's sad that Obama lies so much that his own administration can't keep track of how their own releases confound prior lies.

And on a side note; Obama once again sloppily used a foreigner's help and then made no efforts to keep him out of the trouble. That man is now serving a 33 year term.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but could you post a link to the alleged video? Recent comments you've made in another thread have led me to question your ability to accurately paraphrase high-level government officials.

I'm particularly skeptical about your claim, given that other media reports suggest that there is no public evidence that DNA was successfully obtained from bin Laden family members in the compound: CIA organised fake vaccination drive to get Osama bin Laden's family DNA | World news | The Guardian

If no DNA was obtained, that would certainly explain why so much uncertainty remained.

It's been a couple days and I'm in the middle of some stuff and can't dedicate time to a search. I can just tell you what I read/saw. The doctor was convicted for attempting to get DNA evidence that Osama or his family members were at the compound. The stuff I read gave me the impression that he succeeded but I can't say 100 percent.

I assume that he was successful as Hillary called him instrumental or pivotal or whatever word she used in the clip I saw. That gave me the distinct impression that his work was greatly helpful in knowing that Osama was there. If you find the clip, go ahead and post it. I would love to see it again.

I'm sure it's not that hard, just go on to yt and type Hillary CLinton and the doctor's name and you'll most likely find the statement.
Most advisors wanted to send a cruise missile, Obama chose the better, more risky choice. STUPID. Change the channel from the Pubcrappe.

No lie, ASSHOLE.
I assume that he was successful as Hillary called him instrumental or pivotal or whatever word she used in the clip I saw. That gave me the distinct impression that his work was greatly helpful in knowing that Osama was there. If you find the clip, go ahead and post it. I would love to see it again.

I'm sure it's not that hard, just go on to yt and type Hillary CLinton and the doctor's name and you'll most likely find the statement.

I'm afraid I already tried that, and the only English-language video was Clinton protesting the harshness of the doctor's sentence. "instrumental" proved a good search term, though. You are probably referring to this (

"His [Afridi's] help, after all, was instrumental in taking down one of the world's most notorious murderers. That was clearly in Pakistan's interests as well as ours and the rest of the world," she [Clinton] said.

She may have been referring to this: According to the Guardian article I cited Afridi managed to get an agent with an electronic device into the compound. Depending on what this agent obtained, this could certainly be the "instrumental" help that Clinton referenced even if Afridi never obtained any bin Laden DNA.
I assume that he was successful as Hillary called him instrumental or pivotal or whatever word she used in the clip I saw. That gave me the distinct impression that his work was greatly helpful in knowing that Osama was there. If you find the clip, go ahead and post it. I would love to see it again.

I'm sure it's not that hard, just go on to yt and type Hillary CLinton and the doctor's name and you'll most likely find the statement.

I'm afraid I already tried that, and the only English-language video was Clinton protesting the harshness of the doctor's sentence. "instrumental" proved a good search term, though. You are probably referring to this (

"His [Afridi's] help, after all, was instrumental in taking down one of the world's most notorious murderers. That was clearly in Pakistan's interests as well as ours and the rest of the world," she [Clinton] said.

She may have been referring to this: According to the Guardian article I cited Afridi managed to get an agent with an electronic device into the compound. Depending on what this agent obtained, this could certainly be the "instrumental" help that Clinton referenced even if Afridi never obtained any bin Laden DNA.

Here's a current story that refers to the vaccination program:
Pakistan officials: Doctor's sentence payback for bin Laden raid, U.S. need to move on | Fox News
Haha. I love watching all the people in this thread who are getting worked up about Obama "lying" about the attack. Unlike Bush, he actually caught Osama and yet all you do in response is call him a liar over his stated chances of success in the mission? Are you freekin kidding?

A ten second google search and review of research articles proves this never happened. If they extracted his dna before the attack (they did not) they would have had nothing to compare it to. They primarily used facial recognition to identify him.

The crazy conservative are literally just making shit up now. And these lies are the foundation of their arguments! Try looking for at least a few seconds before spreading more BS.
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