Another black myth exploded

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Another African "irresponsibility" myth is that blacks undervalue education and or somehow equate getting good grades and being smart with "acting white." Again this is yet another myth widely believed but with little in the way of facts to back it up, yet when one does look at published research the opposite is found. Below are three papers that unequivocally refute this myth:

Assessing the Oppositional Culture Explanation for Racial/Ethnic Differences in School Performance

The oppositional culture explanation for racial disparities in school performance posits that individuals from historically oppressed groups (involuntary minorities) signify their antagonism toward the dominant group by resisting school goals. In contrast, individuals from the dominant group and groups that migrated freely to the host country (immigrant minorities) maintain optimistic views of their chances for educational and occupational success. Because of its historical and cross-cultural appeal, this explanation has been well-received by academics, although key implications of the theory have not been carefully tested. Proponents have failed to systematically compare perceptions of occupational opportunity and resistance to school across involuntary, dominant, and immigrant groups. Using a large sample of African American, Asian American, and non-Hispanic white high school sophomores from the first follow-up of the National Education Longitudinal Study, the authors provide the first rigorous test of the oppositional culture explanation. Upon close scrutiny, its key predictions fail

Do some black students equate being smart sometimes with being white? Yes, some folks are just ignorant like that. Is this something that is widespread among all blacks and indicates a propensity by blacks to devalue education? Hell no, such stereotypical assertions are more myth that fact. Also, getting teased for being smart and getting good grades is not a black thing, its happens also with white kids, except they don't label it as acting white, they call people nerds and such people are also some of the least popular people in school also, but no one accuses whites of devaluing education, once again being white has its advantages and privileges.
More information debunking the notion that urban people don't value their children's education:

Education Book Review/Reading Families

According to Compton-Lilly many inner city students exist in a world where their talents are often not recognized and their efforts are seen as inconsequential. They are discounted and are made to feel as though their contributions are somehow inferior to that of others in their world. More telling, assumptions are made about their abilities and those assumptions govern the way they are treated and consequently the way they react to the educational system and the rest of society. It is therefore, not surprising that many urban students come to the ultimate conclusion that they are incapable of learning anything at all. This is the reality of urban youth in Reading Families: The Literate Lives of Urban Children.

The author uses a combination of personal experience and the results from research conducted as a first grade teacher in an urban school, to discount the untruths about the literacy capability of children in urban settings. The early chapters present an excursus of existing myths held by both parents and educators - myths that block the formation of cooperative relationships that could enhance the learning experiences of urban kids. The author attributes a lot of these attitudes to the many teachers who are socialized to believe that not only are urban children unable to readily grasp the concept of reading but that they are products of families that do not value or reinforce reading skills as a part of their lives.

The author’s research provides evidence that shows that the discourses held by many mainstream teachers are without merit when they generally disparage the willingness and ability of urban families to help facilitate the process of literacy among young children. On the contrary, most of the parents interviewed by Compton- Lilly displayed urgency around the desire to have their children become successful readers and thus improve their life chances. Further, these parents seemed to have a very distinct understanding of the limitations of illiteracy and expressed aspirations for their children that included reading and learning to navigate the world of education. A preponderance of the evidence also showed that urban parents understood the concept of cultural capital and believed that their children were not being granted fair access to some of the educational resources available to others by virtue of their sociopolitical and socioeconomic status.

Black Parents Place Higher Value On College Education Than Whites: Study | Jet | Find Articles at BNET

Black parents are far more likely than White parents to rank a college education as the most important ingredient for a youngster's ultimate success, a newly released poll reveals.

The survey of the general public and parents of high school-age youths found that 47 percent of Black parents considered college the most important element for their children's success, while only 33 percent of White parents agreed with that sentiment
Oh i dunno.. I think the bass is black but his opinions are a textbook example of cultural PTSD clouding his logic. While not every black is shifty and irresponsible he tries to pretend that a lot aren't. Which, is just silly. Then, when the numbers cannot be fudged (like prison population and illegitimate pregnancies) he blames whitey. To be honest, i feel sorry for the bass for trying to champion a losing horse.
Oh i dunno.. I think the bass is black but his opinions are a textbook example of cultural PTSD clouding his logic. While not every black is shifty and irresponsible he tries to pretend that a lot aren't. Which, is just silly. Then, when the numbers cannot be fudged (like prison population and illegitimate pregnancies) he blames whitey. To be honest, i feel sorry for the bass for trying to champion a losing horse.

Jackass, most blacks aren't irresponsible, criminal and lazy and no where in any of the Bass' posts was this ever conveyed, the Bass was simply presenting a more complete picture of who and what African Americans truly are and bringing out that full picture in no way denies the bad amongst some blacks. There are 40.9 million African Americans and those negative stats don't reflect the majority of us, just a disproportionate amount of us compared to other ethno-racial groups, thats the main point monkeys like you don't understand,
hey, the stats don't lie. prison populations and illigitimate children might seem like a white mans lie to you but.. hey.. it's your own failing that you enable the cancer among your own culture.
hey, the stats don't lie. prison populations and illigitimate children

Listen faggot, the Bass will repeat it again, this thread was intended to refute widely held myths about blacks that people take for granted as truths. African Americans are 40.9 million people strong and the prison population in America is only about 2 million people, so obviously most blacks in the US cannot be in prison, but a disproportionate amount maybe, for a number of reasons, mostly because blacks receive harsh and stiffer prison sentences than whites. most are in prison for drug related crimes and the black prison population soared when America decided to make the war on drugs a war on black people and black neighborhoods, thats only reason the black prison population has soared, but thatb trend is starting to get reversed.

might seem like a white mans lie to you but.. hey.. it's your own failing that you enable the cancer among your own culture.

The cancer among blacks constitutes a relatively small segment of the 40.9 million African Americans you dumb monkey, disproportionate numbers and raw numbers are not the same, learn the difference. The fact remains that the bad among us is not whats typical of African Americans and in no way represents us as a whole you ape. Pointing out that most blacks are not bad doesn't mean someone is in denial of the bad you jackass. White people do such of good job of trying to show how good they are that they forget the bad amongst some of them and or altogether ignore it until their kids start shooting up schools, why don't you focus on that?
yea dude.. whatever you say. I mean, I can always post the stats from the CDC again but, im sure, they are nothing more than a whitey extension of the klan.

yea dude.. whatever you say. I mean, I can always post the stats from the CDC again but, im sure, they are nothing more than a whitey extension of the klan.


The baboon has nothing left to counter the facts about the total picture of black Americans, sit it your cage of denial and continue throwing poop at those that do not share delusional thinking about black people.
The world is full of personal failures and successes. Doesn't matter what color the paint job is. You can find satistics to justify almost anything you want to proclaim. Truth of the matter is this. Buttheads exist in all races. So do really nice guys. (and girls).
I told you, dude.. I can ALWAYS post stats from the CDC and census reports on prison populations. You shoot yourself in the foot by denying your ethnicity has cultural syphilis.
The world is full of personal failures and successes. Doesn't matter what color the paint job is. You can find satistics to justify almost anything you want to proclaim. Truth of the matter is this. Buttheads exist in all races. So do really nice guys. (and girls).

true... but do you agree or disagree that, statistically, more klansmen are southern and white? If not, why deny that black ghetto culture impedes it's own race?
The world is full of personal failures and successes. Doesn't matter what color the paint job is. You can find satistics to justify almost anything you want to proclaim. Truth of the matter is this. Buttheads exist in all races. So do really nice guys. (and girls).

You're correct but if people only believe what the media portrays and not the entire picture ignorance takes hold and not surprisingly that is the case, almost to the point that when people hear and see black Americans doing good they think its the exception when in reality its the rule.
The world is full of personal failures and successes. Doesn't matter what color the paint job is. You can find satistics to justify almost anything you want to proclaim. Truth of the matter is this. Buttheads exist in all races. So do really nice guys. (and girls).

true... but do you agree or disagree that, statistically, more klansmen are southern and white? If not, why deny that black ghetto culture impedes it's own race?

There is no such damn thing as black ghetto culture, period, good and bad behaviors do not constitute cultures and there is no research that supports any existence of something called black ghetto culture. If there is post the studies that say so with full citations.
If most of us were wind up-toys
Could we trust the few of us that weren't
To wind us up when necessary?
I think not
We would be a separate oppressed minority
Even if we were in the majority
It would still be that way

The ones that weren't wind-up toys
Would have the upper hand
And we would have to look out for each other
Because they wouldn't

They would only wind up those that they saw fit
Those that conformed to their ways

If most of us were wind-up toys
It would be in our interest
To learn to wind ourselves up
Or wind each other up
That's reality
That's the way it is

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