Another Battle In The GOP's War Against Women

So you don't give a shit about the victims? You're too dumb to understand that these people perhaps ought to get out of situations of domestic abuse? How many domestic abusers ever do time? What happens to the victims when that paycheck might be missing?

You really don't want to see battered women to have an alternative to poverty? Do you know the single greatest cause of poverty in the US?

Do you know the single greatest cause of poverty in the US?


Ooh! Look at that. Bolded. One word answer. Untrue, but it looks SO very cool.


What cause is greater than liberalism? Moron.
The Fight to Reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act

Rep. Sandy Adams (R-FL) drafted the House version of the Violence Against Women Act, and it has substantial differences with its Senate counterpart, most notably stripping protections for immigrant, gay and transgender, and tribal groups.


During the adjudication of each petition under this paragraph, an investigative officer from a local service center of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services shall conduct an in-person interview of the alien who filed the petition. The investigative officer may also gather other evidence and interview other witnesses, including the accused United States citizen or lawful permanent resident, if they consent to be interviewed.

So the wingnuts want to give the abusers a heads up that their victims asked for help.

Is this "war on women" all you have?

Not even close.

Is this what Obama is running on?

It's one of many issues. Were you out of town or something?

Are you a woman? How many more stretch accusations can you doctor up to file under "the war on women"?
If I take my credit cards away again from my wife are you going to claim it was because of the "war on women"?

Is that what you think punching women in the face is about?
Bullshit law. Violence against anyone no matter their gender or race is violence. I don't like this dividing up of violence.

A rape is a rape. A beating is a beating. A murder is a murder. Stop messing around with words.

What on earth is wrong with liberal brains?

Good post. Woman have options they can use in domestic violence situations, lots of them.

Any violence against anyone else should be treated the same. The problem with our system is sentencing. You assault someone - first offense - ok probation is fair. Do it again - JAIL, no dismissal with an attorney, no community service, JAIL - max sentence for the crime committed if found guilty.

You're a fucking moron. Many times women have no choice when the alternatives are survival of having the shit kicked out of them.

The work I do involves laws, general statutes, assaults..etc. I deal with this stuff everyday. You can call me names all you like if that is how you get your points across. We have a process for women in abusive situations, most of them choose not to follow those procedures and most do not want to prosecute.

Edited to add - Without a victim, there is NO crime
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Good post. Woman have options they can use in domestic violence situations, lots of them.

Any violence against anyone else should be treated the same. The problem with our system is sentencing. You assault someone - first offense - ok probation is fair. Do it again - JAIL, no dismissal with an attorney, no community service, JAIL - max sentence for the crime committed if found guilty.

You're a fucking moron. Many times women have no choice when the alternatives are survival of having the shit kicked out of them.

The work I do involves laws, general statutes, assaults..etc. I deal with this stuff everyday. You can call me names all you like if that is how you get your points across. We have a process for women in abusive situations, most of them choose not to follow those procedures and most do not want to prosecute.

Edited to add - Without a victim, there is NO crime

You're idiotic myopic view doesn't give battered women any alternative than putting the scumbags in jail. Sometimes that's just not enough.

Being involved in laws, general statutes, assaults, etc., I find myself amazed that you don't seem to give a shit about the victims. Yeah, most abused women don't prosecute, because the alternative is dire poverty. You're one sick pig if you think that's OK.
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Amazing how morons like yourself can type and live by a single word of your personal hate. Sorry, you FAIL.

I don't hate liberals, I feel sorry for them.
And look what thanks they give you when you try to educate them to accept the real world?

So you don't believe society ought to care about battered women? That's your choice. It's not a political or humane choice in my opinion, but you're welcome to it.
And look what thanks they give you when you try to educate them to accept the real world?

So you don't believe society ought to care about battered women? That's your choice. It's not a political or humane choice in my opinion, but you're welcome to it.

Never stated that...did I?


You clearly implied it, pig boy. If a woman only has right to press charges against wife beaters, with no other alternative, you make it clear that more women will have busted jaws and detached retinas, if not death.
So you don't believe society ought to care about battered women? That's your choice. It's not a political or humane choice in my opinion, but you're welcome to it.

Never stated that...did I?


You clearly implied it, pig boy. If a woman only has right to press charges against wife beaters, with no other alternative, you make it clear that more women will have busted jaws and detached retinas, if not death.

Didn't do that either.

Perhaps you need remidial First Grade reading?

You're a fucking moron. Many times women have no choice when the alternatives are survival of having the shit kicked out of them.

The work I do involves laws, general statutes, assaults..etc. I deal with this stuff everyday. You can call me names all you like if that is how you get your points across. We have a process for women in abusive situations, most of them choose not to follow those procedures and most do not want to prosecute.

Edited to add - Without a victim, there is NO crime

You're idiotic myopic view doesn't give battered women any alternative than putting the scumbags in jail. Sometimes that's just not enough.

Being involved in laws, general statutes, assaults, etc., I find myself amazed that you don't seem to give a shit about the victims. Yeah, most abused women don't prosecute, because the alternative is dire poverty. You're one sick pig if you think that's OK.

If you can't have a debate without acting like a 3 year old then why be on the internet. Does it make you feel manly, or intelligent to act this way? The reason most women do not prosecute is because they truly choose not to leave these situations. There are millions of woman who have left these abusive relationships, and their stories are very easy to find. I care about these women, no one deserves abuse regardless of your sex, race, or sexual orientation. I just do not put people into groups, they are all individuals with their own unique situtations, not just women, black/white, or gay.
The work I do involves laws, general statutes, assaults..etc. I deal with this stuff everyday. You can call me names all you like if that is how you get your points across. We have a process for women in abusive situations, most of them choose not to follow those procedures and most do not want to prosecute.

Edited to add - Without a victim, there is NO crime

You're idiotic myopic view doesn't give battered women any alternative than putting the scumbags in jail. Sometimes that's just not enough.

Being involved in laws, general statutes, assaults, etc., I find myself amazed that you don't seem to give a shit about the victims. Yeah, most abused women don't prosecute, because the alternative is dire poverty. You're one sick pig if you think that's OK.

If you can't have a debate without acting like a 3 year old then why be on the internet. Does it make you feel manly, or intelligent to act this way? The reason most women do not prosecute is because they truly choose not to leave these situations. There are millions of woman who have left these abusive relationships, and their stories are very easy to find. I care about these women, no one deserves abuse regardless of your sex, race, or sexual orientation. I just do not put people into groups, they are all individuals with their own unique situtations, not just women, black/white, or gay.

You already failed debate 101. Telling me that you're some kind of expert, when your argument shows you don't give a shit about battered women shows you as the 3 year old in the argument.
The work I do involves laws, general statutes, assaults..etc. I deal with this stuff everyday. You can call me names all you like if that is how you get your points across. We have a process for women in abusive situations, most of them choose not to follow those procedures and most do not want to prosecute.

Edited to add - Without a victim, there is NO crime

You're idiotic myopic view doesn't give battered women any alternative than putting the scumbags in jail. Sometimes that's just not enough.

Being involved in laws, general statutes, assaults, etc., I find myself amazed that you don't seem to give a shit about the victims. Yeah, most abused women don't prosecute, because the alternative is dire poverty. You're one sick pig if you think that's OK.

If you can't have a debate without acting like a 3 year old then why be on the internet. Does it make you feel manly, or intelligent to act this way? The reason most women do not prosecute is because they truly choose not to leave these situations. There are millions of woman who have left these abusive relationships, and their stories are very easy to find. I care about these women, no one deserves abuse regardless of your sex, race, or sexual orientation. I just do not put people into groups, they are all individuals with their own unique situtations, not just women, black/white, or gay.

The whole purpose of this thread was BAIT by the OP in a feeble attempt to corral those of us on the right.

It failed. He just cannot deal with the result he got.

Kudos to you. I am with you in your assertion(s).

I know you're new to the boards...but you have to watch some of these people...they have screws loose or missing completely.

Looks like you have a handle on it rather aptly.
You're idiotic myopic view doesn't give battered women any alternative than putting the scumbags in jail. Sometimes that's just not enough.

Being involved in laws, general statutes, assaults, etc., I find myself amazed that you don't seem to give a shit about the victims. Yeah, most abused women don't prosecute, because the alternative is dire poverty. You're one sick pig if you think that's OK.

If you can't have a debate without acting like a 3 year old then why be on the internet. Does it make you feel manly, or intelligent to act this way? The reason most women do not prosecute is because they truly choose not to leave these situations. There are millions of woman who have left these abusive relationships, and their stories are very easy to find. I care about these women, no one deserves abuse regardless of your sex, race, or sexual orientation. I just do not put people into groups, they are all individuals with their own unique situtations, not just women, black/white, or gay.

The whole purpose of this thread was BAIT by the OP in a feeble attempt to corral those of us on the right.

It failed. He just cannot deal with the result he got.

Kudos to you. I am with you in your assertion(s).

I know you're new to the boards...but you have to watch some of these people...they have screws loose or missing completely.

Looks like you have a handle on it rather aptly.

Bait? Are you really this stupid? It wasn't bait. It was based on the facts that the GOP wanted the law to give the abusers a heads up.

Why do you like lying?

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