Annan may face no confidence vote


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
UNITED NATIONS : UN employees were readying on Friday to make a historic vote of no confidence in scandal-plagued Secretary General Kofi Annan, sources told AFP.

The UN staff union, in what officials said was the first vote of its kind in the more than 50-year history of the United Nations, was set to approve a resolution withdrawing its support for the embattled Annan and UN management.
The guy definitely needs to go...and his croneys with him. In fact, the enitre UN need sto be dissolved.
If the vote happens soon enough and succeeds may Clinton won't be physically up for the job?---I can hope can't I ?
What do you think the chances are that Pres. Bush would allow Clinton to head the UN?? He has enough trouble trying to unite the country as it is.
CSM said:
What do you think the chances are that Pres. Bush would allow Clinton to head the UN?? He has enough trouble trying to unite the country as it is.
Bigger oppostion may come from the world in general--do they really want an American having the job? Only if they beleived that Clinton could somehow rein in Bush.
dilloduck said:
Bigger oppostion may come from the world in general--do they really want an American having the job? Only if they beleived that Clinton could somehow rein in Bush.
I tend to think you are correct. Does anyone have any insight into how the position is normally filled ... what is the process?
dilloduck said:
Bigger oppostion may come from the world in general--do they really want an American having the job? Only if they beleived that Clinton could somehow rein in Bush.

Seems like I recall the U.N. making noises a few years back about hauling ex-President Clinton before the World Court in Brussels, on war crimes charges. Does anyone else remember hearing such a thing? It'd be almost funny if the U.N. turned out to be finessing Clinton, just to get their hands on him!

It couldn't be allowed to happen, though - not even to THAT asshole.
dilloduck said:
the United Nations, was set to approve a resolution withdrawing its support for the embattled Annan and UN management.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a resolution more like a threat than anything else? Almost like saying "we all agree, you suck".
Great! But this will have as much effect as resolution 1441 or was it 1442 that authorized force in Iraq, oh wait, that was not what we meant, it was just a show, yeah, thats it, we wanted to show Saddam that we do not have confidence in him, yeah, thats it....

Annan must go. What has really amazed me lately is the scandal involving his son and some trifle change :rolleyes: taken from Saddam. This guy has been able to thwart and investigation and yet we seem powerless to do anything. In real life, he would be sanctioned by a court of law. Who is the oversight for the UN?
Yurt said:
Great! But this will have as much effect as resolution 1441 or was it 1442 that authorized force in Iraq, oh wait, that was not what we meant, it was just a show, yeah, thats it, we wanted to show Saddam that we do not have confidence in him, yeah, thats it....

Annan must go. What has really amazed me lately is the scandal involving his son and some trifle change :rolleyes: taken from Saddam. This guy has been able to thwart and investigation and yet we seem powerless to do anything. In real life, he would be sanctioned by a court of law. Who is the oversight for the UN?

I have yet to find one and it's not only him that needs to go---he has a lot of support from other corrupt UN employees.
Yurt said:
Great! But this will have as much effect as resolution 1441 or was it 1442 that authorized force in Iraq, oh wait, that was not what we meant, it was just a show, yeah, thats it, we wanted to show Saddam that we do not have confidence in him, yeah, thats it....

Annan must go. What has really amazed me lately is the scandal involving his son and some trifle change :rolleyes: taken from Saddam. This guy has been able to thwart and investigation and yet we seem powerless to do anything. In real life, he would be sanctioned by a court of law. Who is the oversight for the UN?
I found this but it apparently operates beneath the Secretary-General.

The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) is an independent office that assists the Secretary-General in fulfilling his internal oversight responsibilities. The Office submits reports to the Secretary-General that provide insight into the effective utilization of the resources of the Organization and the protection of its assets and also makes these reports available to the General Assembly. OIOS adds value by providing world-wide audit, investigation, inspection, programme monitoring, evaluation and consulting services to the United Nations Secretariat and a wide range of United Nations operational funds, programmes and tribunals. OIOS sees itself as an agent of change, committed to help client departments and offices bring about responsible administration of resources and a culture of accountability, transparency, results-orientation and risk
dilloduck said:
I found this but it apparently operates beneath the Secretary-General.

The Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) is an independent office that assists the Secretary-General in fulfilling his internal oversight responsibilities. The Office submits reports to the Secretary-General that provide insight into the effective utilization of the resources of the Organization and the protection of its assets and also makes these reports available to the General Assembly. OIOS adds value by providing world-wide audit, investigation, inspection, programme monitoring, evaluation and consulting services to the United Nations Secretariat and a wide range of United Nations operational funds, programmes and tribunals. OIOS sees itself as an agent of change, committed to help client departments and offices bring about responsible administration of resources and a culture of accountability, transparency, results-orientation and risk

So basically Annan is the President of a One World Government and exempt from any kind of retirbution......

Where's Hawk?
Hmmm…Bill Clinton as UN Secretary General? How long does one hold that position?

The reason I ask is if it is more than four years, then I say hell yes, great idea. Hillary could never get elected if Bubba Bill is the UN Secretary General! Furthermore it would squelch the DNC crybabies. Kofi Annan or Bubba, to me Bubba is the better of the two, but then there’s the whole trust issue with Bubba...maybe I’ll downgrade it to just a good idea.
drowe said:
Hmmm…Bill Clinton as UN Secretary General? How long does one hold that position?

The reason I ask is if it is more than four years, then I say hell yes, great idea. Hillary could never get elected if Bubba Bill is the UN Secretary General! Furthermore it would squelch the DNC crybabies. Kofi Annan or Bubba, to me Bubba is the better of the two, but then there’s the whole trust issue with Bubba...maybe I’ll downgrade it to just a good idea.
Position is held for 5 years
CSM got it right the first time. We need to do away with this worthless impudent organization.

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